Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك Lyrics – Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش

Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك Lyrics by Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك song lyrics are also written by Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In the song Law Ma Ahebbik by Yosra Mahnouch, the singer expresses deep regret and longing for someone she loves. She admits to making mistakes out of frustration and confusion but pleads for forgiveness, wishing to return from the pain of forgetting. She reflects on how her life would have been empty and painful without love, emphasizing that love is the reason for both her joy and sorrow. The lyrics convey a sense of vulnerability, as she longs for reconciliation, recognizing that mistakes happen, especially in moments of anger.

Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك Lyrics

حبيبي لي خطيت اعذرني
تعب مني التعب
حيرته وحيرني
وخلينا الأمل حيران
ارجع لي من النسيان
مـين فيــنا اللي ما يخطي
في حالة غضب

لو ما أحبك عشت في الدنيا غريب
لو ما أحبك كنت ضايع يا الحبيب
لو ما أحبك ما بكى بصدري غرامي
لو ما أحبك ما تأســفـت بكلامي

ارجع لي من النسيان
مـين فيــنا اللي ما يخطي
في حالة غضب

لو ما أحبك ما تبسم لي زماني
لو ما أحبك عشت طول عمري أعاني
لو ما أحبك ما تغنى بك لساني
لو ما أحبك ما أجـيك بشوق عاني
ارجع لي من النسيان
مـين فيــنا اللي ما يخطي
في حالة غضب

Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش Songs

Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك Lyrics Meaning

In the song, the singer asks for forgiveness, acknowledging her mistakes and the pain she’s caused. She feels exhausted and confused, unsure of what went wrong in the relationship. The longing for reconciliation is clear as she asks her partner to return and forgive her.

The singer reflects on how her life would have been empty and meaningless without love. She expresses that love is the reason behind her emotional ups and downs, and without it, she wouldn’t feel the passion, regret, or even the need to apologize. She desires to reconnect, showing that mistakes happen, especially in moments of anger.


Q. Who has sung Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك song?
A. Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك song is sung by Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش.

Q. Who wrote Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك lyrics?
A. Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك lyrics are penned by Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش.

Q. Who has given the music of Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك song?
A. Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك music is composed and produced by Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش.

“This concludes the lyrics of Law Ma Ahebbik – لو ما أحبك” by Yosra Mahnouch – يسرا محنوش. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.