Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) Lyrics – MilkyyMelodies

Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) Lyrics by MilkyyMelodies is a latest English song in the voice of MilkyyMelodies. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) song lyrics are also written by MilkyyMelodies. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It portrays a defiant perspective against adversaries, labeling them as insignificant and doomed. The lyrics mock their weakness and futile attempts at redemption, asserting superiority and predicting their defeat. The song celebrates strength and domination, dismissing any chance of harmony or peace with a tone of ridicule and superiority.

Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) Lyrics

[Verse 1: Adam, Lute, Adam & Lute]
So things look bad for them
Got their backs against the wall
Their whole existence is such a joke
Like, they’re nasty, man
They’re all so filthy, weak, pathetic, little insects (Oh, go off)
Came to our realm just to provoke us
They must’ve lost their minds
To think they can ever be redeemed
Hahaha, in their dreams

[Chorus: Lute & Adam]

They’re all losers, baby
They’re losers, goddamn, baby, they’re all
Messed up, little, whiny b!tches (On that, sir, I agree)
They’re all screws-loose cruisers
These beggars can’t be choosers
And that’s quite the shame, but who’s to blame?
It’s how things should be

[Verse 2: Adam & Lute]
They wanna walk up into Heaven
That ain’t up for discussion
Sera needs to use aggression
I’m the one who’s been protecting all these angels
No question, I’m the boss, class in session
She really needs some lessons
On how we should be progressing
If she listened to me, we wouldn’t be in this mess
I had to spill all the tea, I think it was for the best
And little Em didn’t know, like damn, who would’ve guessed?
I didn’t care, no one I need to impress, haha
To think that Emily believes that she can save them
The angel of joy? More like the angel of losers
Am I right?

[Chorus: Lute, Adam, Lute & Adam]

They’re all losers, baby
They’re losers and they all just wanna
Live in harmony, love and peace, yo
As if it’s that easy
I’m a winner, honey
I shimmer and I’m yummy (Uh, what?)
If we stand our ground, Sera’ll come around
‘Cause she’s a loser, that’s clear to see

[Verse 3: Lute, Adam, Lute & Adam]
Came into court with no evidence
Scrambling around and acting senseless
Don’t they know that Hell is forever?
Go ahead, now that’s what’s up, come on
We’ll be exterminating
There really ain’t no time for waiting
Gonna show no mercy
They’ll be trapped and it’ll get worse
As we annihilate them

[Outro: Lute, Lute & Adam]
They’re all losers, baby
They’re losers and I know that if we
Fight them together, we can take our victory
They should lose all this hoping
I refuse to let them ever win
Play our cards, we know what they are
They’re weirdos, freaks and losers

MilkyyMelodies Songs

Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) Lyrics Meaning

[Verse 1]
Adam and Lute’s verse opens with a tone of disdain and mockery towards their adversaries, painting a bleak picture of their situation. They depict their opponents as being in a desperate state, with their backs against the wall and their entire existence reduced to a joke. The lyrics describe them as repulsive and insignificant beings, likening them to filthy, weak, and pathetic insects. Adam and Lute further suggest that these adversaries have deliberately provoked them, implying a sense of irrationality or madness in their actions. The verse concludes with a derisive laughter at the thought of their enemies ever achieving redemption, dismissing it as a delusional fantasy.

In the chorus, Lute and Adam bluntly assert their belief in the inherent inferiority of their opponents. They label them as “losers” multiple times, emphasizing their contemptuous view. The chorus characterizes these adversaries as troubled and complaining individuals who lack the ability to make choices for themselves. It implies a sense of resignation towards their fate, suggesting that being losers is simply their natural state and there’s no one to blame for it—it’s just how things are supposed to be.

[Verse 2]
Adam and Lute delve into their opponents’ aspirations, particularly their desire to attain a heavenly state or higher purpose. They dismiss these ambitions with certainty, asserting that such matters are not up for debate or negotiation. There’s criticism directed towards Sera, an angelic figure, for not taking decisive action as they deem necessary. Adam positions himself as a dominant figure who protects other angels, suggesting a hierarchical authority. There’s also a critique of Emily, another figure, for her idealistic belief that she can save their adversaries. This disbelief in redemption is reinforced with a sarcastic reinterpretation of Emily’s role, challenging her credibility as an “angel of joy” by rebranding her as an “angel of losers.”

Lute and Adam reiterate their perspective on their opponents’ status as losers, emphasizing their lack of agency and perceived inability to achieve their desired state of harmony and peace. They scoff at the notion that such ideals are easily attainable, contrasting it with their own perceived attributes of being winners. The chorus underlines their conviction that their adversaries are fundamentally flawed and destined to fail, reinforcing their disdain with a mocking tone.

[Verse 3]
The third verse details a scenario where their adversaries appear in a metaphorical court setting, unprepared and irrational in their actions. There’s a critique of their behavior as senseless and scrambling, indicating a lack of coherent strategy or evidence to support their cause. The lyrics emphasize the eternal consequences of their actions, portraying hell as a permanent and inevitable destination for them. Adam and Lute adopt a stance of merciless aggression towards their adversaries, pledging to escalate their efforts and predicting dire consequences for them as they proceed with their planned annihilation.

Lute and Adam conclude with a reaffirmation of their stance on their adversaries’ status as losers. They express confidence that victory is within reach if they unite against them, rejecting any possibility of their adversaries achieving success or redemption. The outro underscores their determination to thwart their opponents’ hopes and ambitions, ridiculing them as abnormal and destined for failure. It reinforces their belief that their adversaries are outsiders, distinct from themselves and their allies, with no chance of integration or acceptance.

Famous Phrases with Explanation

1. “Things look bad for them
The situation is unfavorable for their adversaries; they’re facing difficulties or challenges.

2. “Got their backs against the wall
They’re in a position where they have no options or room to maneuver, feeling trapped or cornered.

3. “Their whole existence is such a joke
Their lives or presence are seen as ridiculous or meaningless, lacking seriousness or importance.

4. “They’re all so filthy, weak, pathetic, little insects
They’re viewed as contemptible and insignificant beings, lacking strength or worth.

5. “Came to our realm just to provoke us
Their actions are seen as deliberately seeking to cause conflict or irritation.

6. “They must’ve lost their minds
It’s believed they’re irrational or insane for thinking they can achieve something unrealistic or impossible.


Q. Who has sung Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) song?
A. Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) song is sung by MilkyyMelodies.

Q. Who wrote Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) lyrics?
A. Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) lyrics are penned by MilkyyMelodies.

Q. Who has given the music of Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) song?
A. Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version) music is composed and produced by MilkyyMelodies.

“This concludes the lyrics of Loser, Baby (Adam & Lute Version)” by MilkyyMelodies. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.