Medo de Mim Lyrics by BK is a latest Portuguese song in the voice of BK. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Medo De Mim song lyrics are also written by BK. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In Medo de Mim, BK reflects on personal growth and self-awareness, confronting the changes in his life. He talks about evolving from the past, leaving behind old struggles and toxic influences, while embracing a new mindset. The song explores themes of ambition, self-protection, and staying true to oneself despite external pressures. BK acknowledges the presence of both love and betrayal, emphasizing the need for personal boundaries and staying focused on his goals. It’s a mix of introspection and defiance, where he faces the challenges of change with resilience and a sense of purpose.
Medo de Mim Lyrics
[Intro: BK’, BK’ e Jenni Rocha]
Novo carro, prática, nova fase
São novos tempos, e as antigas maldades
Uns são exemplos, outros deixam saudade
Uns vão com o vento pra bem longe, não volte mais
Um novo eu, na mesma rua
Um novo flow, mesma conduta
Mesma revolta, o foco em dobro
A vitória é um degrau e não o topo
[Verso 1: BK’, BK’ e Jenni Rocha]
A vitória é um degrau e não o topo
Foda-se a medalha, é um outro jogo
São novos dinheiros pra novos acordos
São mesmo demônios e o mesmo corpo
Eu agradeço a um amor de antes
Por mostrar o que eu não quero daqui em diante
Feliz ou triste, é o mesmo semblante
Eu não permito que seu rosto me engane mais
Eu vou embora, eu não sinto muito
Aqui não tem mais o que eu preciso
Eu não vejo pureza, só maldade no olhar
Vampiros que não aguentam ver o sol brilhar
Eu só quero voltar pra casa, mas isso parece desistir
Eu avanço mais umas casas
Nem tudo é ambição, e sim fugir da zona de conforto
É a mesma coisa que um corpo morto, não precisa temer
É a evolução do antigo eu
Amor só de mãe, medo só de Deus
Pra gente, champagne, pro inimigo, breu, ah!
[Ponte: BK’ e Jenni Rocha]
Por que você é assim?
Medo de mim, de mim
Medo de mim, de mim
[Verso 2: BK’, Jenni Rocha, BK’ e Jenni Rocha]
Eu que protejo o castelo
Não posso deixar que inimigos cheguem perto
Mas se o inimigo vem de dentro
Igual doença, hora do remédio
Eu não trato mandado igual amigo
Eu não trato maluca igual esposa
Só depois da fratura exposta
Que tu vê o que errou a escolha
Metade da mente é empresário
E a outra metade ainda é rua
Lembrei que a maldade continua
Vem sem avisar o horário, vem cobrando honorário
Expulsando o que há de ruim, sessão descarrego
É meu coração em desapego
Intuição matando o desespero
E eu buscando alívio nesse gelo (Mm, mm, mm)
Eu tenho que avançar (Avançar)
Única lei que eu sigo nessa vida
Calebe, estamos indo pra terra prometida
[Ponte: Jenni Rocha]
Por que você é assim?
Medo de mim, de mim
Medo de mim, de mim
Por que você é assim?
Medo de mim, de mim
Medo de mim, de mim
BK Songs
Medo de Mim Lyrics Meaning
BK begins by talking about how he’s entering a new phase in life—new car, new practices, new mindset. He reflects on how times have changed, and some people have stayed the same while others have left. The people he’s surrounded by now have different roles in his life. He feels like a new version of himself, but with the same struggles. Victory isn’t about reaching the top but progressing step by step. It’s all about the journey, not just the destination.
[Verso 1]
In the first verse, BK makes it clear that success isn’t about fame or material achievements (like medals); it’s about making progress, especially with new opportunities and challenges. He recognizes that he’s still dealing with the same struggles (demons), even if his circumstances have changed. BK expresses gratitude for past relationships that taught him what he doesn’t want anymore. He’s learned to not let people’s faces deceive him and refuses to stay in a place where he’s no longer growing. He’s also distancing himself from negative energy and people who can’t stand his success. For him, personal growth means stepping out of his comfort zone, even when it feels like a big leap. He’s evolving into a better version of himself, with love only from those who truly care (like his mother), and he’s fearless, fearing nothing except God. The struggle against enemies is real, but he’s focused on winning with champagne for his circle and darkness for his enemies.
The bridge represents a direct confrontation. BK questions why people fear him, and repeats that they’re afraid of him—not just his success but him as a person, the power he’s gaining, and the changes he’s making in his life.
[Verso 2]
BK shifts focus to his inner circle, emphasizing how he’s now the protector of his own life (his “castle”). He acknowledges that the biggest enemies can sometimes come from within, which is why he’s always ready to deal with inner conflicts. He doesn’t mix business with personal relationships, and he learns from past mistakes—only realizing the wrong choices after things fall apart. He admits that part of his mind is business-oriented, while the other part is still influenced by his roots in the streets. He knows that evil never rests and shows up unexpectedly. So he purges the bad energy, using intuition to deal with the stress and seeking relief. His growth is relentless, as he moves forward no matter what. His only rule is to keep pushing forward, symbolized by a journey toward a promised land, like an unwavering pursuit of his goals and dreams.
In this section, Jenni Rocha echoes the question about why people fear BK. It’s a simple but powerful repetition of the fear people have of him, underlining that it’s not just about his success, but the aura of power and change that surrounds him.
Q. Who has sung Medo de Mim song?
A. Medo de Mim song is sung by BK.
Q. Who wrote Medo de Mim lyrics?
A. Medo de Mim lyrics are penned by BK.
Q. Who has given the music of Medo de Mim song?
A. Medo de Mim music is composed and produced by BK.
“This concludes the lyrics of Medo de Mim” by BK. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.