Quantos Queres Lyrics by Inês Marques Lucas is a latest Portuguese song in the voice of Inês Marques Lucas. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Quantos Queres song lyrics are also written by Inês Marques Lucas. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It reflects on the pressure of constantly trying to meet someone else’s expectations. The song’s lyrics describe a person being asked to change, like switching clothes or molding their body into an idealized version. Despite trying to adapt, they feel incomplete and misunderstood. The repetitive question “Quantos queres?” (How many do you want?) echoes the emotional exhaustion of trying to satisfy someone else’s desires, all while the relationship becomes strained, and they feel increasingly unwanted. It’s a poignant exploration of self-identity and the struggle to fit into someone else’s vision.
Quantos Queres Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Pedes-me que mude
Como se de roupa se tratasse
Como se pudesse trocar o meu ser
Por um outro que te chegasse
E eu tento, troco a camisa e as calças
Visto calções e una camisola de alças
E aguento
Quantos queres?
Quantas peles?
Quantos queres?
Já mal me queres
Já mal me queres
Já mal me queres
Já mal me queres
[Verso 2]
Pedes-me outra versão
Como se me pudesses moldar
Como se fosse una escultura
Com a cabeça por finalizar
E eu tento, deixo o barro anda molhado
Aceito que o meu corpo está inacabado
E aguento
Quantos queres?
Quantas peles?
Quantos queres?
Já mal me queres
Já mal me queres
Já mal me queres
Já mal me queres
Vai, tenta outra vez e sai
Outra Inês não cais
Aguentas sem chorar
Quantos queres?
Quantas peles?
Quantos queres?
Já mal me queres
Quantos Queres Lyrics Meaning
[Verso 1]
In this verse, the person is being asked to change as if it’s as easy as changing clothes, suggesting that their true self can be swapped out for something more acceptable to the other person. Despite their attempts to alter their appearance and behavior, they keep enduring, though it feels like they’re still not enough.
The chorus repeats the question, “How many do you want?” This symbolizes the constant demand for more changes or sacrifices, paired with the sense that they are becoming less wanted or appreciated, no matter how much they give.
[Verso 2]
Here, the person is asked to change again, this time like a sculpture being molded. They are compared to unfinished art, as if they can be reshaped and perfected. The speaker tries to accept this and goes along with it, even though they feel incomplete and unfulfilled, but they still endure the pressure.
The chorus repeats the same questions, emphasizing the emotional toll of constantly being asked to change. They feel unwanted and like their efforts are futile, further reflecting the growing strain in the relationship.
The bridge is about someone trying again and leaving, suggesting that no matter what happens, the speaker remains strong. They endure without crying, implying resilience and a sense of emotional survival despite the hardships.
In the final repetition of the chorus, the speaker again faces the demand for change. This time, it’s even more pointed and emotional, reflecting how exhausted they are from the ongoing pressure and lack of affection.
Q. Who has sung Quantos Queres song?
A. Quantos Queres song is sung by Inês Marques Lucas.
Q. Who wrote Quantos Queres lyrics?
A. Quantos Queres lyrics are penned by Inês Marques Lucas.
Q. Who has given the music of Quantos Queres song?
A. Quantos Queres music is composed and produced by Inês Marques Lucas.
“This concludes the lyrics of Quantos Queres” by Inês Marques Lucas. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.