Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد Lyrics by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد song lyrics are also written by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In Qasr B3eed by Tamer Ashour, the singer expresses his deep longing for a woman he sees as a princess living in a distant palace, almost like a dream. He feels caught between his feelings and the obstacles in his way, including many “guards” and difficult circumstances. Despite being told to give up and move on, he refuses to let go of his dreams. He believes that love is worth fighting for, even if it means facing challenges or risking everything to make his dreams come true, hoping fate will bring them together.
Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد Lyrics
[المقطع الأول]
في قصر بعيد ولا في الأحلام
ساكنة أميرة عمري الجاي
وأنا من تفكيري لا بعرف أنام
نفسي أعرف بس أوصله إزاي
حراسها كتير
والوضع خطير
وأنا لا أمير
ولا حيلتي جاهة
وقالولي أفوق
وأرجع بالذوق
وما أبصش فوق
وبلاش معناة
[بعد اللازمة]
أنا عمري ما أسيب
أحلامي تغيب
لو لينا نصيب
فالحب حياة
[المقطع الثاني]
من إمتى وكان للحب معاد
أو سور وحصون حراس وبلاد
دي عشانها أعدي بحور وبحور
وأموت لو مرة تشوفني جبان
حراسها كتير
والوضع خطير
وأنا لا أمير
ولا حيلتي جاهة
وقالولي أفوق
وأرجع بالذوق
وما أبصش فوق
وبلاش معناة
[بعد اللازمة]
أنا عمري ما أسيب
أحلامي تغيب
لو لينا نصيب
فالحب حياة
Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور Songs
Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد Lyrics Meaning
[المقطع الأول]
In this part, the singer describes a distant, almost dreamlike palace where the woman of his dreams, his future “princess,” lives. He is so consumed with thoughts of her that he can’t even sleep, and he just wants to know how to reach her.
The singer faces many obstacles—there are “many guards,” and the situation is risky. He feels like he isn’t a prince with the power to change things. People around him tell him to wake up and act with more sense, advising him to let go of his dreams and accept reality.
[بعد اللازمة]
Despite everything, the singer refuses to let go of his dreams. He believes that if it’s meant to be, love will find a way, and he will not give up on what he hopes for.
[المقطع الثاني]
The singer questions when love ever had a set time or boundaries. For the woman he loves, he would go to any lengths, crossing seas and seas, even risking everything. He’s ready to die rather than be seen as cowardly in his pursuit.
This part repeats the earlier lines where the singer faces challenges, including numerous obstacles and discouragement. Despite not being a prince, he continues to hope for love, though others suggest he move on and stop dreaming.
[بعد اللازمة]
Again, the singer asserts that he will never give up on his dreams. He believes that love is worth fighting for, and if fate allows it, their love will come to life.
Q. Who has sung Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد song?
A. Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد song is sung by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.
Q. Who wrote Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد lyrics?
A. Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد lyrics are penned by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.
Q. Who has given the music of Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد song?
A. Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد music is composed and produced by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.
“This concludes the lyrics of Qasr B3eed – قصر بعيد” by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.