MULAN Lyrics – ANNA Mulan Lyrics by ANNA summary, explanation, trivia, facts : Oh Andry Yeah Long hair black come Mulan, Mulan, Mulan, Mulan (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,.
BIKINI Lyrics (English Translation) – ANNA Bikini Lyrics (English Translation) by ANNA summary, explanation, trivia, facts - MILES Real baddie on the mic, yeah He does-He does the gangsta.
BIKINI Lyrics – ANNA Bikini Lyrics by ANNA summary, explanation, trivia, facts : MILES Vera baddie sul mic, yeah Lui fa-Lui fa il gangsta sopra I social (Ah-ah) Ma.
Danimarca Lyrics (English Translation) – Nayt Danimarca Lyrics (English Translation) by Nayt - They fall off your face Denmark rain In an instant the clouds that were there go away, they no.
Danimarca Lyrics – Nayt Danimarca Lyrics by Nayt - Cadono dalla tua faccia Pioggia della Danimarca In un attimo le nuvole che c'erano vanno via, non restan più Il vento.
UNA COME TE Lyrics (English Translation) – Geolier Una Come Te Lyrics (English Translation) by Geolier - Guidanno cu'tté a ffianco, looks like an American movie But it doesn't bother me with the.
UNA COME TE LYRICS – GEOLIER Una Come Te Lyrics by Geolier - Guidanno cu'tté a ffianco, pare nu film americano Però ca nun fernesce c''a sigla Tu 'a staje appiccianno e po.
6 MILIONI DI EURO FA (SKIT) Lyrics (English Translation) – Geolier 6 Milioni Di Euro Fa (Skit) Lyrics (English Translation) by Geolier - Na, na-ra-na-ra-na Empty the lighter please Yeah Aggio done before the stage.
6 MILIONI DI EURO FA (SKIT) LYRICS – GEOLIER 6 Milioni Di Euro Fa (Skit) Lyrics by Geolier - Na, na-ra-na-ra-na Vutta n'attimo l'accendino pe favore Yeah Aggio fatto primma 'o stadio ca nu.
IO T’O GIUR’ Lyrics (English Translation) – Geolier Io T'o Giur' Lyrics (English Translation) by Geolier - Yeah, yeah... I promise I won't be a bitch I just did it, I swear Your love burns me and.
IO T’O GIUR’ LYRICS – GEOLIER Io T'o Giur' Lyrics by Geolier - Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah T'aggio prumesso ca nn'esse cagnato maje L'aggio fatto.
FINCHÉ NON SI MUORE Lyrics (English Translation) – Geolier FinchÉ Non Si Muore Lyrics (English Translation) by Geolier - I found my love in Portofino Because I still believe in dreams The strange game of.
FINCHÉ NON SI MUORE LYRICS – GEOLIER FinchÉ Non Si Muore Lyrics by Geolier - I found my love in Portofino Perché nei sogni credo ancor Lo strano gioco del destino A Portofino ha preso.
SI STAT’ TU Lyrics (English Translation) – Geolier Si Stat' Tu Lyrics (English Translation) by Geolier - You were the one holding it Everything about me is no longer a secret Only then did I become.
SI STAT’ TU LYRICS – GEOLIER Si Stat' Tu Lyrics by Geolier - Sî stata tu a tené Tutte cose dinto e mo nn'ce stanno cchiù segrete Sulo cu'tté m'aggio reso debbole E chi chiagne.