Responso à Mulher Lyrics – A Cantadeira

Responso à Mulher Lyrics by A Cantadeira is a latest Portuguese song in the voice of A Cantadeira. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Responso à Mulher song lyrics are also written by A Cantadeira. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a song that blends elements of folklore, spirituality, and resilience. The lyrics describe a woman who uses powerful rituals and chants to protect herself and her community from harm. She calls upon both sacred and magical forces, drawing strength from her ancestral lineage, including a connection to her grandmother, who was a witch burned at the stake. The song emphasizes the idea that misfortune doesn’t come alone, but with her prayers and ancestral power, she confronts challenges, finding healing and protection through her spiritual practices.

Responso à Mulher Lyrics

Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Não dar ponto sem dar nó
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Ai um mal nunca vem só

[Verso 1]
Oh, que força tem o responso entoado
Vem a benzedura, vai o mau olhado
Vai o mau olhado, vai a minha dor
Oh, que força tem o meu clamor
Tem o meu clamor, tem a minha praga

Sou a neta da bruxa em fogo queimada
Acerto a passada, afino a oração
Trago as netas todas em meu coração

Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Não dar ponto sem dar nó
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Ai um mal nunca vem só

[Verso 2]
No meu coração, na minha garganta
Vou à romaria, nem bruxa nem santa
A santa e a bruxa na sola do pé
Caminhamos juntas, são a minha fé
São a minha fé, a minha muralha
E em cada mão a força não falha
E se a força falha lançamos trovões
Trago no meu sangue todas as gerações

Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Não dar ponto sem dar nó
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Ai um mal nunca vem só

Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Não dar ponto sem dar nó
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Ai um mal nunca vem só

Se me traz a sorte não há volta a dar
Vem a benzedura p’ra me vir curar
Se me traz a sorte não há volta a dar
Vem a benzedura p’ra me vir curar
Se me traz a sorte não há volta a dar
Vem a benzedura p’ra me vir curar
Se me traz a sorte não há volta a dar
Vem a benzedura p’ra me vir curar

Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Não dar ponto sem dar nó
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Ai um mal nunca vem só
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Não dar ponto sem dar nó
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Ai um mal nunca vem só
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Não dar ponto sem dar nó
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Ai um mal nunca vem só
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Não dar ponto sem dar nó
Ó ai lé, ó ai lé
Ai um mal nunca vem só

Responso à Mulher Lyrics Meaning

The refrain emphasizes that troubles often come in multiples, and there’s no such thing as a problem without complications. The line “não dar ponto sem dar nó” refers to the idea that one cannot take action without causing some consequences or entanglements, underlining how misfortune doesn’t strike alone.

[Verso 1:]
In this verse, the singer expresses the strength of her chants and spiritual rituals. She calls upon healing blessings to remove negative energy and pain. The mention of being the granddaughter of a witch who was burned at the stake suggests a deep ancestral connection to mystical powers. Her prayer is strong, and she carries the spirit of her ancestors, particularly the women in her lineage, with her as she walks forward in life.

This section repeats the idea that trouble doesn’t come alone. It’s a reminder that when one bad thing happens, it’s often followed by more, but it also hints at resilience, as the singer repeatedly calls attention to the inevitability of life’s challenges.

[Verso 2:]
The second verse describes a balance between the sacred and the mystical. The singer doesn’t see herself as purely holy or wicked, but as someone who holds both the saint and the witch within her. This combination of forces is her faith, her protective shield, and her source of strength. If she feels weak, she taps into the power of her ancestry and even conjures storms, showing her powerful connection to her heritage and the generations that came before her.

The refrain is repeated again, emphasizing that bad luck tends to come in waves, and each problem may bring its own set of consequences. However, it also reflects a sense of inevitability about life’s hardships, suggesting that each problem needs to be faced with the same resilience and strength.

In the outro, the singer acknowledges the inevitability of fate. If fortune comes her way, she cannot turn back; it’s a force that must be accepted. She also relies on her spiritual healing rituals to bring her back to health if needed. This reinforces the deep connection she has to rituals, blessings, and spiritual practices to navigate both good and bad moments in life.

In the final refrain, the repetition of the idea that trouble never comes alone is drawn out even more. This constant refrain captures the essence of life’s unpredictability, with the acknowledgment that no challenge is faced without additional complications. However, the singer also reiterates her unshaken faith and strength to face those challenges, no matter how many times they come. The song circles back to the power of rituals and faith that guide her through life’s complexities.


Q. Who has sung Responso à Mulher song?
A. Responso à Mulher song is sung by A Cantadeira.

Q. Who wrote Responso à Mulher lyrics?
A. Responso à Mulher lyrics are penned by A Cantadeira.

Q. Who has given the music of Responso à Mulher song?
A. Responso à Mulher music is composed and produced by A Cantadeira.

“This concludes the lyrics of Responso à Mulher” by A Cantadeira. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.