Drama – دراما Lyrics – Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور

Drama – دراما Lyrics by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Drama – دراما song lyrics are also written by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In Drama by Tamer Ashour, the singer expresses frustration and heartbreak over a relationship that ended. He tells his ex-partner that if they no longer care, they should just leave, and there’s no need to make a scene. The singer reflects on how life goes on, despite the pain, and how easily someone can move on without leaving a lasting impact. He admits to being hurt by the breakup but resolves to let go, promising to move forward and forget the past. Ultimately, he asserts that life will continue and he won’t let one person stop him.

Drama – دراما Lyrics

[المقطع الأول]
لما إنت مش فارق معاك إبعد كفاية
ونفضها وخلصنا وبلاها الحكاية
ولا إنت ما إستكفتش من وجعي وآذايا؟
مستني ليه؟ مستني ليه؟
لو يعني عايز تمشي إمشي مع السلامة
ما تشيلش هم وروح وما تقلبهاش دراما
هتمشي زي ما جيت ومش هتسيب علامة
هتفرق إيه؟ هتفرق إيه؟

هو إنت فاكر نفسك الدنيا وآخرها؟

دي حكاية خلصت، بكرة تيجي حكاية غيرها
لسه الحياة مليانة ناس ما خلصش خيرها
هعيشلها وأنساك، إيه يعني هيحصل إيه؟
أنا مش هوقف يوم حياتي عليك وعادي
في يومين تلاتة هتبقى بالنسبالي ماضي
هملا المكان إللي إنت رحت وسبته فاضي
مين يعني غاب والدنيا وقفت يوم عليه؟

[المقطع الثاني]
أنا كنت بس عليك لآخر لحظة باقي
وبقول لنفسي كتير إللي بيصبر يلاقي
بس إنت عادي طلعت سهل عليك فراقي
هو إنت إيه؟ هو إنت إيه؟
دلوقتي روح، ما بقتش فارقة كتير معايا
خلصت حكايتك، هرمي كل ماضيك ورايا
وأنا غلطتي إن أنا كنت طيب من البداية
ما أعرفش ليه، ما أعرفش ليه

ولا إنت فاكر نفسك الدنيا وآخرها؟
دي حكاية خلصت، بكرة تيجي حكاية غيرها
لسه الحياة مليانة ناس ما خلصش خيرها
هعيشلها وأنساك، إيه يعني هيحصل إيه؟
أنا مش هوقف يوم حياتي عليك وعادي
في يومين تلاتة هتبقى بالنسبالي ماضي

هملا المكان إللي إنت رحت وسبته فاضي
مين يعني غاب والدنيا وقفت يوم عليه؟

Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور Songs

Drama – دراما Lyrics Meaning

[First Verse]
In this part, the singer tells the person that if they don’t care anymore, they should just leave and not make a drama out of it. He questions whether the person hasn’t had enough of causing him pain and if they’re still waiting for something. He tells them to go peacefully, without creating any unnecessary fuss, as their departure won’t leave a mark on him or change anything.

Here, the singer reflects on how his ex-partner might think they’re the center of the universe, but he reminds them that life continues and their story has ended. He explains that there are still many people out there, and his life will go on without them. He assures them that soon they will be a distant memory, and the space they left will be forgotten, as life didn’t stop when they left.

[Second Verse]
In this verse, the singer admits that he held on to the relationship until the last moment, trying to be patient, believing that patience would bring results. But he now realizes that the other person found it easy to walk away without care. He questions the person’s behavior, wondering why they didn’t value the relationship. Now, he says it doesn’t matter much to him, and he’s ready to move on and forget everything, regretting that he was too kind in the beginning.

This part repeats the earlier chorus, reinforcing the idea that the relationship has ended and that life will continue. The singer makes it clear that the person’s absence won’t affect him, and he will eventually forget them. He emphasizes that life moves forward, and the world doesn’t stop for anyone, especially not for someone who’s left. The space they left behind will soon be filled, and they won’t be remembered for long.


Q. Who has sung Drama – دراما song?
A. Drama – دراما song is sung by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.

Q. Who wrote Drama – دراما lyrics?
A. Drama – دراما lyrics are penned by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.

Q. Who has given the music of Drama – دراما song?
A. Drama – دراما music is composed and produced by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.

“This concludes the lyrics of Drama – دراما” by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.