Sevdam Ağlıyor Lyrics – Kibariye, Buika

Sevdam Ağlıyor Lyrics by Kibariye, Buika is a latest Turkish song in the voices of Kibariye, Buika. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Sevdam Ağlıyor song lyrics are also written by Kibariye, Buika. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Sevdam Ağlıyor is a heartfelt song where the singer expresses deep pain and longing over a lost love. The lyrics depict the emotional turmoil of a heart broken by someone who didn’t appreciate or understand the singer’s feelings. Despite the suffering, there’s a sense of helplessness and resignation, as the singer wishes not to be sent away to suffer further. The imagery of sorrow is painted with the idea of love crying out in a harsh, unforgiving world, highlighting the torment of unrequited love and the emotional wounds that won’t heal.

Sevdam Ağlıyor Lyrics

[Bölüm: Kibariye]
Bir duru sözle gönül alana
Bir kuru dalla, çiçekle gelen
itti, gidiyor yaralı yüreğim
Gitti, gidiyor, kanadından tut

[Ön Nakarat: Kibariye]
A benim gözleri görmeyenim
A benim kadrimi bilmeyenim
A benim hasreti dinmeyenim
Beni elinle ellere gönderme
Ah, anam, garip anam

[Nakarat: Kibariye, Kibariye & Buika]
Ne sarayda, ne handa
Bir zalim ocağında sevdam ağlıyor
Ne gam ölsem uğrunda?
Beni zehir zemberek diller dağlıyor
Ne sarayda, ne handa
Bir zalim ocağında sevdam ağlıyor
Ne gam ölsem uğrunda?
Beni zehir zemberek diller dağlıyor

[Enstrümantal Ara]

[Bölüm: Buika]
Bir duru sözle gönül alana
Bir kuru dalla, çiçekle gelen
itti, gidiyor yaralı yüreğim
Gitti, gidiyor, kanadından tut

[Ön Nakarat: Buika]
A benim gözleri görmeyenim
A benim kadrimi bilmeyenim
A benim hasreti dinmeyenim
Beni elinle ellere gönderme

[Nakarat: Buika, Kibariye & Buika]
Ne sarayda, ne handa
Bir zalim ocağında sevdam ağlıyor
Ne gam ölsem uğrunda?
Beni zehir zemberek diller dağlıyor
Ne sarayda, ne handa
Bir zalim ocağında sevdam ağlıyor
Ne gam ölsem uğrunda?
Beni zehir zemberek diller dağlıyor

Sevdam Ağlıyor Lyrics Meaning

[Bölüm: Kibariye]
In this part, the singer talks about how easy it is to win someone’s heart with kind words or simple gestures like offering a flower or a dry branch. However, despite these small acts of kindness, the singer’s heart is deeply wounded and is slowly fading away, leaving a sense of loss and longing.

[Ön Nakarat: Kibariye]
Here, the singer expresses a deep sorrow for being misunderstood by someone who never appreciated their love or cared for their pain. There’s a sense of abandonment, as the singer pleads not to be sent away to suffer even more in the hands of others.

[Nakarat: Kibariye, Kibariye & Buika]
This chorus emphasizes the deep sadness of the singer’s love that is crying out in a cruel world. It talks about how love is tortured and crushed by harsh words, making the singer question whether their life even matters. Despite everything, the love remains in agony, unacknowledged and unloved.

[Bölüm: Buika]
Similar to Kibariye’s verse, Buika sings about the ease with which people can win hearts with simple gestures, but even with this, the singer’s heart is wounded. They feel like their love is fading away, slipping from their grasp with no way to stop it.

[Ön Nakarat: Buika]
Here, Buika sings the same sorrowful lines as Kibariye, reflecting on being ignored and unloved, with the added plea not to be sent away, reinforcing the pain of feeling rejected and abandoned by someone they cared for.

[Nakarat: Buika, Kibariye & Buika]
The chorus repeats, maintaining the same themes of sadness and rejection. The singer’s love is suffering in a harsh world, filled with cruel words. The singer feels helpless, questioning if their life even matters anymore as they are torn apart by the poison of others’ words.


Q. Who has sung Sevdam Ağlıyor song?
A. Sevdam Ağlıyor song is sung by Kibariye, Buika.

Q. Who wrote Sevdam Ağlıyor lyrics?
A. Sevdam Ağlıyor lyrics are penned by Kibariye, Buika.

Q. Who has given the music of Sevdam Ağlıyor song?
A. Sevdam Ağlıyor music is composed and produced by Kibariye, Buika.

“This concludes the lyrics of Sevdam Ağlıyor” by Kibariye, Buika. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.