Ellak – إلاّك Lyrics – Ahlam – أحلام

Ellak – إلاّك Lyrics by Ahlam – أحلام is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Ahlam – أحلام. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Ellak – إلاّك song lyrics are also written by Ahlam – أحلام. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Ellak by Ahlam is a heartfelt love song where the singer expresses deep emotions towards someone they adore. The lyrics describe longing, love, and a sense of closeness, with the singer dreaming of their lover and feeling incomplete without them. They reflect on how life has changed for the better since meeting their love and wish for a future where they are never separated. The song is full of passion, with the singer expressing that they would give up everything just to make their loved one happy and to never face the pain of distance.

Ellak – إلاّك Lyrics

[المقطع الأول]
غفيت وما حضن جفن الشعور إلاك
صحيت وما وقف غيرك على أهدابي
حبيبي واللقا لحظة مطر وياك
سقت قلبي قبل ما تسقي ترابي

عسى حظٍ جمعني بك، معي ينساك
ولا تبعد بعد ما صرت أحبابي
وعسى عمرٍ بدونك مر بي، يفداك
وعسى الله لا يجيب البعد وغيابي
عسى حظٍ جمعني بك، معي ينساك

ولا تبعد بعد ما صرت أحبابي
عسى عمرٍ بدونك مر بي، يفداك
وعسى الله لا يجيب البعد وغيابي
غفيت وما حضن جفن الشعور إلاك
صحيت وما وقف غيرك على أهدابي

[المقطع الثاني]
لقيت اللي، لقيت اللي عجزت ألقاه قبل ألقاك
ونسيت اللي أبي أنساه من ما بي
أبد ما ضقت منك لا على مسراك
أضيق بغيبتك حتى من ثيابي
بدا عمري، بدا عمري بعد بسمة رضا بشفاك
وختمت بحبك أجمل سطر بكتابي
أبيع اللي ملكته بالعمر لرضاك
وأنا لي بالشعور الحلو أسبابي

عسى حظٍ جمعني بك، معي ينساك
ولا تبعد بعد ما صرت أحبابي
عسى عمرٍ بدونك مر بي، يفداك
وعسى الله لا يجيب البعد وغيابي
عسى حظٍ جمعني بك، معي ينساك
ولا تبعد بعد ما صرت أحبابي
عسى عمرٍ بدونك مر بي، يفداك
عسى الله لا يجيب البعد وغيابي

غفيت وما حضن جفن الشعور إلاك
صحيت وما وقف غيرك على أهدابي

Ahlam – أحلام Songs

Ellak – إلاّك Lyrics Meaning

[First Verse]
The singer expresses how, in their dreams, they can only think of their lover, and when they wake up, the image of their love is the only thing that stays with them. The connection is so strong that even the simple act of meeting feels like a refreshing rain that nourishes their heart and soul before it reaches the ground. The feeling is deep and unique, with only their love being the source of comfort and joy.

The singer wishes for good luck to have brought them together with their lover, hoping they will never be forgotten. They beg their love to never leave, as they have become so precious to them. Life without their lover would be unbearable, and they express that they would sacrifice everything just for their happiness. The singer prays for the distance between them never to grow, as the love shared is too significant to be interrupted.

[Second Verse]
The singer reflects on how meeting their love changed their life in ways they couldn’t have imagined. They found something they had been searching for all along. Their feelings for their lover are so strong that they’ve even forgotten past pains and memories. They admit that they could never feel the same way about anyone else and that they miss their love more than anything, even more than material things. Their love marks a new chapter, and they would give everything to keep their lover happy.

This part repeats the earlier sentiments, emphasizing how precious the love is and how the singer prays that they will never be apart from their lover. They again express that life without their lover would be incredibly hard, and they would sacrifice anything for their lover’s happiness. The love shared between them is cherished, and the singer pleads for their love to remain constant, praying that the distance and separation never come into their lives.


Q. Who has sung Ellak – إلاّك song?
A. Ellak – إلاّك song is sung by Ahlam – أحلام.

Q. Who wrote Ellak – إلاّك lyrics?
A. Ellak – إلاّك lyrics are penned by Ahlam – أحلام.

Q. Who has given the music of Ellak – إلاّك song?
A. Ellak – إلاّك music is composed and produced by Ahlam – أحلام.

“This concludes the lyrics of Ellak – إلاّك” by Ahlam – أحلام. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.