ヘイヴン (Haven) Lyrics – Vivid BAD SQUAD

ヘイヴン (Haven) Lyrics by Vivid BAD SQUAD is a latest Japanese song in the voice of Vivid BAD SQUAD. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new ヘイヴン (Haven) song lyrics are also written by Vivid BAD SQUAD. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In Haven by Vivid BAD SQUAD, the lyrics express a sense of frustration and confusion as the singer struggles with life’s contradictions and pressures. They reflect on the difficulty of living authentically in a world full of conflicting expectations and shallow distractions. The song explores themes of longing for a place of escape, or “haven,” where hope can be found despite hardship. Through the ups and downs, the singer clings to the idea of love and dreams, ultimately believing that even in the chaos, they can find their own way to live and be understood.

ヘイヴン (Haven) Lyrics

[“ヘイヴン (Haven)” 歌詞]

散々な夜に 可燃性の言葉が
やたら気になって キリなくて
正しく生きれなくて 矛盾と半端の瓶詰め
塗りたくってさ 嫌を樹脂で蓋する

ただ こうだ そうだ
焦って競 (せ)る ばっかで
人は云 (い)う 「逃避行、「逃避行、
有耶無耶 (うやむや)な 勘定 (かんじょう)」
沈んだ僕を君は 色んな声で叱って

壊れた幻想を 愛せるなら
ずっと探しているんだ 今日も明日 (あす)も
辛くたって 強がって 辿り着けない

ヘイヴンは ヘイヴンは何処にあるんだ
どちらの意味も解 (わか)る未来に

暗転 がらんどうな部屋の中
惰性で吸うコンテンツ なぞる古典
綺麗事でも 信じてみよう
ってもう 何度目?

ただ こうだ そうだ 焦って競る ばっかで

本来したいことは 永遠 (とわ)出来ていない
人は云う 「逃避行 「逃避行
それに 邪道 蛇行、摩耗 (まもう)!」
いつの日にか僕も 君の声を無くして

いいんだよ もういいんだよ すべて
なのに いいんだと もういいんだと
思えず ずっと痛めて 何を守ってるの
壊れた幻想を 愛したいよ
いつだって 傍にいる 心を澄まして

ヘイヴンは ヘイヴンはきっと あるんだ
思い付ける限りの理由を 抱き締めるよ
無謀だって思うだろ 夢想だって思うだろ

ヘイヴンは きっとあるから
がらんどうな部屋 灯る光
君と共に選んだ 確かな今
ヘイヴンは きっと見つける
生を続けて Yeah

Vivid BAD SQUAD Songs

ヘイヴン (Haven) Lyrics Meaning

The song begins by reflecting on difficult nights filled with harsh words and feelings of emotional burns. The singer struggles with living authentically, often feeling trapped in contradictions and unfulfilled desires, trying to bury those uncomfortable feelings. The pressure to compete and conform leads them to question what they truly want in life.

As the lyrics continue, they express frustration with the idea of escape and the uncertainty of life. Despite feeling lost, the singer searches for meaning and love, even in the chaos of their struggles. They find comfort in the belief that love and dreams can make life worth living.

The second part explores the emptiness of life, constantly consuming content without satisfaction. The singer tries to find meaning, even in the “meaningless,” and holds onto the belief that happiness follows pain. They fear losing touch with reality but continue to long for a place where they can embrace both their dreams and reality.

The song ends with a hopeful message, where the singer believes that their “haven” exists. They are determined to keep pursuing it, trusting in their own path and future, finding strength in their love for someone and the choices they make together. They resolve to keep going, no matter how difficult life gets.


Q. Who has sung ヘイヴン (Haven) song?
A. ヘイヴン (Haven) song is sung by Vivid BAD SQUAD.

Q. Who wrote ヘイヴン (Haven) lyrics?
A. ヘイヴン (Haven) lyrics are penned by Vivid BAD SQUAD.

Q. Who has given the music of ヘイヴン (Haven) song?
A. ヘイヴン (Haven) music is composed and produced by Vivid BAD SQUAD.

“This concludes the lyrics of ヘイヴン (Haven)” by Vivid BAD SQUAD. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.