Cara da Porra Lyrics – Vitor Fernandes

Cara da Porra Lyrics by Vitor Fernandes is a latest Portuguese song in the voice of Vitor Fernandes. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Cara Da Porra song lyrics are also written by Vitor Fernandes. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In Cara da Porra, Vitor Fernandes sings about a breakup where he’s been unfairly blamed and misrepresented. After his ex blocks him and moves on quickly, she spreads lies about their relationship, claiming he never loved her. He calls out the false narratives, reminding her that he ended things respectfully and didn’t deserve the public criticism. The song reflects frustration with small-town gossip, where everyone knows everyone, and it’s clear that the truth is being twisted for the sake of appearances. Vitor just wants honesty, not deceit.

Cara da Porra Lyrics

Primeiro tira sua boca
Depois você me bloqueou
Saiu pegando todo mundo
Me superou

É o que você espalha por aí
Que nunca me amou
Mas a verdade a gente sabe que não foi assim


Por que não fala que fui eu que terminei
Mas sempre te respeitei, fui um cara da porra?
Pra superar não precisa me detonar
Dizer que deixei de prestar pra cidade toda
Não precisa mentir, não precisa pisar pra provar que tá bem
Lugar pequeno todo mundo se conhece, sabe quem é quem

Alô, meu W!

Primeiro tira sua boca
Depois você me bloqueou
Saiu pegando todo mundo
Me superou

É o que você espalha por aí
Que nunca me amou
Mas a verdade a gente sabe que não é assim

Por que não fala que fui eu que terminei
Mas sempre te respeitei, fui um cara da porra?
Pra superar não precisa me detonar

Dizer que deixei de prestar pra cidade toda
Não precisa mentir, não precisa pisar pra provar que tá bem
Lugar pequeno todo mundo se conhece, sabe quem é quem
Lugar pequeno todo mundo se conhece, sabe quem é quem

Vitor Fernandes Songs

Cara da Porra Lyrics Meaning

[Verso (1st part)]
He feels hurt and frustrated as his ex blocks him, moves on quickly, and begins dating others, acting like she’s gotten over him.

[Pré-Refrão (1st part)]
She’s telling people that he never loved her, but he knows the truth was different—there was genuine love from his side.

[Refrão (1st part)]
Vitor feels that, despite breaking up respectfully, she’s been spreading lies about him. He’s upset that she’s trashing him to others to seem okay, claiming he’s the problem in their small town. He wishes she’d just be honest about the breakup instead of making him out to be the bad guy, because everyone knows the truth in such a small community.

This is a quick shout-out, likely referring to someone close to him, a casual moment in the song.

[Verso (2nd part)]
It repeats the same hurtful situation—his ex blocks him, quickly moves on, and acts like she’s over him.

[Pré-Refrão (2nd part)]
Once again, she spreads rumors about how he never truly loved her, but he knows their relationship was real.

[Refrão (2nd part)]
The repetition of the chorus adds more depth to his frustration. He reaffirms that he ended the relationship respectfully and didn’t deserve the public criticism. She doesn’t need to lie or hurt him to move on. The small town knows the real story, and the constant dishonesty is unnecessary.


Q. Who has sung Cara da Porra song?
A. Cara da Porra song is sung by Vitor Fernandes.

Q. Who wrote Cara da Porra lyrics?
A. Cara da Porra lyrics are penned by Vitor Fernandes.

Q. Who has given the music of Cara da Porra song?
A. Cara da Porra music is composed and produced by Vitor Fernandes.

“This concludes the lyrics of Cara da Porra” by Vitor Fernandes. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.