Entitás Lyrics – Manuel

Entitás Lyrics by Manuel is a latest Hungarian song in the voice of Manuel. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Entitás song lyrics are also written by Manuel. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a deep dive into inner struggle and emotional pain. The song describes a sense of being overwhelmed by dark, lingering feelings, symbolized as a negative entity that brings distress. The singer battles with a cycle of fleeting hope and despair, reflecting on how they keep getting knocked down but also try to rise again. There’s a constant tug-of-war between memories, nightmares, and the desire to find peace. Ultimately, the song captures the tension between holding onto past pain and the hope for better days ahead.

Entitás Lyrics

[„Entitás” dalszöveg]

[1. verze: Manuel]
Ma nem akarok semmi mást
Két nyugtatót és egy hosszú blázt
Ez valami rossz entitás
Arra van, hogy jöjjön engem bántani
De hányszor nőjek újra fel, hogy elkaszálj?
Igen, végre minden újra táncolt bennem
És ma nem tol semmi már

[Refrén: Manuel]
Csak ez a kín, ez a kín
Ó, bennem már a szürke is egy szín

Az egy szín
Ha újra itt a zápor, búcsúzunk a nyártól
Kellenél (Mindig, amikor)
Visszatérnek a rémálmok
Izzadok az ágyon, bennem élsz

[2. verze: Dzsúdló]
Oké, legyen
Akkor ne legyél rendben ma velem
Az arcom nem érzem
Úgy összefolynak évek a fejemben
Para hangok megtalálnak
Azt mondják, táncoljak
De tánc közben rád hogy vigyázzak?
De hogyha nem felejtem el
Azt, hogy figyeljek a lábam elé, édes
Ez is véges
És hogyha nem felejtem el
Hogy az élet tud még jó lenni, szép lesz
Akkor ez valóban szép lesz

[Átvezető: Manuel]
Csak egy kis reményt
Másunk sincsen már
Semmi nem tol már feléd

[Refrén: Manuel]
Csak ez a kín, ez a kín
Ó, bennem már a szürke is egy szín
Az egy szín
Ha újra itt a zápor, búcsúzunk a nyártól
Kellenél (Mindig, amikor)
Visszatérnek a rémálmok
Izzadok az ágyon, bennem élsz

Manuel Songs

Entitás Lyrics Meaning

[1st Verse]
In the first verse, the singer expresses feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from the world, desiring only a temporary escape, symbolized by taking sedatives and a long “blaze.” They describe being haunted by a negative presence or “entity” that seems to be there to hurt them. Despite repeatedly getting knocked down, they continue trying to rise, but there’s an underlying sense of numbness as nothing seems to move them today.

The chorus reflects the ongoing pain and emotional numbness the singer feels. The “grey” inside them symbolizes how everything, even once colorful experiences, has turned dull and lifeless. They also mention the return of nightmares and the constant feeling of sweat and discomfort in bed, as if they’re haunted by the memory of someone who still lingers in their mind.

[2nd Verse]
The second verse shows a struggle with inner turmoil, where the singer feels detached from themselves, even unable to feel their face. Memories and years blur together, and unsettling thoughts keep invading their mind. They’re told to “dance,” but they can’t focus on anything but the painful memory of someone. However, if they can remember to focus on the present and let go of the past, they believe life could still have moments of beauty, offering a small glimmer of hope despite everything.

In the bridge, the singer reflects that they have nothing left but a small sliver of hope. There’s a sense of resignation, as they feel they have nothing else to look forward to or to push them forward in life, except for this faint hope.

The second chorus is similar to the first, reiterating the same emotional struggles—the pain, the numbness, and the haunting memories. It highlights the feeling of being stuck in a cycle, where the return of nightmares and the presence of someone still torment the singer’s mind, leaving them trapped in a state of emotional distress.


Q. Who has sung Entitás song?
A. Entitás song is sung by Manuel.

Q. Who wrote Entitás lyrics?
A. Entitás lyrics are penned by Manuel.

Q. Who has given the music of Entitás song?
A. Entitás music is composed and produced by Manuel.

“This concludes the lyrics of Entitás” by Manuel. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.