이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) Lyrics – GIRIBOY 기리보이

이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) Lyrics by GIRIBOY 기리보이 is a latest Korean song in the voice of GIRIBOY 기리보이. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) song lyrics are also written by GIRIBOY 기리보이. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) by GIRIBOY, the song captures the nervous excitement of someone preparing to confess their feelings to someone they like. The singer has been anticipating this moment for a while, but as the day approaches, he realizes it’s more challenging than he thought. He’s learned various moves to impress, like following advice from YouTube and prepping his look, but still feels unsure when faced with the real thing. The song highlights the awkwardness and self-doubt that can come with love, even when you’re ready to take a bold step.

이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) Lyrics

[“이번 주 금요일 (This Friday)” 가사]

[Verse 1]
오래 기다려왔지만
닥쳐오니 시간이 빠르구나 (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
이제 숨을 곳도 없고
한번은 남자답게 가보련다 (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

너에게 평가가 좋았던
마르니를 머리부터 어깨 발끝까지
아마추어처럼 책으로는 안 배워
나의 고백

이번 주 금요일
(찐따들 집에 들어가 있어)
마침 딱 공휴일
(집 가서 김칫국이나 마셔)
이번 주 금요일
(하입이 있는 신발 신고
난 너에게로 가고 있어)

[Verse 2]
막상 오기는 왔는데
내 시뮬레이션과는 다르구나 (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
이건 계획에 없었어
준비한 애드립을 갈겨보자 (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

YouTube에서 배웠던
무탠다드를 머리부터 어깨 발끝까지
혹시 몰라서 차선책도 준비했어
나의 고백

이번주 금요일
(찐따들 집에 들어가 있어)
마침 딱 공휴일

(집 가서 김칫국이나 마셔)
이번주 금요일
(하입이 있는 신발 신고
난 너에게로 가고 있어)

난 원해 fly day
들뜬 내 맘에
쿨한 표정을 탑재 (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
몇 주 동안 손잡는 우릴 상상했어
친구에겐 다 된 밥이라고 난 자랑했고
(근데 네 앞에 설 땐)
나는 뜸을 들이고 있다
(너만 오면 돼)
진짜 남친이 되고 싶다
Internet 세상에 influencer들처럼
원해 힘, six pack, 명품 tag, 떼는 애

이번주 금요일
(찐따들 집에 들어가 있어)
마침 딱 공휴일
(집 가서 김칫국이나 마셔)
이번주 금요일
(하입이 있는 신발 신고
난 너에게로 가고 있어)


GIRIBOY 기리보이 Songs

이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) Lyrics Meaning

[Verse 1]
The singer has been waiting for this moment for a long time, but now that it’s close, time feels like it’s moving too fast. He feels like there’s no hiding anymore and decides to take a bold step and approach the situation like a man.

The singer wants to look his best, impressing the person with his style and confidence. He’s not following textbook advice but is ready to confess his feelings in his own way.

The singer is preparing for this big moment on Friday, when everything lines up: it’s a public holiday, and he’s ready to wear his best shoes and approach the person he likes. He seems excited but also a little aware of what others might think.

[Verse 2]
When the moment finally arrives, things aren’t going as he imagined. His expectations and rehearsed plans don’t seem to match reality. He decides to improvise and hope for the best.

He’s learned tricks and moves from YouTube to make a good impression, and he’s also prepared a backup plan in case things don’t go as planned. He’s determined to confess, no matter what.

The excitement for Friday is still there, and he feels ready with his cool sneakers and confidence to go after what he wants, despite the casual, almost joking attitude about the whole situation.

The singer envisions the perfect moment with the person he likes, where they’ll hold hands and everything will fall into place. He’s confident in his plans and has boasted to his friends about it. But when faced with the person, he hesitates. He’s unsure, wishing he could be like the influencers with perfect looks and confidence, and dreams of being the perfect boyfriend with all the right traits.

He continues to look forward to Friday, excited about his chance to meet the person he likes and ready to make the move, despite the mix of nervousness and excitement.

The outro expresses the singer’s movement forward, reflecting his determination and ongoing pursuit, with a sense of anticipation.


Q. Who has sung 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) song?
A. 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) song is sung by GIRIBOY 기리보이.

Q. Who wrote 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) lyrics?
A. 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) lyrics are penned by GIRIBOY 기리보이.

Q. Who has given the music of 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) song?
A. 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday) music is composed and produced by GIRIBOY 기리보이.

“This concludes the lyrics of 이번 주 금요일 (This Friday)” by GIRIBOY 기리보이. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.