U avionu Lyrics – Arafat

U avionu Lyrics by Arafat is a latest Croatian song in the voice of Arafat. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new U Avionu song lyrics are also written by Arafat. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In the song U Avionu by Arafat, the lyrics reflect on life’s tough lessons learned, often in moments of solitude or in unexpected places like an airplane. The song touches on themes of personal growth, betrayal, and self-awareness, with the singer questioning the authenticity of others and their own choices. He talks about navigating through a world full of false promises, materialism, and broken friendships. There’s a sense of disillusionment, yet also an acknowledgment of the progress made despite the struggles. The song highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and understanding life from a deeper perspective.

U avionu Lyrics

Ajmo se vratimo malo u školu
Uzeli smo tu reke mandata, brata
(Neke stvari skapiraš u avionu)

[Strofa 1]
Ovaj stejk mi je legô, al’ ovaj šampanjac je sranje
Očekivao sam više dok imao sam love manje
Mnogi lažu da nabudžili bi samopouzdanje

Nema frke, samo od mene da su što dalje
Ja svoje cenim, sve da ne čujem glas, ne vidim oči dugo tvoje
Ne bi, mnogo je lažno, ne znaš ni ko si, kurvo
Kol’ko lica menjate dnevno, ko vas je osigurô?
Pričate, pravite pare, dugove vučete baš dugo
Vuče se I nesto drugo
Neke repove za sobom čini mi se da sam isekô
Podigô mnogo tona, al’ nisam se lepo istego
Mnogima kao da je vreme isteklo
Pucaju kompleksi ako mete više nisu Roleksi
Mi smo ispravni, samo su nam ciljevi bolesni
Gubim dah, vičem sebi “Majstore, proklet si”
Pa shvatim da sam postigô više od sebe iz prošlosti

Neke stvari skapiraš u avionu
Kol’ko je prljav procenat u milionu?
Kol’ko ste puta stvarno odbili drogu?
Ili se, kada je frka, molili Bogu, a?
Neke stvari skapiraš u avionu
Kol’ko je prljav procenat u milionu?
Kol’ko ste puta stvarno odbili drogu?
Izgleda mi da biste odma popili mošu, a?

[Strofa 2]

Pravim planove al’ ne bez kalendara kao nekad
Iako me mnogo toga često vrati na pocetak
Dogovor mora da bude najbolji, nista korektan
Nemoj da mi motaš oblande, budi konkretan
Svako bije svoje bitke, subjektivno
Idem lagano, natenane, sukcesivno
Nije isto, neki nemaju profit jer gube prihod
Prodam jednu od sto ideja, faktura Cupertino
Ko razume shvatiće, nismo tu za lančiće
Drugare prodali za pare, a sada bi da se takmiče
Ulice ređe rađaju radnike
Ulica rađa precizne, ulica radja ratnike

Neke stvari skapiraš u avionu
Kol’ko je prljav procenat u milionu?
Kol’ko ste puta stvarno odbili drogu?
Ili se, kada je frka, molili Bogu, a?
Neke stvari skapiraš u avionu
Kol’ko je prljav procenat u milionu?
Kol’ko ste puta stvarno odbili drogu?
Izgleda mi da biste odma popili mošu, a?

Arafat Songs

U avionu Lyrics Meaning

In this intro, the artist calls for a flashback to school days, referencing taking “mandates” and something related to “brotherhood,” signaling a sense of nostalgia or past decisions. The line “some things you realize in the airplane” suggests moments of reflection, often coming in unexpected or solitary places, like an airplane, where people gain clarity on life’s important lessons.

[Strofa 1]
In the first verse, Arafat reflects on his expectations and the disappointments of his life. He talks about how certain things, like the steak he’s eating, are good, but other experiences, like the champagne, don’t meet his expectations. He once had more money but less to show for it, and now that he has more, the rewards feel hollow. He’s critical of people who falsely inflate their self-confidence and engage in dishonest behavior, changing their persona constantly. He distances himself from them, not wanting to deal with the “fake” side of life. Arafat also describes the pressures of keeping up appearances in a world where materialism is often worshipped. The focus on “Rolex” as a symbol of success implies that people care more about status than actual growth. He reflects on his own struggles, admitting moments of doubt and realizing that, despite it all, he has achieved more than he thought, surpassing his past self.

The refrain reflects on tough realizations and moral questions that come when you’re on your own, like in an airplane. The artist asks how many people have rejected drügs or prayed when times were tough, questioning the authenticity of people’s actions. He challenges the listener to reflect on their own choices, especially when things get rough. The repeated lines emphasize that these moments of truth often come when you’re alone, forced to confront who you really are.

[Strofa 2]
In the second verse, Arafat talks about how he plans more thoughtfully now, comparing his current approach to his younger self, who acted more impulsively. He demands clarity and honesty from those around him, refusing to accept vague promises or untrustworthy behavior. He reflects on the different struggles people face, with some falling short while others succeed. The artist hints at his personal journey of turning ideas into real opportunities, even referencing selling one of his ideas to Cupertino (likely a reference to Apple). He’s aware of how people have betrayed friends for money and now want to compete, but he stays true to his principles. The verse touches on the idea that life on the streets shapes individuals into fighters, turning them into survivors and warriors of sorts.

The refrain repeats the themes of reflection and questioning. Arafat continues to challenge the listener, emphasizing that real truths come when you’re alone. He asks how many people are truly living by their values, rejecting temptation, or finding faith when things go wrong. It’s a stark critique of the choices people make when faced with difficult situations, pushing for a deeper understanding of morality and authenticity.


Q. Who has sung U avionu song?
A. U avionu song is sung by Arafat.

Q. Who wrote U avionu lyrics?
A. U avionu lyrics are penned by Arafat.

Q. Who has given the music of U avionu song?
A. U avionu music is composed and produced by Arafat.

“This concludes the lyrics of U avionu” by Arafat. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.