Japanese Lyrics – Creepy Nuts

Japanese Lyrics by Creepy Nuts is a latest Japanese song in the voice of Creepy Nuts. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Japanese song lyrics are also written by Creepy Nuts. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In It, the duo embraces their Japanese identity while rejecting the common stereotypes often associated with Japan, like samurais, ninjas, and traditional culture. They highlight how the portrayal of Japan in Hollywood and popular media is often exaggerated and inaccurate. The song blends humor with cultural pride, showing that being Japanese is about more than just clichés, and it’s more personal and multifaceted. The lyrics playfully explore their unique identity, mixing pop culture references and their own creative spin on what it means to be Japanese in modern times.

Japanese Lyrics

[“Japanese” 歌詞]

No Samurai, no Ninja, no Harakiri
But l’m Japanese
No Karate, no Sensei, no Kawaii
But l’m Japanese
No Geisha, gold chain 無い 超ヘンタイ
Yes, I’m Japanese
超危ない 食う白米 flow Kamikaze
No Samurai, no Ninja, no Harakiri
But l’m Japanese
No Karate, no Sensei, no Kawaii

But l’m Japanese
No Geisha, gold chain 無い 超ヘンタイ
Yes, I’m Japanese
超危ない 食う白米 flow Kamikaze

[Verse 1]
超大作ハリウッド映画の NIPPON 描写はホント嘘みたい
カリカチュア ありがたや まぁなんつーかお互い様
No 刀 no 手裏剣 no ヌンチャク no 引矢 興味ない
No 火縄 no gunshot, no violence, no nuclear, no homicide
尿検査 俺要らない no gangsta, no thug life 等身大
闇夜照らす道頓堀 light
No Mr.Miyagi
No mercy
Cobra Kai Never Dies 脳汁マシマシ 超合気
Dope なマイク捌き

No Samurai, no Ninja, no Harakiri
But l’m Japanese
No Karate, no Sensei, no Kawaii
But l’m Japanese
No Geisha, gold chain 無い 超ヘンタイ
Yes, I’m Japanese
超危ない 食う白米 flow Kamikaze

[Verse 2]
カレーライスにラーメンカツ丼 レオパルドンまで発想無限大
魔改造 解釈次第 広げる正解 Creepy Nuts も同じ
New York の deli で頼んだパニーニついつい選んだテリヤキ
「Teriyaki, are you Japanese?」
いや ちゃうやん まぁそやけど
Yes Godzilla, yes Gamera, yes ピッピ力 かめはめ波
耳の中忍び込む技 超能力者エスパー (Ha, ha)
竜司高山 like 真田広之 but no 将軍様
歩道橋から広がる輪っか UC コンチネンタル Osaka
相方は from 新潟 Nakamura じゃない Matsunaga
No MENSA (But) 超天才
相撲レスラー (No!) small asian
とーちゃんヤバい (But) こーわくない (Yes) ちゃぶ台返し (やさしい)

No Samurai, no Ninja, no Harakiri
But l’m Japanese
No Karate, no Sensei, no Kawaii
But l’m Japanese
No Geisha, gold chain 無い 超ヘンタイ
Yes, I’m Japanese
超危ない 食う白米 flow Kamikaze
No Samurai, no Ninja, no Harakiri
But l’m Japanese
No Karate, no Sensei, no Kawaii
But l’m Japanese
No Geisha, gold chain 無い 超ヘンタイ
Yes, I’m Japanese
超危ない 食う白米 flow Kamikaze

Creepy Nuts Songs

Japanese Lyrics Meaning

In the chorus, the artist rejects typical Japanese stereotypes like samurai, ninjas, and geishas, and instead asserts their own identity as Japanese. They point out that despite not fitting these classic images, they are still proudly Japanese. The lines emphasize that Japan is more than just traditional symbols, and even though their flow is intense and dangerous like the Kamikaze, it’s all part of their unique expression and identity.

[Verse 1]
In this verse, the artist criticizes the unrealistic and exaggerated portrayals of Japan in Hollywood movies, like depictions of samurai and ninjas, which are far from what Japan is really like. The artist rejects violence and gangster stereotypes, emphasizing a more grounded, realistic lifestyle. They also express a sense of pride in their individuality and creativity, highlighting their unique way of living, with references to everyday life in Japan, pop culture, and their personal style.

[Chorus Meaning (Short)]
The chorus reaffirms the artist’s Japanese identity while rejecting stereotypical representations like samurai, ninjas, and geishas. They emphasize that, despite not fitting these images, they are proudly Japanese, with a dangerous, bold style symbolized by their Kamikaze-like flow.

[Verse 2]
In this verse, the artist celebrates Japan’s unique culture of blending and remaking influences in creative ways, like fusion foods (e.g., curry rice with ramen). They mention how the Japanese love to reinterpret things, including pop culture, showing how their thinking is limitless. There are playful references to famous characters like Godzilla, along with self-awareness about their identity and background. The verse reflects pride in their Japanese roots, while acknowledging their own quirky, untraditional take on culture and life.


Q. Who has sung Japanese song?
A. Japanese song is sung by Creepy Nuts.

Q. Who wrote Japanese lyrics?
A. Japanese lyrics are penned by Creepy Nuts.

Q. Who has given the music of Japanese song?
A. Japanese music is composed and produced by Creepy Nuts.

“This concludes the lyrics of Japanese” by Creepy Nuts. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.