Worlders Lyrics by Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE is a latest Japanese song in the voice of Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Worlders song lyrics are also written by Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. *Worlders* by Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE is a song about the power of music to inspire, connect, and push forward despite uncertainty. It captures the feeling of taking the first step into the unknown, holding onto melodies that stay with you even when words fail. The lyrics explore doubt, fear, and hesitation but also the magic of finding your own voice and weaving it into the world. Through emotions painted in vibrant colors—blue, red, soft, and fiery—the song encourages embracing the future with an unwavering melody, singing boldly to change the world.
Worlders Lyrics
[“Worlders” 歌詞]
最初の一歩 響いて
流れ出した 不可思議な ブルーズ
足りないものばかり 何度も何度も数えて
いらないものばかり 何個も何個も抱えて
目を閉じた瞬間 始まった物語
頭に鎖で 錠をした
言葉じゃ ずっと頼りないから
その代わり 震えた喉の奥が
何度だって 鳴り渡る
「Do」「Re」「Meet」 を重ねて
紡いだ 君のまっさらな歌
青く 赤く
淡く 熱く
未来だって 描き上げる 染め上げて
夢の前で 立ち尽くしたまま
僕は 君は
知らない 消えない
メロディを 思い出して
今日も 歩き出した
ふとした時に 浮かぶ歌が
間違ってる 合ってる ばかり何度も唱えて
怖がってるばっかで にっちもさっちも進めない
誰もが主役で 語り役の物語
心の呪いを 解いたって
正しい道は 見つからないけど
その代わり 理屈の重いドアを
こじ開けていく魔法を 乗り越えていく魔法を
同じ道のりが 奏でた
側で 隣で
何処にいたって 聴き取れる 輝いて
動かなくても 構わないから
いつか ここで
聞いた 聞こえた
声を 思い出して
Oh yeah
Changing the world
Oh yeah
Singing loudly
Oh yeah
Turning the world
Oh yeah
Let’s keep singing
Oh yeah
Changing the world
Oh yeah
Singing loudly
Oh yeah
Turning the world
Oh yeah
Let hear love song
「Do」「Re」「Meet」 を重ねて
紡いだ 君のまっさらな歌
青く 赤く
淡く 熱く
何度だって 鳴り響く 響かせて
夢の意味も わからないまま
僕は 君は
知らない 消えない
メロディを 追いかけて
歌う 未来の歌を
今 ありのまま
Oh yeah
Changing the world
Oh yeah
Singing loudly
Oh yeah
Turning the world
Oh yeah
Let’s keep singing
Worlders Lyrics Meaning
The song starts by talking about how we all hear a calling, a voice that beckons us, and how it’s something that we can all relate to, even though it’s often hard to describe. It describes the first step into something new, an unknown path, and the feeling of music taking you on that journey. There’s a sense of insecurity and feeling like you’re missing something, yet you’re still carrying unnecessary burdens. This leads to the start of a personal story, where the voice becomes a key part of discovering who you are.
As the song continues, it reflects on how words can often feel weak or inadequate, but the power of a trembling voice can break through and resonate with the world. The song emphasizes the beauty of a pure, untouched melody—a new song that carries you forward. It captures emotions in vivid colors and paints a picture of a future yet to be understood, but one that we are still reaching for, even when standing uncertainly in front of dreams.
Later, it touches on the struggles of doubt and fear. Despite the confusion, the song encourages breaking free from the mental barriers that hold us back. It highlights that the path may not always be clear, but by overcoming these obstacles, you find your own way. There’s a sense of finding magic in the journey, even in times of sadness or confusion. The song then echoes the idea that the melody remains, no matter where you go. It’s a reminder that your voice can reach others and shine brightly, bringing people together.
In the final part, the song is about embracing the future with confidence. Even if the path ahead isn’t fully clear, the melody continues to play, and the singing becomes a force to change the world. It’s a message of empowerment—keeping the music alive and singing with hope, no matter the challenges ahead.
Q. Who has sung Worlders song?
A. Worlders song is sung by Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE.
Q. Who wrote Worlders lyrics?
A. Worlders lyrics are penned by Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE.
Q. Who has given the music of Worlders song?
A. Worlders music is composed and produced by Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE.
“This concludes the lyrics of Worlders” by Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.