Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك Lyrics – Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري

Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك Lyrics by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك song lyrics are also written by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Wahashni Sotek by Massar Egbari is a heartfelt song about longing and the emotional pain of separation. The singer expresses missing the sound of their lover’s voice and the warmth of their smile. Despite the distance, they feel their presence everywhere and struggle to forget them. Time seems to stand still, and no distractions can ease the emptiness left behind. The song’s theme revolves around the hope of a miracle, where the singer dreams of their love returning, and they can finally express their enduring love, even after years apart.

Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك Lyrics

[المقطع الأول]
وحشني صوتِك لما بتندهي إسمي
قفلة عينيكي لما بتبتسمي
وحشني صوتِك لما بتندهي إسمي
قَفلة عينيكي لما بتبتسمي
وبقيت في بُعدك فاضي من جوه
وكإن روحي بعيد عن جسمي
غايبة وسايبة جوه قلبي كسور
ما دخلش بَعدك في قلبي نقطة نور
لكن غيابِك عنى برضه حضور
وفي كل شئ شايفك بتترسمي

يمكن هتحصل معجزة وتيجي
وأصحى وألاقي إيديكي على خدي
لا نسيت حياتي معاكي تدريجي
ولا حتى كان الوقت بيعدي
يمكن هتحصل معجزة وتيجي
وأصحى وألاقي إيديكي على خدي
لا نسيت حياتي معاكي تدريجي
ولا حتى كان الوقت بيعدي

[المقطع الثاني]
لا وجود صحابي هوِّن اللي أنا فيه
ولا زحمة الأيام دي واخداني
كل ما أفتكرك أحاول أنساكي
وكل ما أحاول أنسى أفتكر تاني
بيطول غيابك عني ما بيطول
وأنا قلبي بعدك على اللي فات مقفول
مستنى تيجي وأما تيجي هقول
إني بحبك لو بعدنا سنين

يمكن هتحصل معجزة وتيجي
وأصحى وألاقي إيديكي على خدي
لا نسيت حياتي معاكي تدريجي
ولا حتى كان الوقت بيعدي

يمكن هتحصل معجزة وتيجي
وأصحى وألاقي إيديكي على خدي
لا نسيت حياتي معاكي تدريجي
ولا حتى كان الوقت بيعدي

Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري Songs

Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك Lyrics Meaning

[مقطع أول]
In this part, the singer expresses how deeply they miss their lover’s voice calling their name and the way their eyes close when they smile. The absence of their love creates a void inside, making them feel like their soul is far from their body. Their heart feels broken, with no light entering it after the separation, yet the lover’s absence still lingers and is felt in everything around them. It’s as if the lover is constantly being “painted” in every memory.

The singer wishes for a miracle, hoping that one day they will wake up to find their lover’s hands gently resting on their face. Despite the time passing, they haven’t forgotten their life together, and it feels like time itself has stopped. Their longing and connection remain as strong as ever, unaffected by the years gone by.

[مقطع ثاني]
In this section, the singer reflects on how nothing, not even friends or the busyness of life, can ease the pain of their lover’s absence. They try to forget, but the more they attempt to, the more memories of their lover resurface. Time seems to pass slowly, and their heart remains closed off to anything from the past, waiting for their lover to return and, when they do, express their enduring love, even after years apart.

The singer again dreams of a miracle, where they wake up to feel their lover’s touch, and the memories of their time together come rushing back. Despite the passage of time, their love remains, and the singer hasn’t been able to forget or move on. Their longing for their lover stays strong, unbroken by time.


Q. Who has sung Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك song?
A. Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك song is sung by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري.

Q. Who wrote Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك lyrics?
A. Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك lyrics are penned by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري.

Q. Who has given the music of Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك song?
A. Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك music is composed and produced by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري.

“This concludes the lyrics of Wahashni Sotek – وحشني صوتك” by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.