니가나가 (You Get Out) Lyrics – GIRIBOY 기리보이

니가나가 (You Get Out) Lyrics by GIRIBOY 기리보이 is a latest Korean song in the voice of GIRIBOY 기리보이. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new 니가나가 (You Get Out) song lyrics are also written by GIRIBOY 기리보이. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In 니가나가 (You Get Out) by GIRIBOY, the song portrays a relationship filled with frustration and miscommunication. The singer expresses feeling overwhelmed by their partner’s actions, especially when they act upset or cry for no apparent reason. Despite trying to stay calm and make things work, the singer becomes annoyed and sarcastic, suggesting that if things aren’t going well, their partner should leave. The song conveys a sense of emotional tension and confusion, mixing light-hearted moments with underlying frustration about the dynamics in the relationship.

니가나가 (You Get Out) Lyrics

[“니가나가 (You Get Out)” 가사]

[Verse 1]
아, 왜 또?
기분이 안 좋아, huh
내가 그거 보지 말랬잖아, huh

[Verse 2]
무서운 거 못 본다며 굳이 보는 이유는 뭐야?
내가 애초에 말했는데
어? 왜 나한테 짜증을 내?
어이가 없어 내 집인데 자꾸 나가라 해

Huh, 니가나가
싫으면 니가나가
나 축구하고 와서 다리 존나 아프다니까
화나면 니가나가

[Verse 3]
지 혼자 긁혀서
상처 난 걸
왜 나한테 풀어?
아니 어이없어
우리 아침밥도 먹고
산책로도 걷고
웃긴 거도 보고
분위기 좋았잖아
그거 별거 아니잖아
별거할 거 아니잖아
좋게 생각하자
우리 영화 보러 갈까?
너는 문제를 만들고 나는 그걸 맨날 풀어
울고 싶은 건 나야 넌 왜 갑자기 울어?

Baby don’t cry, uh
이따가 요 앞에

새로 생긴 떡볶이집 들러서
사 올게 (나 diet하잖아)

Huh, 니가나가
싫으면 니가나가
나 축구하고 와서 다리 나 아프다니까
화나면 니가나가

GIRIBOY 기리보이 Songs

니가나가 (You Get Out) Lyrics Meaning

[Verse 1]
The speaker is frustrated with their partner’s mood and warns them about something, implying they were already told not to do it.

[Verse 2]
The partner is watching something scary despite claiming they can’t handle it. The speaker is confused and irritated by their partner’s mood, especially when they get annoyed at them, even in their own home.

The speaker tells the partner to leave if they’re unhappy, mentioning that they’re tired after playing soccer and just want peace.

[Verse 3]
The speaker feels unfairly blamed for their partner’s personal issues. They recall a nice day together, highlighting that things were fine, but their partner keeps causing problems. The speaker tries to stay positive and suggests doing something fun, but is upset that their partner is crying for no reason.

The speaker reassures the partner not to cry and promises to buy something for them later, even though they are on a diet.

The speaker repeats the earlier message, telling the partner to leave if they’re angry or unhappy, especially after playing soccer and feeling exhausted.


Q. Who has sung 니가나가 (You Get Out) song?
A. 니가나가 (You Get Out) song is sung by GIRIBOY 기리보이.

Q. Who wrote 니가나가 (You Get Out) lyrics?
A. 니가나가 (You Get Out) lyrics are penned by GIRIBOY 기리보이.

Q. Who has given the music of 니가나가 (You Get Out) song?
A. 니가나가 (You Get Out) music is composed and produced by GIRIBOY 기리보이.

“This concludes the lyrics of 니가나가 (You Get Out)” by GIRIBOY 기리보이. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.