Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر Lyrics – Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس

Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر Lyrics by Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر song lyrics are also written by Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In the song Shati Bahar by Majid Al Mohandis, the singer reflects on life’s struggles and emotional turmoil. He contemplates the contradictions in life, where moments of happiness quickly turn into sorrow. He sings about the pain caused by both friends and lovers, expressing a desire to find peace away from betrayal and hardship. The lyrics describe his longing for a life free from deceit, where his pain can be washed away by the sea. He wishes for strength, wisdom, and the ability to forgive, while seeking God’s mercy and protection from the harshness of life.

Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر Lyrics

تأمّلت فْخفا نفسي تقلّبها كم اشقاني
أشك بْما تيقّنته ولا أوقن بتخميني
ودنيا حالها مربِك إذا ضحّكني بكّاني
تصافي لين أَأْمَنْها وهنا حتمًا تجافيني

وصديقٍ ضرّني بالعمْد أكرمتَه وآذاني
وحبيبٍ في ظماي أرويه، كاس الغدر يسقيني
أنا وش حاجتي لأعدا إذا هاذول خِلّاني
وإذا درعي هو القاتل واذا جرحي بسكيّني

أبي شاطي بحر والموج فيه يْبدِّدْ احزاني
وابي أحزان تِتْبَدَّدْ وما تِسْتَوطن سْنيني

‏وابي ما أتّقي شرّ الّذي غطّاه إِحساني
وابي أَصحاب ما تغدر وأَعدا ما تِصافيني

وابي صحّةْ على قدْر الألَم لامن تبلّاني
وابي أَغْنى غِنا يطْغي وانا أَغْصُبْه يهديني
وابي بالطيب اكون اوّل وبعدي أُصبح الثاني
وابي أَعفو مع القُدْرَةْ عن اللي كان يوذيني

وابي أَضحك مثل طفلٍ قديم فْسالف ازماني
ولا قد قال اْبد يارب شرَّ الضِّحك تكفيني!
وابي أبَكي بكا كهلٍ تيقّن بانّه الفاني
وابي يارب ترحمني وابي سترك يغطّيني

Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس Songs

Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر Lyrics Meaning

In the first part of the song, the singer reflects on his inner turmoil, feeling confused about life and questioning his beliefs. He describes how joy often turns into sorrow, and even when things seem good, they eventually fade, leaving him with feelings of loneliness and disappointment.

The next verse speaks about the pain caused by friends and lovers. He describes how a trusted friend has hurt him, and despite his efforts, he has been betrayed. He questions the need for enemies when those close to him have caused him so much pain.

In the final part, the singer expresses his desire for peace and healing. He longs for a place by the sea to wash away his sorrow and wishes for true friends who won’t betray him. He asks for strength, wisdom, and the ability to forgive those who have hurt him, while seeking divine mercy and protection.


Q. Who has sung Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر song?
A. Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر song is sung by Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس.

Q. Who wrote Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر lyrics?
A. Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر lyrics are penned by Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس.

Q. Who has given the music of Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر song?
A. Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر music is composed and produced by Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس.

“This concludes the lyrics of Shati Bahar – شاطي بحر” by Majid Al Mohandis – ماجد المهندس. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.