Összezsugorít Lyrics – Manuel

Összezsugorít Lyrics by Manuel is a latest Hungarian song in the voice of Manuel. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Összezsugorít song lyrics are also written by Manuel. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In the song It, the lyrics express feelings of emotional turmoil and vulnerability. The singer seems to be struggling with a difficult relationship, feeling both hurt and trapped, yet still longing for a sense of freedom or change. The lines convey the sensation of being overwhelmed, as if the space around them is shrinking and they are left to cope alone. Despite the pain, there’s a hopeful note about growing and eventually taking control of their life and future, suggesting a desire for transformation and empowerment.

Összezsugorít Lyrics

[„Összezsugorít” dalszöveg]

Nem akarok tönkremenni
Te lehet hogy már utálsz
Engem ugyanúgy vár a fény
Mint az a régi látomás
Mikor nem tudom merre jársz
Kicsit minden felkavar
Ide ugyanúgy jár a szél
És én menekülök bárhová

[Vokális átvezető]

Szóval most az egyszer még
Engedem, hogy bánts
Összezsugorít, egyre tágul a szobám
Senki nem segít, nem bírom tovább
Ha felnövünk majd egyszer
Enyém lesz a világ

Szóval most az egyszer még
Engedem, hogy bánts
Összezsugorít, egyre tágul a szobám
Senki nem segít, nem bírom tovább
Ha felnövünk majd egyszer
Enyém lesz a világ

Manuel Songs

Összezsugorít Lyrics Meaning

In the intro, the singer expresses a sense of inner struggle and fear of breaking down. They feel that someone may already hate them, but they are still waiting for a ray of hope. There’s a sense of uncertainty about where the other person is, and everything around them feels unsettling. Despite all this, they seek escape, but they don’t know where to go, as they feel trapped in their own emotions.

In this verse, the singer decides to let themselves be hurt one last time, acknowledging their pain. They describe feeling physically and mentally suffocated, as if the space around them is shrinking, and no one is there to help. There’s an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, but at the same time, the singer looks toward the future, imagining a time when they’ll grow and have control over their life.

The outro repeats the same sentiments from the verse, emphasizing the singer’s decision to endure the pain once more. They feel isolated, with no one to turn to for help. Despite the current despair, there’s a glimmer of hope that, once they grow, they will have the power to shape their own destiny.


Q. Who has sung Összezsugorít song?
A. Összezsugorít song is sung by Manuel.

Q. Who wrote Összezsugorít lyrics?
A. Összezsugorít lyrics are penned by Manuel.

Q. Who has given the music of Összezsugorít song?
A. Összezsugorít music is composed and produced by Manuel.

“This concludes the lyrics of Összezsugorít” by Manuel. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.