Mindenen túl Lyrics – Manuel

Mindenen túl Lyrics by Manuel is a latest Hungarian song in the voice of Manuel. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Mindenen Túl song lyrics are also written by Manuel. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. *Mindenen Túl* by Manuel is a reflective, emotional song about life’s journey, love, and the inevitability of moving forward despite fear and pain. The lyrics describe traveling through countless metaphorical stations without stopping, symbolizing the relentless passage of time and missed opportunities. The singer expresses a sense of longing and vulnerability, feeling lost while searching for his true self. Even when his heart aches and he fears it might stop, he promises to wait for a loved one beyond this life. The song’s central message is about cherishing life while it lasts and remembering loved ones who have passed.

Mindenen túl Lyrics

[„Mindenen túl” dalszöveg]

Mindenen túl-túl-túl
Túl sok állomáson át
Elfelejtettem leszállni
Néha félek, meg sem áll
A szívem szúr-szúr-szúr
Majd ha nem dobogna már
Tudd, hogy várok rád ott fent
De itt az élet megy tovább

A bolygón körbe-körbejárt

Látott volna minden árkot, minden óceánt
De mire az utcatábla megkopott
Ő mindig költözött tovább
Nem találta önmagát

Ahova nem vezet út
Engem ott találsz
És ha megtaláltál
Én nem futok tovább

Mindenen túl-túl-túl
Túl sok állomáson át
Elfelejtettem leszállni
Félek, meg sem áll
A szívem szúr-szúr-szúr
Majd ha nem dobogna már
Tudd, hogy várok rád ott fent
De itt az élet megy tovább

Kell még
Valami villog, valami bent a falon
Egy régi karcolás, az én vagyok

Néha gondolj még rám és soha ne felejts el
De éld az életed

Mindenen túl-túl-túl
Túl sok állomáson át
Elfelejtettem leszállni
Néha félek, meg sem áll
A szívem szúr-szúr-szúr
Majd ha nem dobogna már
Tudd, hogy várok rád ott fent
De itt az élet megy tovább


Manuel Songs

Mindenen túl Lyrics Meaning

This section reflects a journey through life with countless experiences and missed opportunities. The fear of life’s relentless pace is palpable. Despite heartache and the inevitability of death, the singer promises to wait for a loved one beyond this life, while acknowledging that life goes on here.

The verse speaks about wandering endlessly in search of meaning, having seen the world’s depths and vastness. Despite all experiences, the singer keeps moving, never finding his true self or a place to belong.

This part conveys a sense of being found in unexpected, uncharted places. Once discovered by someone, there’s a commitment to stop running and embrace connection.

The repeated refrain reinforces the themes of relentless travel through life, the pain of missed stops, and the enduring hope of reuniting with loved ones, even as life continues to move forward.

This bridge evokes nostalgia and the longing to be remembered. The singer is a lingering mark on the wall, a memory that flickers. While asking to be remembered, there’s encouragement to live fully without being held back by the past.

This refrain repetition highlights the central emotions of the song—life’s overwhelming pace, fear, heartache, and the eternal connection to those left behind, despite the passage of time.

The repeated phrase mimics the persistent, stabbing ache of life’s struggles and emotional pain, capturing the rawness of these feelings in a simple, rhythmic way.


Q. Who has sung Mindenen túl song?
A. Mindenen túl song is sung by Manuel.

Q. Who wrote Mindenen túl lyrics?
A. Mindenen túl lyrics are penned by Manuel.

Q. Who has given the music of Mindenen túl song?
A. Mindenen túl music is composed and produced by Manuel.

“This concludes the lyrics of Mindenen túl” by Manuel. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.