Salman Khan Lyrics – ELIGARF

Salman Khan Lyrics by ELIGARF is a latest Romanian song in the voice of ELIGARF. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Salman Khan song lyrics are written by Andy Horjea, ELIGARF. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a fun, carefree song about enjoying life, no matter the circumstances. The lyrics describe a person who’s always ready for a good time, whether it’s partying or handling life’s little struggles. They don’t care about debts or responsibilities when it’s time to have fun, and they turn into a confident, carefree version of themselves when they drink, comparing their transformed self to the Bollywood star Salman Khan. The song captures the spirit of living in the moment, dancing, and having a good time, even in the face of chaos.

Salman Khan Lyrics

Nu mai conteaza cat si unde am datorii
Gasesc ceva sa-mi fac si pofta inimii
Cand e de bairam, un leu tot mai am
Reciclam sticle de-aeara
Cum faceam si asta-vara

Cand e de bairam, un leu tot mai am
Toarna, tat, tat, toarna, stii ca eu

Cand ma imbat, nu fac scandal
Sa ma vada dama
Ma transform in salman khan

O iau cu un dans, pas si un lugu-lugu

Cand ma imbat, nu fac scandal
Sa ma vada dama
Ma transform in salman khan
O iau cu un dans, pas si un lugu-lugu

De se anunta maine apocalipsa
Tot romanul e la lidl cu lista:
Bere, floricele, un cd plin cu manele
Ca daca mor, vreau sa o fac de placere

Cand e de bairam, un leu tot mai am
Iau pe caiet un suc si un desert

Cand e de bairam, un leu tot mai am
Toarna, tat, tat, toarna, stii ca eu

Cand ma imbat, nu fac scandal
Sa ma vada dama
Ma transform in salman khan
O iau cu un dans, pas si un lugu-lugu

Cand ma imbat, nu fac scandal
Sa ma vada dama

Ma transform in salman khan
O iau cu un dans, pas si un lugu-lugu

Salman Khan Lyrics Meaning

The song starts with the singer expressing that, despite their financial troubles and debts, they focus on what makes them happy. No matter what, they always find a way to have fun and enjoy life. They even recycle bottles from the previous night’s party, showing they’re resourceful when it comes to having a good time.

Next, the singer highlights how, during a party, they can always spare a little bit of money to keep things going. They’re carefree and just want to enjoy the moment, often asking for drinks, no matter how little they have left.

The lyrics then shift to the singer’s transformation when they drink. Instead of causing drama, they become confident and playful, like Bollywood star Salman Khan. They describe dancing in a fun and lighthearted way, showing their carefree attitude when enjoying life.

The song further captures the singer’s perspective on life. Even if the world was ending, they imagine themselves at a store buying beer and snacks, ready to enjoy life fully in their last moments. For them, it’s all about making the most of every situation and having fun, no matter the circumstances.


Q. Who has sung Salman Khan song?
A. Salman Khan song is sung by ELIGARF.

Q. Who wrote Salman Khan lyrics?
A. Salman Khan lyrics are penned by Andy Horjea, ELIGARF.

Q. Who has given the music of Salman Khan song?
A. Salman Khan music is composed and produced by ELIGARF.

“This concludes the lyrics of Salman Khan” by ELIGARF. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.