Zehe’t – زهقت Lyrics by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Zehe’t – زهقت song lyrics are also written by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song Zehe’t by Massar Egbari expresses the frustration and emotional exhaustion of a person in a relationship where their efforts and love seem unappreciated. The lyrics describe how the singer has tried everything to make their partner feel safe and loved, yet they are met with indifference. Despite all the efforts, including humor, affection, and patience, the partner still doesn’t respond positively. The singer questions where else they can find someone who truly loves them the way they do, feeling both hurt and resolute that no one else could love as deeply.
Zehe’t – زهقت Lyrics
[المقطع الأول]
زهقت إني أخبي
وأداري في قلبي
وأقولك بحبِك
وأقول ما تخافيش
زهقت إني أشوفك
وفي عنيكي خوفك
وأعيدلك حروفك
ما تطمنيش
وأسبق معادي
وأدلع وأدادي
وأبوس الأيادي
ما بيرضكيش
وأقولك نغني
وأفرد في فني
وأعمل فيها جني
ما بتطلبيش
هتلاقي فين مين زيي
حد عنده قلب حبك بجد
تلاقي فين
ولو حتى مية سنة هنا واقف قاعد
دا عادي مستعد أصبر سنين
أهو كدا كدا إحنا إتنين لبعض
إعتبري دا وعد تروحي فين
هتلاقي فين مين زيي حبك
هتلاقي فين
[المقطع الثاني]
وأقولك في نكتة
تلاتة خمسة ستة
وأطلع من الجاكتة
ما بتضحكيش
وأسوق فيها الجنان
وأعمل بهلوان
وأمشي على الحيطان
ما بتتفرجيش
ولو حتى بزهق
لو مرة أزعق
بس ما بصدق
تواربي لي شيش
وأنادي وأقولك
أنا ليكي كُلك
دا حقك تعيشي
وحقي أعيش
هتلاقي فين مين زيي
حد عنده قلب حبك بجد
تلاقي فين
ولو حتى مية سنة هنا واقف قاعد
دا عادي مستعد أصبر سنين
أهو كدا كدا إحنا إتنين لبعض
إعتبري دا وعد تروحي فين
هتلاقي فين مين زيي حبك
هتلاقي فين
Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري Songs
Zehe’t – زهقت Lyrics Meaning
[First verse meaning]
The singer is expressing frustration at constantly hiding his true feelings and pretending everything is fine. He says he’s tired of reassuring his partner that he loves her, while she still seems scared and doubtful. No matter how much effort he puts in, like being overly sweet, trying to cheer her up, or even changing his routine, it never seems to be enough to make her feel secure or happy.
[Chorus meaning]
In the chorus, the singer wonders where else his partner will find someone like him, someone who truly loves her with all his heart. He is willing to wait as long as it takes, even if it takes decades. He promises that they are meant for each other and that no one else can love her like he does, making a vow that they belong together no matter what.
[Second verse meaning]
In the second verse, the singer continues to show his efforts to make his partner smile, even resorting to silly tricks and jokes, like telling her jokes or acting goofy, but she doesn’t respond. Even when he gets frustrated or yells out, it’s because he genuinely cares. He says that he will always be there for her, to let her live her life freely, and in return, he deserves to live too.
[Chorus meaning (repeated)]
The chorus is repeated, emphasizing the same sentiment: no one will love her like he does. Despite the frustration and exhaustion, he reaffirms his commitment to wait and stay by her side, making sure she knows that they belong together and that no one else will ever offer her the same love.
Q. Who has sung Zehe’t – زهقت song?
A. Zehe’t – زهقت song is sung by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري.
Q. Who wrote Zehe’t – زهقت lyrics?
A. Zehe’t – زهقت lyrics are penned by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري.
Q. Who has given the music of Zehe’t – زهقت song?
A. Zehe’t – زهقت music is composed and produced by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري.
“This concludes the lyrics of Zehe’t – زهقت” by Massar Egbari – مسار إجباري. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.