İSTANBUL BİLE Lyrics by Buray is a latest Turkish song in the voice of Buray. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new İstanbul Bİle song lyrics are also written by Buray. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. İstanbul Bile by Buray is a heartfelt song about love, longing, and heartache. The singer expresses how deeply he’s affected by a lost love, describing how everything, even the city of Istanbul, seems to suffer with him. He admits that no one has ever taken over his heart like this person did, and the absence of his love leaves him feeling empty. He reflects on past moments with this person, and how even the city now feels different. The song portrays a sense of vulnerability, pain, and the overwhelming nature of unrequited love.
[Bölüm 1: Sena Şahin]
Doğdu güneş diye sabah mı oldu
Kaçıncı hevesim kalbimde soldu
Ağzımdan çıkamadan espri oldun
Yine hayalinle sarhoş oldum
Sözlerim yalansa gözümden anla
İçemiyorum sensiz tek bi damla
Yaptığın besteyi artık tamamla
Ya da boşver geçti zamanla
[Köprü: Sena Şahin]
Tövbe bırakmadın aklımda kimseyi
Sadece senin olmaktı hep isteğim
Yokluğunda bi şarkı dinledim
Geberiyo istanbul bile aşkından
Her boku seninle istedim
Ama dün ben o filmi tek izledim
Sevişmek kaç gün uzakta
Geberiyo istanbul bile
[Nakarat: Sena Şener, Buray & Sena Şener]
Ah istanbul istanbul olalı
Hiç görmedi böyle keder
Geberiyorum aşkından
Kalmadı bende gururdan eser
Ah istanbul istanbul olalı
Hiç görmedi böyle keder
Geberiyorum aşkından
Kalmadı bende gururdan eser
[Bölüm 2: Buray]
O resimde bir bakışın var
Nasıl hala gözlerinde aynı ışıklar?
Bana zulm de, sana ilaç mı
Hiç dokunmamış güzelliğine yıllar
[Köprü: Buray & Sena Şahin]
Tövbe bırakmadın aklımda kimseyi
Sadece senin olmaktı hep isteğim
Yokluğunda bi şarkı dinledim
Geberiyo istanbul bile aşkından
Her boku seninle istedim
Ama dün ben o filmi tek izledim
Sevişmek kaç gün uzakta
Geberiyo istanbul bile
[Nakarat: Buray, Buray & Sena Şener]
Ah istanbul istanbul olalı
Hiç görmedi böyle keder
Geberiyorum aşkından
Kalmadı bende gururdan eser
Ah istanbul istanbul olalı
Hiç görmedi böyle keder
Geberiyorum aşkından
Kalmadı bende gururdan eser
İSTANBUL BİLE Lyrics Meaning
[Bölüm 1]
In this first part, the singer reflects on how time seems to pass, but the pain of love remains. He compares his feelings to the sunrise, wondering if it’s the sun that makes the day start or the fading desires in his heart. He gets lost in his thoughts about his lover, feeling intoxicated by memories and unable to live without them. There’s a sense of frustration and nostalgia as he asks the person to either finish what they started or let go of the past.
In the bridge, the singer expresses that no one has been able to replace this person in his mind. He confesses that he only ever wanted to belong to them. The absence of his lover makes him turn to music, but it doesn’t heal him—it’s even harder to bear in a city like Istanbul, which now feels heavy with his grief. He recalls wanting everything with them but now facing the harsh reality of doing things alone. He wonders when things will get better and how much longer he can endure this pain.
The chorus highlights the depth of the singer’s sorrow, with Istanbul being a metaphor for how deeply he’s suffering. He feels like he’s dying from the absence of love, with all his pride and dignity slipping away. The city, once vibrant, now feels full of pain as he’s consumed by longing. His emotional turmoil is so intense that even Istanbul, symbolizing life, feels affected by his heartbreak.
[Bölüm 2]
In this part, the singer reflects on a picture of his former lover. He notices that their eyes still shine with the same light as before. Even though time has passed, he wonders if his feelings for them have turned into a kind of self-inflicted torture, as he still feels the same pull despite the years. There’s a deep admiration for the person’s unchanged beauty.
This bridge repeats the earlier theme of being unable to forget the person, and the longing is still there. The singer laments how everything he wanted was tied to them, and now he’s facing the loneliness of living without their presence. The city of Istanbul, a symbol of everything he once shared with the person, continues to remind him of the absence and the emptiness he feels.
The chorus repeats the same feelings of pain and loss. The singer again describes how Istanbul has never seen such sorrow before. His suffering, due to love, has drained him of his pride, and he’s left feeling empty. The repeated reference to Istanbul emphasizes how the city, and his world, are now colored by sadness and longing for the lost love.
Q. Who has sung İSTANBUL BİLE song?
A. İSTANBUL BİLE song is sung by Buray.
Q. Who wrote İSTANBUL BİLE lyrics?
A. İSTANBUL BİLE lyrics are penned by Buray.
Q. Who has given the music of İSTANBUL BİLE song?
A. İSTANBUL BİLE music is composed and produced by Buray.
“This concludes the lyrics of İSTANBUL BİLE” by Buray. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.