Violence Lyrics – Awake The Dreamer

Violence Lyrics by Awake The Dreamer is a latest English song in the voice of Awake The Dreamer. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Violence song lyrics are also written by Awake The Dreamer. It delves into the turmoil of enduring emotional abuse. The narrator grapples with hiding from the wrath of another, seeking solace in silence. Despite the absence of physical destruction, the impact is profound, tearing at their soul. The cycle of pain perpetuates, leaving them shattered and lost. The haunting echoes of violence reverberate, trapping them in a relentless struggle. They plead for escape from the suffocating pressure, longing to reclaim their shattered sense of self. Through poignant lyrics, the song captures the harrowing reality of enduring internal torment, seeking refuge in the midst of chaos.

Violence Lyrics

In the shadows of your rage
I hide, I hide
Searching for a lie
A way to confide

Your anger, your storm
A storm that rages within
Tearing through my soul
Beneath my skin

No need for havoc
Or pain

Yet I’m shattered by this endless strain
Your fury into my skin, my heart

I am safe and sound in the sound of your silence
Your violence
Your violence
No need for destruction I’m breaking apart
Your violence
Your violence

No need for chaos no need for rage
In the dark when I’m alone
I realize

Your violence is in my heart
Tearing apart that seam that made me whole
(So scared, so scared)

No need for havoc
No need for endless pain
I’m crumbling under this eternal pressure
(No need for destruction, I’m breaking apart)

I’m lost in echoes of your
Violent art and

I don’t know how
To get out of here
(No need for destruction, I’m breaking apart)

I’m lost in echoes of your
Violent art and
I don’t know how
To get out of here
(No need for destruction, I’m breaking apart)

I’m crumbling under this eternal pressure
(Your violence, your violence)
Your violence is in my heart
Tearing apart that seam that made me whole

No need for havoc
Or pain
Yet I’m shattered by this endless strain
Your fury into my skin, my heart

I am safe and sound in the sound of your silence
Your violence
Your violence
No need for destruction I’m breaking apart
Your violence
Your violence

I am safe and sound in the sound of your silence
Your violence
Your violence
No need for destruction I’m breaking apart
Your violence
Your violence

Violence Lyrics Meaning

In “Violence” by Awake The Dreamer, the lyrics paint a vivid picture of the emotional tumult and psychological strain inflicted by another’s rage. The opening lines, “In the shadows of your rage, I hide, I hide,” immediately plunge the listener into a narrative of fear and evasion, where the narrator seeks refuge from the storm of another’s anger. There’s a palpable sense of desperation in their attempt to find solace, even if it means resorting to deception or self-denial.

As the song progresses, the metaphor of a storm raging within the other person is employed to depict the intensity and destructive power of their emotions. The imagery of this storm tearing through the narrator’s soul and beneath their skin effectively conveys the deeply personal and internalized nature of the turmoil they’re experiencing. It’s not just a matter of weathering the storm; it’s about surviving the aftermath and the scars it leaves behind.

What’s particularly poignant is the contradiction highlighted in the absence of physical destruction despite the profound emotional devastation wrought by the other person’s fury. The narrator feels shattered and broken, their very being rent asunder by the ceaseless onslaught of emotional violence. It’s a stark reminder that abuse doesn’t always leave visible marks; the wounds inflicted on the heart and soul can be just as agonizing and enduring.

Throughout the song, there’s a recurring motif of seeking safety in silence, even amidst the presence of violence. The repetition of “Your violence, your violence” underscores the relentlessness of the narrator’s torment, as they struggle to reconcile the paradox of feeling both safe and endangered in the silence that follows the storm. It’s a chilling reminder of how abusers can manipulate silence as a tool of control and intimidation.

The final stanzas encapsulate the pervasive sense of helplessness and entrapment that characterizes the narrator’s experience. Despite their longing for escape and healing, they find themselves ensnared in the echoes of their tormentor’s actions, trapped in a cycle of suffering with no apparent way out. It’s a haunting portrayal of the psychological warfare waged by emotional abusers and the profound scars they leave on their victims’ hearts and minds.

Famous Phrases with Explanation

1. “In the shadows of your rage
This phrase depicts the narrator’s sense of fear and avoidance, suggesting that they are trying to evade the intense emotions of another person. They feel overshadowed and threatened by the anger radiating from the other individual, prompting them to seek refuge in the shadows, away from the direct impact of the rage.

2. “Your anger, your storm
Here, the song uses a powerful metaphor to describe the intensity of the other person’s emotions. The anger is likened to a raging storm, emphasizing its overwhelming and destructive nature. This imagery conveys the tumultuous impact of the other person’s emotional state, which the narrator must contend with and endure.

3. “No need for havoc
This line suggests a paradoxical situation where the narrator acknowledges that there shouldn’t be chaos or destruction, yet they still experience profound turmoil and devastation. It underscores the irrationality and irrationality of the situation, where the narrator is subjected to emotional upheaval despite the absence of an apparent reason for it.

4. “I am safe and sound in the sound of your silence
Despite the contradiction inherent in finding safety in silence amidst violence, this phrase encapsulates the narrator’s complex emotions. They may feel a temporary reprieve when the other person is silent, even though the underlying threat of violence persists. It speaks to the conflicting emotions and coping mechanisms that arise in abusive relationships.

5. “I’m lost in echoes of your violent art
This line portrays the enduring impact of the other person’s actions on the narrator’s psyche. The term “violent art” suggests a deliberate and calculated infliction of pain or suffering, which reverberates within the narrator long after the initial act. It illustrates the lasting scars left by emotional abuse, haunting the narrator even when they try to escape its grasp.


Q. Who has sung Violence song?
A. Violence song is sung by Awake The Dreamer.

Q. Who wrote Violence lyrics?
A. Violence lyrics are penned by Awake The Dreamer.

Q. Who has given the music of Violence song?
A. Violence music is composed and produced by Awake The Dreamer.

“This concludes the lyrics of Violence” by Awake The Dreamer. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.