Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة Lyrics – Ahlam – أحلام

Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة Lyrics by Ahlam – أحلام is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Ahlam – أحلام. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة song lyrics are also written by Ahlam – أحلام. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Al Lail Sada by Ahlam is a deeply emotional song where the singer expresses feelings of longing, heartache, and solitude. The lyrics paint a picture of a night that feels endless and heavy, with the pain of unfulfilled dreams and love that has been lost. Ahlam reflects on the harshness of life, the bitterness of separation, and the difficulty of healing from past wounds. She talks about how silence has become her refuge, even though it doesn’t erase the emotional scars. The song captures the complexity of emotional turmoil and the struggle to move on.

Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة Lyrics

[المقطع الأول]
الليل سادة والطواريق مُرّة
والحلم حالي بس ما له مواري
إحساسي اللي لو بقى منه ذرَة
والله ما تذري عليها الذواري
والجرح أبرا منه وأحيان أبرّه
وإن ما برى أو ما براني مباري
إن ما سمعت لناي الأوجاع جَرّه
في داخله تجري عليه الجواري

الليل سادة والطواريق مُرّة

والحلم حالي بس ما له مواري

[المقطع الثاني]
واللي نشد عن وجد قلبي وسرّه
خذوه معهم يمّ هاك المحاري
البعد هذا يكفي الله شرّه
غريب وعيون المقفّي دياري
لا جيت أعاتب بالهوى وأتشرّه
ولا رحت أباخذ بالغيابات ثاري
لله درّ الصمت لله درّه
ما به حسايف لو جروحه ضواري

الليل سادة والطواريق مُرّة
والحلم حالي بس ما له مواري

[المقطع الثالث]
لا ضيقةٍ تكسف عيون المسرّة
ولا عتيمٍ تقتفيه المساري
قلبي لا هو بارد ولا فيه حرّة
وبالي خليّ من العَسس والطواري
هذه سواحل راكد الدمع مُرّة
يوم أجحفت في حقَ أهلها العباري
تسري رجاوينا على حين غرّة
والحرّ ما يبلش بصيد الحباري

الليل سادة والطواريق مُرّة
والحلم حالي بس ما له مواري
الليل سادة

Ahlam – أحلام Songs

Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة Lyrics Meaning

[المقطع الأول]
In this first verse, the singer describes how the night feels endless and heavy. The pain of the heart is so deep that even the slightest feeling would feel unbearable. She talks about emotional wounds that either heal over time or remain as scars. She also expresses that hearing the sounds of pain only intensifies the heartache, and the feeling of helplessness lingers within her.

The night is overwhelming, and the struggles are bitter, while the singer’s dreams seem unreachable and distant.

[المقطع الثاني]
Here, the singer reflects on how others may ask about her heartache and the secrets she holds inside. She prefers to keep her suffering to herself, without sharing it with anyone. The distance between her and her loved ones is painful, and she has learned to stay silent, not confronting or seeking revenge. She finds peace in silence, despite the deep emotional scars she carries, knowing there’s no use in bitterness.

The night feels endless, the struggles are harsh, and her dreams remain distant and out of reach.

[المقطع الثالث]
In this verse, the singer describes how she feels emotionally lost and detached. There’s no joy to lighten her mood, and she doesn’t know where her path is leading. Her heart isn’t cold but lacks warmth, and her thoughts are free from external interference. She feels like a place of stillness where sorrow has settled, especially after being wronged by those she trusted. Hopes may arise suddenly, but they quickly fade, leaving her still in pain and confusion.

The night feels endless, the struggles are bitter, and her dreams seem far away and unfulfilled.


Q. Who has sung Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة song?
A. Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة song is sung by Ahlam – أحلام.

Q. Who wrote Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة lyrics?
A. Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة lyrics are penned by Ahlam – أحلام.

Q. Who has given the music of Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة song?
A. Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة music is composed and produced by Ahlam – أحلام.

“This concludes the lyrics of Al Lail Sada – الليل سادة” by Ahlam – أحلام. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.