創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. Lyrics – AKINO from Bless4

創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. Lyrics by AKINO from Bless4 is a latest Japanese song in the voice of AKINO from Bless4. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new 創聖のアクエ リオン Myth Of Emotions Ver. song lyrics are also written by AKINO from Bless4. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The *Myth of Emotions Ver.* of **創聖のアクエリオン** by AKINO from Bless4 is a powerful, emotionally charged song about timeless, infinite love and deep connections that transcend lifetimes. The lyrics express an overwhelming devotion that spans thousands, even millions of years, where meeting the beloved transforms the singer’s existence with eternal music amidst personal suffering. Themes of destiny, reincarnation, and longing weave through a story of cosmic romance, set against vivid, poetic imagery of life, dreams, and an unbreakable bond. It’s an epic anthem of love that defies time and space.

創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. Lyrics

[“創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver.” 歌詞]

世界の始まりの日 生命 (いのち)の樹の下で
くじらたちの声の遠い残響 二人で聞いた

失くしたものすべて 愛したものすべて
この手に抱きしめて 現在 (いま)は何処 (どこ)を彷徨 (さまよ)い行くの

出会わなければ 殺戮の天使でいられた
傷つかないで 僕の羽根


世界が終わる前に 生命 (いのち)が終わる前に
眠る嘆きほどいて 君の薫り抱きしめたいよ

耳すませた海神 (わだつみ)の記憶
よみがえれ 永遠 (とわ)に涸れぬ光
汚されないで 君の夢






創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. Lyrics Meaning

The song begins with a serene, ancient moment beneath the tree of life, where two people listen to the echoes of whales. This symbolizes the beginning of existence and a deep connection shared in a time of origin. It reflects a sense of loss and longing as they wander through life, carrying memories of love and the things they’ve lost.

The amber sun hides unknown answers, and without love, the singer might have become a destructive force, an angel of slaughter. However, love has awakened their eternal soul, which now possesses an indestructible spark. The singer pleads for their fragile wings not to be harmed, feeling that they were born to experience these intense emotions.

The iconic refrain speaks of loving someone for ten thousand years and growing more deeply attached after eight thousand more. This eternal devotion only intensifies after meeting their beloved, making even torment bearable as music fills their personal hell. It’s a declaration of love that transcends time, symbolizing an unending, cosmic connection.

Before the end of the world or life itself, the singer wishes to embrace their beloved’s fragrance and free their sleeping sorrow. They draw upon the sea god’s memory and a moon consumed by despair, yearning for eternal light. The plea for the purity of dreams and love emphasizes the sacred nature of their bond.

The chorus repeats, emphasizing that time cannot erode love’s power. Even as the beloved repeatedly matures and drifts away, the singer remains unwavering, sleeplessly watching, determined to sing their name forever. This reflects a cycle of reincarnation and relentless yearning for reunion, where love becomes a song without end.

This song is a poetic, metaphysical exploration of timeless, fated love that survives through endless cycles of existence. It blends themes of destiny, eternal devotion, and the transforming power of connection into a cosmic, emotional anthem. Its rich imagery and passionate lyrics convey a love so profound it echoes across eternity.


Q. Who has sung 創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. song?
A. 創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. song is sung by AKINO from Bless4.

Q. Who wrote 創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. lyrics?
A. 創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. lyrics are penned by AKINO from Bless4.

Q. Who has given the music of 創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. song?
A. 創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver. music is composed and produced by AKINO from Bless4.

“This concludes the lyrics of 創聖のアクエ リオン Myth of Emotions Ver.” by AKINO from Bless4. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.