Orgonabokor Lyrics by Manuel is a latest Hungarian song in the voice of Manuel. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Orgonabokor song lyrics are also written by Manuel. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In It, the lyrics express feelings of emotional struggle, pain, and confusion. The song portrays the internal battle of trying to escape a toxic situation while still holding onto memories and unhealed wounds. The singer describes moments of doubt, exhaustion, and the desire to break free, but also acknowledges the beauty in the chaos of life. Despite everything, they accept the pain and reflect on the past, wondering if they’ll ever truly heal. The imagery of an “orgona bush” symbolizes the lasting impact of their experiences, both painful and beautiful.
Orgonabokor Lyrics
[„Orgonabokor” dalszöveg]
[1. verze]
Most kéne lelépnem innen
De súgja minden porcikám
Minden csúf emlék visszadob
Amíg te ott állsz
Félig felkapcsolt villanyok
Gyáván átvészelt éjszakák
Túl sok van bennem még ahhoz, úgyhogy
Jártam árkon-bokron át
A dombon túl minden délibáb
Elhinném még egyszer, de úgy nem gyógyulok meg
Felrajzoltam sok határt
Már mindegy hányszor lépem át
Végül úgyis újra bánt
Már úgy unom!
Nem akarok küzdeni folyton ez nem fair
Meg a rehabon várni a reggelt
Beleég az agyamba ez egyszer minden hang
Látom a gépről még Budapestet
Ez az őrült hely lett a kedvenc
Beleőszültem, de ez egyszerr
yönyörű, csak néha még fáj
Néha kiráz a hideg, néha még fáj
Régen elmúlt már
Nem bánom, hogy fáj
Senki mást nem hibáztatok
Már úgyis mindent feldúltál
Nincs rám orvosság
De ennyi jár, nem hibázhatok
[2. verze]
Talán az orgonabokor még elmeséli
Mennyi fájdalom kísérte végig
Mennyi vágy, mennyi fájdalom
Ideje a régi unt időket elcserélni
Tényleg elrabolt idáig érni
Mennyi sár, mennyi bánatom
Most valahol egy ablakon a gyógyhideg lehelet
Arra kér, hogy fessek rá ma szebbet
De nem megy, így volt jó
A fejemben egy hang az súgja, senki nem szerethet
Miért nem dobnának ők is egyszer
Ahogy régen, minden volt?
Nem akarok küzdeni folyton ez nem fair
Meg a rehabon várni a reggelt
Beleég az agyamba ez egyszer minden hang
Látom a gépről még Budapestet
Ez az őrült hely lett a kedvenc
Beleőszültem, de ez egyszerr
yönyörű, csak néha még fáj
Manuel Songs
Orgonabokor Lyrics Meaning
[1. Verze]
In the first verse, the singer feels a strong urge to leave, but they’re held back by painful memories that keep resurfacing. Despite wanting to escape, the memories return every time they try to move on, especially with the image of a person still standing in their life. The verse reflects the internal struggle between wanting to break free and being trapped in the past, feeling exhausted and emotionally bruised, but still not ready to heal.
In the chorus, the singer expresses frustration with constantly fighting, feeling it’s unfair. They mention waiting for the morning in rehab, where the sounds and images of Budapest, the city they’re attached to, are burned into their mind. They’ve grown tired and weary, yet they find a strange beauty in their painful connection to the place, though the pain still lingers at times.
In the bridge, the singer reflects that the pain from the past no longer bothers them as much, even though it still exists. They’ve accepted the chaos caused by their experiences, no longer blaming anyone else. The singer realizes there’s no cure for their emotional wounds, but they’ve come to terms with it, understanding that it’s just part of their journey now.
[2. Verze]
The second verse introduces the symbol of the “orgona bush” as a silent witness to the pain the singer has gone through. It’s a reminder of the long-lasting impact of both desires and suffering. The singer longs for a time when they could escape the endless cycle of hurt, and although they’re now in a place of emotional numbness, they can’t seem to find a way to move forward. They feel disconnected from others, wondering why they can’t go back to when things were different.
In the outro, the singer returns to the theme of not wanting to constantly fight. They’re tired of waiting for change and battling their inner turmoil. Despite the city’s chaotic beauty, there’s still pain that remains. The place they once loved has now become a symbol of their personal struggle, a mix of beauty and lingering hurt.
Q. Who has sung Orgonabokor song?
A. Orgonabokor song is sung by Manuel.
Q. Who wrote Orgonabokor lyrics?
A. Orgonabokor lyrics are penned by Manuel.
Q. Who has given the music of Orgonabokor song?
A. Orgonabokor music is composed and produced by Manuel.
“This concludes the lyrics of Orgonabokor” by Manuel. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.