ŞUT Lyrics – UZI

ŞUT Lyrics by UZI is a latest Turkish song in the voice of UZI. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Şut song lyrics are also written by UZI. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In ŞUT by Uzi, the song talks about resilience and overcoming struggles. Uzi reflects on his journey, rising from tough situations and staying confident despite the chaos around him. He mentions the pressure of street life, fake friends, and the hustle, but his determination keeps him moving forward. There’s a sense of rebellion against a corrupted system, and he asserts his place in the rap game, showing how far he’s come despite the challenges. The song’s catchy chorus reinforces the attitude of never backing down and always aiming for success.

ŞUT Lyrics

[Kısım I]

Yeniden düştüm, yeniden kalktım
Kaybedi’ceğim yoktu, hep bu yüzden rahattım
Eskidi pantolon, onu çöpe attım
Pantolon bahaneydi (Sigaramı yaktım)
Yaktım, onu vurucaktım
Bi’ tribün kadar dolu kalabalık aklım
İki seçenek vardı, yalan olacaktım
Gece gündüz çalışıp da adam olacaktım
İstediğini verdim sana, kaybol

Para bi’ senarist, bu dünya senaryo
Tutmadı elimden bu kukla düzen, yo
Tutmasın zaten, hemen kalk da düzel, yo
Görmedin bi’ dostunu kanlar içinde
Ya da güzel İstanbul’u kahpe biçimde
Sönmedi sobanız, ateş var içimde
Üşüyen çocuklar paranın peşinde
Konum sokak, kirli işler basittir
Sözleşmeni, yolunu al, siktir
Biz istersek dinlenmez, istersek hit’tir
GNG, KKM, hep birleşiktir
Oturduğun kucaklar rahat mı çakal, lan?
Rahatsız insansan rahat da batar
Model mi, rapçi mi? Her çeşit bakkal
Oturtur kucağına çok atan sakal

Şut, şut, şut, şut
Şut, şut, şut (Tweet atma, hareket yap)
Şut, şut (Şut, şut, şut)
Şut, şut (Bu GNG Clan hep yükseldi bra’m)
(Tweet atma, hareket yap)

[Kısım II]

[Giriş: Cem Yılmaz]
Bitme, bitirilme
Bitiyorum, bitiyo’, biticek
Bitsinler artık, bunlar doğru değil
Biz, var etmeyle uğraşmamız lazım
(Ya, El Chavo, ey)
Pozitif şeylerle

Artık çıktım, mağaram soğuktu
Beslendim, çok kilolar yaptım
Sen bittikçe yeni line yaptın (Ha)
Ben vokallerime Melodyne yaptım (He)
Hırslandım, sen korkaktın
Ben caddelerde bana ben kattım
Korkak piçler, yeniden kalktım (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Sen, sen değilsin, seni ben yaptım
(Yuh, Chavo, n’aptın?)
Yaptıklarıma yeter mi aklın?
Açlıktan ağladı mı dostun? (Ya)
Açlıktan kustun mu, n’aptın? (Baow)
Bugün eski dostlarıma bi’kaç anı bıraktım
Kiminle tanındın ve şimdi kimle anılır adın? (Baow, baow, baow)
Aslında her şey bu, akşamları her şey flu
Bastım basamaklara, yaştı, herkes der “Kimmiş bu?”
Onlar dedi “Git iş bul”, ben oldum patronu
34, boss life, Chavo, ailem GNG crew

UZI Songs

ŞUT Lyrics Meaning

[Verse I]
In the first verse, Uzi talks about his resilience and determination. He describes how he has fallen and risen multiple times, with nothing to lose, which made him feel free and fearless. He mentions discarding old clothes as a symbol of moving forward and letting go of the past. Uzi reflects on the mental chaos in his mind, comparing it to a crowded stadium, and the tough choices he had to make—either living a lie or working hard to build a better future. He also speaks about giving people what they wanted but still being abandoned. Uzi critiques the system, calling it a puppet show that doesn’t control him, encouraging himself to rise and fix things. The verse also alludes to the pain and struggles he’s witnessed, like friends suffering or the ugliness of the world. Despite it, he feels driven by an inner fire and refuses to let obstacles stop him.

[Chorus / Nakarat]
The chorus is a chant of “Şut,” which translates to “shoot.” It’s an energetic and defiant phrase that represents Uzi’s focused mentality of pushing forward, making moves, and scoring his goals. He urges people not to waste time tweeting or talking but to take action. It’s about moving quickly, seizing the moment, and succeeding, like hitting a goal. The repetition of “Şut” and “Gol” (goal) emphasizes the action and victory, and Uzi highlights his success with GNG Clan, showing their rise and dominance.

[Giriş (Intro)]
In this short intro, Uzi expresses frustration with the negativity around him, stating that things are ending or falling apart. He wants the falsehoods to end and urges people to focus on creating something meaningful. He emphasizes the importance of positivity and staying focused on what’s truly important.

[Verse II]
In the second verse, Uzi talks about his personal growth and success despite tough beginnings. He describes how he came from humble, cold conditions and struggled to survive. As he rose in the game, he worked hard, improved his skills, and put in the effort. Uzi contrasts himself with those who talk big but don’t act, claiming that he has built himself up while others stayed afraid. He calls out those who have turned their backs or failed to support him, asserting that he made himself who he is. He recalls the hunger and sacrifices he faced, contrasting it with the ease of those who’ve never known hardship. Uzi also reflects on how people who once doubted him are now questioning his success. He claims that he’s risen above them, from being told to get a job to becoming the boss himself. This verse highlights Uzi’s journey from struggle to success, driven by hard work and resilience.


Q. Who has sung ŞUT song?
A. ŞUT song is sung by UZI.

Q. Who wrote ŞUT lyrics?
A. ŞUT lyrics are penned by UZI.

Q. Who has given the music of ŞUT song?
A. ŞUT music is composed and produced by UZI.

“This concludes the lyrics of ŞUT” by UZI. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.