EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) Lyrics by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Ehdaa (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) song lyrics are also written by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In EHDAA (Freestyle), Lege-Cy reflects on the struggles and complexities of life, expressing frustration with fake people and challenging situations. He talks about trying to stay calm despite the chaos and pressure around him, dealing with self-doubt, and feeling disconnected from others. There’s a sense of pushing through hardships, maintaining a tough exterior, and questioning personal decisions. He hints at the desire for stability and love but also acknowledges the unpredictability of life. Ultimately, it’s a raw and honest freestyle about navigating challenges and staying true to oneself.
EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) Lyrics
ياه، مش فارق تمسك ولا تسيب
هنا ما حدش عارفك، هنا ما حدش حاسس بيك
أوقات الدنيا بتبقى وكر كبير
بقلب عين الصقر لما أحس مكر الديب
ما تجيبش حد جديد، أنا ما بقاش في خلق
Select الكل
همّ يضحّك، أوقات بـ Troll
الصور بتزعل فـ أوقات بـ Crop
متنح للفاضي في كوبايتي وباصص على الربع
يا ريته كان النص حتى
الشك لو بني آدم أكيد كان هيعاتبك
بيقولولي إهدى بس عشان ما تبانش مقلّق
كام واحد إتبقى لي بس من وسط حبّة
بعملها ومش عايزها تـ Viral
أنا من قبل الواتساب والـ Viber
فـ ما بتعرفش تغيّر Styleـك
والله لو جِبت مية Ghostwriter الدنيا بايظة
كل ما بفوق بتزقّ وتشعلقني
توهت وأنا بحلّ اللغز وبحاول أفهمني
آه S*it، أنا أكيد طمّاع وأكيد دايما بدوّر ع الأحسن لي
إبقى Cancel إللي فات، مش عايز أبقى هناك
ما تبيعش دماغك للمتناك ولا تقُله بكام
لو حد سقط منك ابقى كنف اللي معاك
برمي فليكساية زي الدنيا، واخدة مني معاد
ساعات بكرفها وساعات بقرفها
لو مش سالكة لي ومش جايالي ع السكة
ما اشربش، حبّاني مصحصح
ما فيش في جيبي حتة
على نفسي هتك لحد ما يبقى ما فيش في جيبي حتة أسيب فيها فكة
ما أسيبش Tips، أسيبله رُزمة
أو هبدأ في الأجرة ما أسيبهاش بظروفها
حب حياتك سيبه للصدفة
ساعات بفكر في إستقرار، محتاج أكوّن أسرة
Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي Songs
EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) Lyrics Meaning
In this section of “EHDAA (Freestyle),” Lege-Cy starts by reflecting on how it doesn’t really matter whether you hold on to something or let it go; in the end, people around you don’t truly know or care about you. He paints a picture of life sometimes feeling like a trap, comparing it to a dangerous situation where he can sense deceit, much like a hawk sensing the trickery of a wolf. He feels drained and doesn’t want to deal with new people or situations that might just add to his frustrations.
He talks about the fake smiles people put on and how social media manipulates perceptions, with people cropping photos just to avoid conflict or negative reactions. Lege-Cy also mentions how he often feels disconnected, sometimes looking at life from a distance, wishing things were clearer. He’s frustrated with the uncertainty, even feeling conflicted about whether to move forward or stay stuck in the past. He hears people telling him to “calm down” to avoid looking stressed or anxious, but it’s clear that his inner turmoil is hard to hide.
The rapper also mentions his reluctance to go viral, stating he was around before platforms like WhatsApp and Viber, which gives him a sense of detachment from the trend-chasing world. Despite all the noise, he claims that nothing can truly change his style, and even if he had an army of ghostwriters, things would still fall apart. His frustration intensifies as he struggles with understanding himself, caught up in his own confusion.
Lege-Cy acknowledges his own desires for betterment but realizes that the past is something he wants to leave behind. He’s not interested in playing games with fake people, preferring instead to support those who have been there for him. Life feels unpredictable, and he sometimes battles between enduring it and pushing it away, staying sharp and mindful but without much to give financially or emotionally. He ends by thinking about the future, wondering if he’ll ever settle down and find peace.
Q. Who has sung EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) song?
A. EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) song is sung by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي.
Q. Who wrote EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) lyrics?
A. EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) lyrics are penned by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي.
Q. Who has given the music of EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) song?
A. EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل) music is composed and produced by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي.
“This concludes the lyrics of EHDAA (Freestyle) – إهدي (فريستايل)” by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.