Martahnash – مرتحناش Lyrics – Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور

Martahnash – مرتحناش Lyrics by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Martahnash – مرتحناش song lyrics are also written by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In Martahnash by Tamer Ashour, the singer expresses deep sorrow and emotional pain after a heartbreaking separation. He questions the idea of being truly alive, feeling like time has stopped since the breakup. The song reflects on the emotional toll of living in the past and the constant struggle to move forward. The singer feels trapped in fear, sadness, and regret, unable to forget the past or find peace. He blames the distance and its cruelty for turning their lives into a living hell, leaving everything broken and incomplete.

Martahnash – مرتحناش Lyrics

يا حبيبي

[المقطع الأول]
مين إللي قال إن إحنا عايشين يا حبيبي؟
لو كنا عايشين فإحنا عايشين ع إللي فات
أنا وإنت من يوم ما الفراق خدنا في طريقه
وكل واحد فينا حاسس إنه مات
مين إللي قال إن إحنا عايشين يا حبيبي؟
لو كنا عايشين فإحنا عايشين ع إللي فات
أنا وإنت من يوم ما الفراق خدنا في طريقه
وكل واحد فينا حاسس إنه مات

ما إرتحناش دقيقة
جوانا خوف ونار وضيقة
والأيام ليه بقت بطيئة
بُطئ غريب
كل حاجة ناقصة
لا إتحركنا خطوة لسه
ولا قدرنا حبيبي ننسى
ووجعنا رهيب
ما إرتحناش دقيقة
جوانا خوف ونار وضيقة
والأيام ليه بقت بطيئة
بُطئ غريب
كل حاجة ناقصة
لا إتحركنا خطوة لسه
ولا قدرنا حبيبي ننسى
ووجعنا رهيب

[المقطع الثاني]
الله يجازيه البُعد على غدره وقساوته
ده دخل حياتنا في لحظة خلاها جحيم
والله لو إنسان لكنت أكيد قتلته
الله يجازيه، ده ما سابش فينا شيء سليم
الله يجازيه البُعد على غدره وقساوته

ده دخل حياتنا في لحظة خلاها جحيم
والله لو إنسان لكنت أكيد قتلته
الله يجازيه، ده ما سابش فينا شيء سليم

ما إرتحناش دقيقة
جوانا خوف ونار وضيقة
والأيام ليه بقت بطيئة
بُطئ غريب
كل حاجة ناقصة
لا إتحركنا خطوة لسه
ولا قدرنا حبيبي ننسى
ووجعنا رهيب
ما إرتحناش دقيقة
جوانا خوف ونار وضيقة
والأيام ليه بقت بطيئة
بُطئ غريب
كل حاجة ناقصة
لا إتحركنا خطوة لسه
ولا قدرنا حبيبي ننسى
ووجعنا رهيب

مين إللي قال إن إحنا عايشين يا حبيبي؟

Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور Songs

Martahnash – مرتحناش Lyrics Meaning

The singer addresses their loved one, “my dear.”

[المقطع الأول]
The singer wonders if they’re truly living after the breakup, feeling like they’re only surviving on past memories. Since the separation, both are walking different paths, and each one feels like they’ve died emotionally. The singer questions the idea of being alive because their lives seem empty, defined only by the loss and the aftermath of the relationship that has ended.

The singer expresses how they haven’t found peace for even a minute. Inside, they are filled with fear, pain, and frustration. Time seems to move incredibly slowly, and nothing feels complete. They haven’t made any progress in moving forward, nor have they been able to forget the past. The emotional wound remains fresh, and the pain is unbearable, making life feel heavy and stagnant.

[المقطع الثاني]
The singer bitterly curses the separation, blaming it for bringing immense pain and chaos into their life. They express anger towards the situation, feeling like the separation turned their life into hell. The feeling is so intense that if the separation were a person, they would have wished to harm them. The emotional impact is so severe that it has left nothing untouched or whole in their life.

Once again, the singer reflects on the fact that they haven’t found any relief. Fear, pain, and suffocating emotions continue to dominate them. Time is still moving slowly, and everything seems incomplete. There is no movement forward, and they are unable to forget their past. The pain is still overwhelming, making it impossible to escape from the emotional turmoil that’s consuming them.

The singer again questions the idea of being alive, feeling as though they’re only existing in the past.


Q. Who has sung Martahnash – مرتحناش song?
A. Martahnash – مرتحناش song is sung by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.

Q. Who wrote Martahnash – مرتحناش lyrics?
A. Martahnash – مرتحناش lyrics are penned by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.

Q. Who has given the music of Martahnash – مرتحناش song?
A. Martahnash – مرتحناش music is composed and produced by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور.

“This concludes the lyrics of Martahnash – مرتحناش” by Tamer Ashour – تامر عاشور. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.