Lavoro Lyrics – Tony Boy

Lavoro Lyrics by Tony Boy is a latest Italian song in the voice of Tony Boy. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Lavoro song lyrics are also written by Tony Boy. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In It, the artist reflects on his life and struggles with work, fame, and relationships. He expresses indifference toward the opinions of others and acknowledges that he’s not the most serious when it comes to work. Despite challenges, he finds comfort in returning to a job that’s always been there for him. The song touches on themes of loyalty, friendship, and resilience, with the artist navigating through difficulties, using his music as a source of strength. He also hints at the emotional toll of his journey, feeling both driven and conflicted at times.

Lavoro Lyrics

Yeah, yeah

Non mi interessa di te, non mi interessa di loro
Non sono mai stato un tipo serio sul lavoro
Tanto, se va male, ritorno a fare un lavoro
Che č sempre stato lě quando tu non c’eri attorno
Ostriche al tavolo, tutti I miei amici mangiano
Baguette sopra al collo, sembra che siano il contorno
Un mio vero blood, l’unico con cui concordo
Anche davanti al giudice noi non abbiamo torto

Orecchini d’oro, Kevin cucina buono
Cento panette anche se ora c’ho un disco d’oro
Tutte queste lacrime fanno sei dischi l’anno
Faccio fare soldi a tutti quelli che c’ho affianco
Io sto combattendo, so che I fan lo sanno
So che, se mi parli di notte, ti sento
(??), il diavolo dentro
Odio sembra eterno piů dell’amore vero
Nella mia vita entra per esserci in eterno
Chiuso dentro un testo, spero non per lutto
Ciň che mi ha distrutto mi ha reso piů forte
Č una di quelle cose che dico per farmi forza
Parlo con me stesso per non svenire stanotte
Lei sopra di me vuole venire piů volte
E allora vieni adesso che dopo non ho tempo
Lei vuole quell’inferno, se ti va bene, č questo

Tony Boy Songs

Lavoro Lyrics Meaning

[Intro (Yeah, yeah)]
The intro is a simple, repetitive affirmation, setting the tone for the song’s confident and casual vibe.

[Strofa (Verse)]
In this verse, Tony Boy expresses his disregard for others’ opinions and their expectations, emphasizing that he’s never been serious about conventional work. He’s comfortable with the idea of returning to a simple job if things go wrong, one that’s always available when others aren’t around. This reveals his sense of independence and resilience. As he describes his success, he highlights his luxurious lifestyle — eating oysters with friends and sporting a stylish look with baguettes around his neck. He values loyalty, especially from his “true blood,” a friend he trusts deeply, even if they’re in trouble with the law.

Tony also reflects on his rise to fame, mentioning gold earrings, good food, and the wealth he’s earned, despite the struggles that come with his success. His tears are symbolic of the emotional pain that fuels his work, and he acknowledges that the hard times contribute to his yearly success. He’s driven, and his fans recognize the fight he’s putting in. There’s a sense of duality in his emotions — love and hate, with hate sometimes feeling eternal. He uses writing as a way to deal with his struggles, hoping it won’t be his last act before death. Despite everything breaking him down, he’s stronger for it, and he finds comfort in talking to himself for support. The verse ends on a provocative note, hinting at a passionate relationship with a woman who desires intense, fleeting experiences.


Q. Who has sung Lavoro song?
A. Lavoro song is sung by Tony Boy.

Q. Who wrote Lavoro lyrics?
A. Lavoro lyrics are penned by Tony Boy.

Q. Who has given the music of Lavoro song?
A. Lavoro music is composed and produced by Tony Boy.

“This concludes the lyrics of Lavoro” by Tony Boy. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.