Línea del Tiempo Lyrics – Alemán

Línea del Tiempo Lyrics by Alemán is a latest Spanish song in the voice of Alemán. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Línea Del Tiempo song lyrics are also written by Alemán. It is a reflection on the rapper’s journey through the rap scene. It begins with a critique of those who underestimate the endurance required in the industry, contrasting fleeting success with lasting impact. The lyrics chronicle Alemán’s evolution from humble beginnings to rising fame, facing personal struggles like his mother’s illness and the challenges of staying true to his art. The song celebrates milestones, from studio sessions to collaborations, while acknowledging setbacks and losses, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through perseverance and ambition, Alemán aims for greatness, determined to leave a lasting legacy in hip-hop.

Línea del Tiempo Lyrics

[Letra de “Línea del Tiempo”]

¿Qué hay en esta bola de vergas?

No es una carrera, esto es un maratón
A ver quién tiene mejor condición
Algunos aquí se sienten King Kong
Luego terminan como King Von

Habla directamente su patrón
Pónganse verga o mandamos el dron
A mí me vale todo su clan
Todos pa’ mí nomás son puro clon

Ahora ya todos quieren rapear
Pues vengan pa’cá, que les enseño yo
Año 2007 durmiendo en un catre
Saliendo pa’l barrio con filero y bate

Sé que a varios mi rollo no les late
Y nomás llegan en bola, mayates
En esos días soñaba con yates
Cadenas de oro con muchos diamantes

2008, seguía constante
En ese tiempo nomás sonaba el Cartel
No había dinero, puro amor al arte
Y en el 2009 no quise bajarle

Diario me iba al estudio a grabarle
Pero en el 2010 ya tuve que entrarle
2011 yo era el que reparte
Mamá, de pobre yo voy a sacarte

Vas a ver que de mí vas a acordarte
Lo mejor del mundo siempre quiero darte
El rap todavía no me da dinero
Pero el barrio dice que sigo en avance

2012 y mi jefa con cáncer
Ahí es cuando se te quita lo gánster
Por favor, Dios, dame una chance
Antes que al infierno me lance

2013 y mi carrera crece
Dejé los Cabos, me fui pa’l D. F
A buscar mi sueño y mi madre padece
Quiero la luz y nomás oscurece

2014, mamá fortalece
Varias disqueras tienen intereses
Por que les firme, pero no se hace
De abordar ya tengo mi pase

Juego con clase, Francesco Totti
Saben que siempre rompo cualquier base
Me fui pa’ Homegrown y dejé los Goot

2015 una estrella nace
Me rolo uno porque satisface
Rólate dos porque soy un piloto
Me los fumaba con el Junior Arce

Y en el 16 nos rolamos otro
Llega la fama, me piden fotos
Quemando flores y no son de loto

En mi nube como Kakaroto
Varios escenarios dejé rotos
Mi sonido dondequiera se mete
Ahora sí hay para comer filete

Me prometí que iba a hacer el álbum más chingón del hip-hop en 2017
Para el 18, que llega el Eclipse
Y no sé por qué mi hermano tenía que irse
Ha sido duro, pero no hay que rendirse

Y en el 19 tuve que seguirle
Dicen que si quieres algo, invócalo
Y siempre soñé con un lleno en el Zócalo
2020 y una plaga se propagó

Se nos fue Kobe y murieron de COVID
Pa’ algunos amigos el corrido se acabó
Todos decían: Nuevo disco, sácalo
Nadie esperaba colabo con Snoop Dogg
Cypress Hill y unas rolas con Scott Storch

Por eso ahora el Huracán es un mito
De varios es el disco favorito
Y la historia no acaba, sigue el escrito
Con este elixir y hacia el infinito


Alemán Songs

Línea del Tiempo Lyrics Meaning

The song “Línea del Tiempo” by Alemán opens with a provocative question, “What’s in this bunch of d!cks?” which sets a confrontational tone challenging the authenticity and motives of others in the rap scene. It emphasizes that the journey in hip-hop is not merely a sprint but a marathon, testing endurance and resilience. The reference to feeling like “King Kong” but ending up like “King Von” alludes to the disparity between initial confidence and eventual downfall, cautioning against arrogance and hubris.

The subsequent lines assert authority and demand respect, suggesting a hierarchical structure within the rap community. Alemán asserts his dominance, warning others to step up their game or face consequences, metaphorically threatening to send drones if they don’t comply. He dismisses others as mere imitators, highlighting his own originality and individuality in contrast to the perceived clones.

Alemán then reflects on his early years in the rap game, recalling humble beginnings and the struggles endured in pursuit of his dreams. References to sleeping on a cot in 2007 and roaming the neighborhood with a knife and bat evoke a raw and gritty image of his origins. Despite facing skepticism and adversity, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of success, dreaming of luxury yachts and diamond chains as symbols of his aspirations.

The song continues to chronicle Alemán’s journey through the years, from the challenges of 2008 with limited resources to the determination of 2011 to provide for his family. Personal hardships, such as his mother’s battle with cancer in 2012, humanize the artist and add depth to his narrative. Despite setbacks, Alemán’s career continues to ascend, marked by strategic moves like leaving one label for another in 2014.

Throughout the song, Alemán reflects on the highs and lows of his career, from the birth of his stardom in 2015 to the unexpected challenges of 2020, including the loss of Kobe Bryant and the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the obstacles, he remains resolute and determined, dreaming of performing at iconic venues like the Zócalo and collaborating with legendary artists like Snoop Dogg and Cypress Hill.

Ultimately, “Línea del Tiempo” is a testament to Alemán’s resilience, ambition, and authenticity as he navigates the ever-changing landscape of the hip-hop industry, striving to leave a lasting legacy through his music.

Famous Phrases with Explanation

1. “¿Qué hay en esta bola de vergas?
This phrase sets a confrontational tone, questioning the authenticity and motives of others within the rap scene. It suggests skepticism towards the intentions of those involved and implies a sense of discernment and scrutiny towards the individuals present in the industry.

2. “No es una carrera, esto es un maratón
Here, Alemán contrasts the rap industry to a marathon, emphasizing that success in hip-hop is not merely about speed or immediate gains but requires endurance and long-term commitment. It underscores the importance of perseverance and resilience in navigating the challenges of the music industry.

3. “Algunos aquí se sienten King Kong, luego terminan como King Von
This line compares individuals’ initial feelings of invincibility and power to the eventual downfall or demise they might face. It references the tragic fate of rapper King Von to caution against overconfidence and hubris, highlighting the fleeting nature of success and the potential consequences of arrogance.

4. “Ahora ya todos quieren rapear, pues vengan pa’cá, que les enseño yo
Alemán expresses a sense of authority and superiority in this phrase, welcoming those who aspire to rap but asserting his expertise and willingness to teach them. It suggests confidence in his skills and implies a mentorship role in guiding aspiring rappers, reinforcing his position within the rap community.

5. “2020 y una plaga se propagó, se nos fue Kobe y murieron de COVID
This line reflects on the challenges and tragedies faced in the year 2020, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the death of basketball legend Kobe Bryant. It acknowledges the impact of these events on both personal and societal levels, adding a somber and reflective tone to the song’s narrative.


Q. Who has sung Línea del Tiempo song?
A. Línea del Tiempo song is sung by Alemán.

Q. Who wrote Línea del Tiempo lyrics?
A. Línea del Tiempo lyrics are penned by Alemán.

Q. Who has given the music of Línea del Tiempo song?
A. Línea del Tiempo music is composed and produced by Alemán.

“This concludes the lyrics of Línea del Tiempo” by Alemán. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.