Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) Lyrics by Natasa Theodoridou is a latest Greek song. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) song lyrics are also written by Natasa Theodoridou. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In Καλά Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) by Natasa Theodoridou, the singer expresses deep emotional pain from a broken relationship. She admits that despite trying to hide it, she’s struggling with loneliness and heartache. She drinks and smokes to cope, feeling lost and isolated, longing for the person who no longer shares her life. Her words reveal a sense of hopelessness, as she confesses that she can’t move on, even though she tries to convince others that she’s fine. The song captures the raw vulnerability of someone caught in emotional turmoil and yearning for love.
Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) Lyrics
Περιττό να σου πω
Πως μου λείπεις κι απόψε
‘Έλα σε ένα ποτό
Και τη θλίψη μου διώξε
Περιττό να σου πω
Πως ποτέ δε θα μάθεις
Πως σ’ αυτή τη ζωή
Θα υπάρχω όσο υπάρχεις
Με ρωτάς τι κάνω, πως περνάω
Αν είμαι καλά εγώ
Να σου απαντήσω είναι πλέον περιττό
Καλά σου λέω αλλά είμαι χάλια
Δεν θέλω φίλους και δεν θέλω αγκαλιά
Είναι βαρύ να σ’ αγαπώ τα βράδια
Όπου κι αν πάω κάνει πάντα μοναξιά
Καλά σου λέω αλλά είμαι χάλια
Πίνω μπουκάλια και τσιγάρα και καημό
‘Έλα σταμάτα με στη τρέλα μου μη κάνω το κακό
Περιττό να σου πω
Πως δεν έχω πια φίλο
Πουθενά δεν μιλώ
Κι ούτε βλέπω τον ήλιο
Περιττό να σου πω
Πως ξυπνάω τα βράδια
Κι ότι σ’ αναζητώ
Στα δικά μου σκοτάδια
Natasa Theodoridou Songs
- Κάνε Εύκολο το Τέλος (Kane Efkolo To Telos)
- Ήταν Να Βρεθούμε (Ιtan Na Vrethoume)
- Τα Χειρότερα (Ta Hirotera)
Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) Lyrics Meaning
In the song, the singer starts by saying it’s unnecessary to mention how much she misses the person, but she seeks their company to share a drink and ease her sorrow. She then shares that the person will never know how deeply she feels, expressing that she’ll always exist as long as they do. When asked how she’s doing, she admits it’s no longer worth answering because she’s clearly not fine.
She confesses that, despite telling others she’s okay, she’s struggling, avoiding company, and feeling the weight of her love at night, where loneliness surrounds her. She drinks to numb the pain and pleads not to be pushed further into her emotional spiral. Lastly, she explains that she has no friends, feels cut off from the world, and often wakes up searching for them in the darkness of her own thoughts.
Q. Who has sung Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) song?
A. Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) song is sung by Natasa Theodoridou.
Q. Who wrote Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) lyrics?
A. Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) lyrics are penned by Natasa Theodoridou.
Q. Who has given the music of Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) song?
A. Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo) music is composed and produced by Natasa Theodoridou.
“This concludes the lyrics of Καλα Σου Λέω (Kala Sou Leo)” by Natasa Theodoridou. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.