Do kraja vremena Lyrics – GIFTS ROSES

Do kraja vremena Lyrics by GIFTS ROSES is a latest Croatian song in the voice of GIFTS ROSES. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Do Kraja Vremena song lyrics are also written by GIFTS ROSES. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a song about intense emotions and the turmoil of a complicated relationship. The lyrics express feelings of longing, confusion, and the struggle to move on. The singer seems caught in a cycle of trying to escape the other person, only to be pulled back by their magnetic presence. They question whether their connection is destructive, yet can’t help but desire to be together, away from the world. The repeated plea for passion to guide them highlights the uncertainty and emotional intensity, with a desire for the bond to last “until the end of time.”

Do kraja vremena Lyrics

[Tekst pesme “Do kraja vremena”]

[Strofa 1]
Kad prestanem da te zamišljam
Odnekud se pojaviš ti
I onda se pitam da li hoćeš da me uništiš
Reci sve što imaš, nek me rasturi
Ja odavno već ne postojim

Daj, nek nas strast nosi
Gde nema nikoga
Daj, budi tu kraj men
de nema ničega

[Strofa 2]
Kad pobegnem dalje od tebe I dalje od pogleda svih
Da ponovo pronađem sebe, a tebe, bejbi, isključim
Što me tako gledaš, kao da smo stranci
Znaš me dobro I šta sad sledi

Daj, nek nas strast nosi
Gde nema nikoga
Daj, budi tu kraj men
de nema ničega
Daj, nek nas strast nosi
Gde nema nikoga
Daj, budi tu kraj men
de nema ničega

[Instrumentalna pauza]

Daj, nek nas strast nosi
Gde nema nikoga
Daj, budi tu kraj men
de nema ničega

Daj, nek nas strast nosi
Gde nema nikoga
Daj, budi tu kraj mene
Do kraja vremena

Do kraja vremena Lyrics Meaning

[Strofa 1]
In the first verse, the singer expresses how even when they try to stop thinking about the other person, they appear in their mind. This creates confusion, and the singer wonders if the other person wants to destroy them emotionally. The pain is so deep that the singer feels like they no longer exist as they once did.

The chorus is a passionate plea for their relationship to be driven by intense desire, away from the outside world, seeking to be with the person despite everything, in a place where nothing else matters.

[Strofa 2]
In this verse, the singer tries to distance themselves physically and emotionally, hoping to find themselves again and shut out the other person. However, when they return, they feel like strangers to each other, even though they know each other well. The singer wonders what happens next.

The chorus repeats the same longing, urging the passion to take them away to a place with no one else around, asking for the other person to stay by their side in a world without distractions or expectations. They just want to be with them in peace.

Once again, the singer passionately asks for the same connection, wanting to be carried by their love and to be together, in a place where there are no outside influences, only the two of them.

The final part repeats the plea for passion to carry them to a place where no one else exists, and the person they love stays with them “until the end of time,” emphasizing an eternal desire to be together.


Q. Who has sung Do kraja vremena song?
A. Do kraja vremena song is sung by GIFTS ROSES.

Q. Who wrote Do kraja vremena lyrics?
A. Do kraja vremena lyrics are penned by GIFTS ROSES.

Q. Who has given the music of Do kraja vremena song?
A. Do kraja vremena music is composed and produced by GIFTS ROSES.

“This concludes the lyrics of Do kraja vremena” by GIFTS ROSES. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.