Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) Lyrics – Natasa Theodoridou

Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) Lyrics by Natasa Theodoridou is a latest Greek song. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) song lyrics are also written by Natasa Theodoridou. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In Τα Χειρότερα by Natasa Theodoridou, the singer reflects on a life filled with mistakes and emotional pain, much of it caused by her devotion to someone she loved. She admits to making the biggest mistakes of her life by trusting and loving this person unconditionally, even when it hurt her. Despite the sacrifices and struggles, she continues to grapple with the aftermath of the relationship, searching for answers and trying to move on. The song conveys the pain of blindly loving someone, realizing the toll it has taken, and coming to terms with the emotional cost.

Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) Lyrics

Μια ζωή και κάτι
Γκρέμισα και γη και ουρανό
Σε όλα σου τα λάθη
‘Έχω βάλει πλάτη

Μια ζωή κι ακόμα
‘Έξω από το σπίτι σου περνώ
Πάντα μέσα θα ‘χει
Ένα μου κομμάτι

Κανέναν ποτέ δε φοβήθηκα
Μόνο τον ίδιο μου τον εαυτό

Που μέχρι και εμένα αρνήθηκα
Μαζί σου ν’ αντέχω να ζω

Κανέναν ποτέ μου δε ρώτησα
Αν έπρεπε να σ’ αγαπώ
Μεγάλα σου λάθη συγχώρησα
Μα πρέπει να παραδεχτώ

Τα χειρότερα τα έχω κάνει εγώ, τα χειρότερα
Γιατί πόνταρα σε σένα μια ζωή
Και παλεύω να κερδίσω τη μισή

Τα χειρότερα τα έχω κάνει εγώ, τα χειρότερα
Που έχω δώσει τη δική μου τη καρδιά
Άνευ όρων με τα μάτια μου κλειστά, στα χειρότερα

Μια ζωή και κάτι
Πέρναγα απότομες στροφές
Κάθε εκδοχή σου
Μ’ έχει γονατίσει

Μια ζωή κι ακόμα
Ψάχνω στο ποτέ για να σε βρω
Κάθε σου “για πάντα”
Μ’ έχει διαλύσει

Κανέναν ποτέ δε φοβήθηκα
Μόνο τον ίδιο μου τον εαυτό
Που μέχρι και εμένα αρνήθηκα
Μαζί σου ν’ αντέχω να ζω

Natasa Theodoridou Songs

Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) Lyrics Meaning

In the first verse, the singer reflects on how much she has sacrificed for someone, giving everything, even her own sense of self, to make the relationship work. She says she’s supported their mistakes, even when it cost her a lot emotionally.

The second part expresses her ongoing connection with this person, as she can’t seem to escape the past. Even when she moves on physically, part of her heart will always remain with them, no matter how hard she tries to move forward.

In the chorus, the singer admits she’s afraid of herself more than anyone else. She even questioned her own worth and ability to endure the relationship. Despite this inner turmoil, she kept loving unconditionally, never asking herself if she should.

As the song continues, she confesses that the worst mistakes were hers—investing her love blindly and unconditionally. She gave her heart without asking questions, but now realizes the toll it has taken.

Finally, she describes the ongoing pain of searching for answers, feeling broken by promises of forever that turned out to be empty. Despite everything, she feels trapped in the relationship, unable to escape.


Q. Who has sung Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) song?
A. Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) song is sung by Natasa Theodoridou.

Q. Who wrote Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) lyrics?
A. Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) lyrics are penned by Natasa Theodoridou.

Q. Who has given the music of Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) song?
A. Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera) music is composed and produced by Natasa Theodoridou.

“This concludes the lyrics of Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera)” by Natasa Theodoridou. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.