Eu Consegui Lyrics – BK

Eu Consegui Lyrics by BK is a latest Portuguese song in the voice of BK. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Eu Consegui song lyrics are also written by BK. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a song about overcoming challenges and persevering despite setbacks. The lyrics reflect the rapper’s journey through struggles, personal growth, and the harsh realities of life, especially in a tough environment. He talks about battling fear, dealing with envy, and learning from mistakes. There’s a sense of pride in his achievements, yet the song also conveys the emotional toll of his experiences. BK emphasizes how, despite the hate and obstacles, he’s managed to succeed, never letting negativity define his path or dim his light.

Eu Consegui Lyrics

[Verso 1: BK’]
Eu não vou me culpar se eu não te salvei
Ainda tô lutando por mim
Eu não vou te jurar, eu não vou prometer
Sei com quem devo dividir
Tudo que conquistei, batalhas que lutei e algumas que já perdi
Pior coisa que experimentei, mas treinei pra isso não se repetir
Eu não entreguei, eu não fugi
Mas não por você, não confunde
Eu vi o rei e o castelo ruir
Eu errei, consertei e quero ver tu rir
Hoje, novos problemas de um preto rico

E vocês só olham pra mina que eu fico
Só querem saber do dinheiro que eu fiz
Pra vocês, isso resume ser feliz
Tiver mandado, o clima aquece
Se tiver fraco, nós fortalece, cada um recebe o que merece
Tipo 1000, se quiser posso ouvir suas preces
Se errar na peça, o fim é o poço
Só o que cresce na inveja é o olho
Futuro de um pirata ganancioso
Os ossos jogados num monte de ouro

[Refrão: BK’]
Apesar das balas, eu consegui
Com algumas falhas, eu consegui
Além das medalhas, eu consegui
Eu consegui-i-i-i
Sem deixar o medo me consumir
Apesar do ódio me possuir
O brilho do Sol nunca vai sumir
Eu consegui-i-i-i
Apesar das balas, eu consegui
Com algumas falhas, eu consegui
Além das medalhas, eu consegui
Eu consegui-i-i-i
Sem deixar o medo me consumir

Apesar do ódio me possuir
O brilho do Sol nunca vai sumir
Eu consegui-i-i-i

[Verso 2: BK’]
Ambição, eu tenho mais que vocês
Coração, eu tenho mais que vocês
Vai falar de sorte pro melhor do esporte
Até isso eu tenho mais que vocês
Quer saber pra onde eu vou? ‘Cês viraram minhas mina?
Quer saber do meu bolso? ‘Cês viraram polícia? (Pá, pum, pá, pum)
Eu corri o risco, eu segui na risca, nome na lista, até tu não Pssh
Fiz a inteira, eu quero a minha parte
Fiz a reza, eu sou o milagre
Você ria quando eu tava na bad
Hoje tu só chora na internet
Hoje diz que eu virei um homem mau
Mando flores no seu funeral
Os mano’ morava’ a um segundo da boca
Hoje mora a um minuto da praia
Aquele pique, quase não falava
Hoje é Hibiki, olhando as palavras
Corre de avião, uns tinham passagem
Hoje é vários voo, quanto tá a passagem?
Fiz pelos cria’, o que o rap fez por mim
Eu consegui, eu consegui

[Refrão: BK’]
Apesar das balas, eu consegui
Com algumas falhas, eu consegui
Além das medalhas, eu consegui
Eu consegui-i-i-i
Sem deixar o medo me consumir
Apesar do ódio me possuir
O brilho do Sol nunca vai sumir
Eu consegui-i-i-i
Apesar das balas, eu consegui
Com algumas falhas, eu consegui
Além das medalhas, eu consegui
Eu consegui-i-i-i
Sem deixar o medo me consumir
Apesar do ódio me possuir
O brilho do Sol nunca vai sumir
Eu consegui-i-i-i

BK Songs

Eu Consegui Lyrics Meaning

[Verso 1]
In this verse, BK expresses that he doesn’t blame himself for not saving others because he’s still focused on fighting for himself. He makes it clear that he won’t make promises or commitments unless he’s certain about who he should share his victories with. He reflects on his journey, acknowledging both the battles he won and the ones he lost. Even though he’s faced tough times, he’s learned from them and has prepared himself to avoid repeating those mistakes. BK emphasizes that he didn’t give up or run away, but his actions were for himself, not for anyone else. He describes seeing the downfall of those who once seemed untouchable and notes how he’s corrected his own errors. Now, he’s facing new problems as a “rich black man,” where people care more about his money and relationships than his actual success. He mentions how others’ focus is often on his wealth or who he’s dating, instead of recognizing his hard work. BK warns that envy grows stronger, and those who are greedy will eventually be consumed by it. In the end, the verse highlights the idea that everyone gets what they deserve—success or failure, depending on their actions.

[Refrão (Chorus)]
In the chorus, BK celebrates his ability to succeed despite all the challenges he’s faced. The “bullets” represent the obstacles and hardships he’s overcome, while the “failures” and “medals” symbolize the lessons and achievements along the way. He proudly says that despite fear and hatred, he hasn’t let these emotions control him. His confidence shines through as he asserts that his light will never fade, no matter the struggles. This part of the song is about resilience, showing how BK has risen above his difficulties and continues to shine, no matter what others think or say.

[Verso 2]
In this second verse, BK contrasts his ambition and heart with those around him, asserting that he has more drive and passion than his critics. He addresses the idea of luck and success, claiming that even the best in sports—who others often label as lucky—don’t have the same qualities he possesses. He mocks the way people now seem interested in his life and wealth, questioning if they’ve become like his fans or even the police. BK reflects on the risks he took to get where he is and how he followed a strict path, even when his name was on a dangerous list. He mentions how people used to laugh when he was struggling, but now they are the ones complaining online. He points out that while others think he’s become a “bad” person, he has stayed true to his journey. He contrasts his past struggles with his current success, describing how people who once lived close to dangerous areas now live in luxury. The verse ends with BK expressing gratitude for rap, which helped him succeed, just as he has done for others.

[Refrão (Chorus)]
The second chorus mirrors the first, reinforcing the idea that BK has managed to succeed despite all the setbacks, mistakes, and challenges he has faced. He confidently declares that he’s overcome everything—whether it’s bullets, failures, or judgments—and continues to shine. His refusal to let fear or hate take control of him is a powerful message. The repetition of “I did it” signifies his determination and success, with an underlying message that his resilience is unbreakable. His light, represented by the sun, will never fade, no matter the negativity around him.


Q. Who has sung Eu Consegui song?
A. Eu Consegui song is sung by BK.

Q. Who wrote Eu Consegui lyrics?
A. Eu Consegui lyrics are penned by BK.

Q. Who has given the music of Eu Consegui song?
A. Eu Consegui music is composed and produced by BK.

“This concludes the lyrics of Eu Consegui” by BK. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.