3AL KHAT – ع الخط Lyrics by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new 3al Khat – ع الخط song lyrics are also written by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. 3AL KHAT by Lege-Cy captures a sense of frustration and introspection, where the artist reflects on struggles and the uncertainty of life. He talks about the challenges of trying and failing, questioning why things don’t always go as planned. Despite these setbacks, he emphasizes staying true to oneself and being ready for whatever comes. There’s a theme of loyalty and support, reassuring a friend that they can always count on him, no matter the situation. The song blends moments of self-doubt with resilience and a desire for honesty, making it relatable to anyone going through tough times.
3AL KHAT – ع الخط Lyrics
لو الواحد على طول مبسوط هيعمل حاجة ليه تخليه يطلع قدام؟
وآه بقى Confirming الحوار ده، آه خلاص أدام إنتَ عملت إللي عليك والموضوع ما نفعشي فـ خلاص يعني إللي عايز يعمل حاجة يعملها وكل واحد بقى إيه يشوف طريقه، فاهم؟
آه، عد كام مرة لبست في حيطة وقُلت رضا
بُست إيدك وش وضهر وبتحمد ربنا
لبست في كام واحد بس ما طلعوش قد الثقة
حسن حظهم ما جاش غير من سوء حظنا
وبنسأل نفسنا “ليه بس؟” إيه ده؟
بتخاف على نفسك من المغامرة، يا أسطى جتك خيبة
زحمة جوة خيمة ولا رجعة بعد غيبة؟
زي دلوقتي كنا نـ Spot بس دلوقتي بيتك بيتك
هتصدق مين وتكدب مين؟
أنا حاسس إني نزلت الفجر لقيت كل الإكشاك قافلين
المطعم إللي بحبه قافل، فيش داعي نتغر
ما فيش غير البنزينة فاتحة، هنطلب وجبة المُضطر
آه، دوس Start
بحمد ربنا، فايق ما بضربش
مش مضطر إني أكدب ومش مضطر ما أهزَّرش
وأنا معاك على الخط طول الوقت، ما تقلقش وجنبك وزي ما إنتَ عارف إنتَ لو محتاج أي حاجة في أي وقت أنا هنا وموجود وDon’t hesitate إن إنتَ ترفع عليا سماعة التليفون تقولي إن إنتَ في حوار، ها؟ حبيبي، يا رب أشوفك على خير إن شاء الله
Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي Songs
3AL KHAT – ع الخط Lyrics Meaning
In the intro, the artist reflects on the idea that if someone is always happy, they wouldn’t need to do anything to move forward. He then talks about the situation where you’ve done all you could, but things didn’t work out. At that point, it’s up to the person to decide whether to keep trying or just move on, accepting the situation and finding their own path.
In this part, the artist is describing the times he’s faced failure and disappointment. He mentions trying hard to trust people, only to be let down. Despite his efforts, things didn’t go as planned, and he’s left questioning why it’s always him facing these struggles. There’s a sense of frustration with the unpredictability of life, like fearing risks but still feeling disappointed by the outcome. He talks about the current situation feeling strange, with once-familiar spots now feeling different. He describes a feeling of emptiness, even when he goes out, as all the places he loves are closed. In this moment, he’s just left with bare essentials, symbolizing a time of struggle. Despite everything, he remains thankful, staying clear-headed and choosing not to lie or fake things.
In the conclusion, the artist reassures someone close to him that he will always be there for them, no matter what. He emphasizes that they can always reach out to him, especially in times of need. There’s a sense of loyalty and care, with the artist offering support and reminding them that he’s just a phone call away. He ends by wishing them well and expressing his hope to see them soon.
Q. Who has sung 3AL KHAT – ع الخط song?
A. 3AL KHAT – ع الخط song is sung by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي.
Q. Who wrote 3AL KHAT – ع الخط lyrics?
A. 3AL KHAT – ع الخط lyrics are penned by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي.
Q. Who has given the music of 3AL KHAT – ع الخط song?
A. 3AL KHAT – ع الخط music is composed and produced by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي.
“This concludes the lyrics of 3AL KHAT – ع الخط” by Lege-Cy – ليجي-سي. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.