HASTANENİN ÖNÜNDE Lyrics by UZI is a latest Turkish song in the voice of UZI. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Hastanenİn ÖnÜnde song lyrics are also written by UZI. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song *Hastanenin Önünde* by Uzi reflects the struggles of dealing with personal pain, frustration, and loss. The lyrics explore the feeling of being overwhelmed by life’s challenges, symbolized by waiting outside a hospital. Uzi expresses his emotional turmoil, mentioning sleepless nights and deep regret, while confronting his own feelings of isolation and anger. Despite the hardships, he highlights a sense of resilience and determination to keep moving forward. The song mixes raw emotion with a sense of defiance, showing the artist’s vulnerability in a world that feels relentless.


Chavo, yeah
GNG bra, yeah
(Herkesin kendine zor hayatı)
(Sizin ekmek bayat, bana zehir oldu kahvaltı)
(Ne fark eder ki, gavat?)
(Benim yedi günüm zan altı, hehe)
Yeah, Chavo (Ha)

[Verse 1]
Yatağımdan zıplıyorum gecenin her köründe

Ya, hani güzel günler beni bekliyo’du önümde?
Karşıma çıkma, yani gönül gözüme görünme
Sen hiç uykuya daldın mı, lan, hastanenin önünde?
Yanımda telefon ve ondan nefret ediyorum
Huysuzum, çekilmezim, ben bunu kabul ediyorum, yeah
Yaklaş bi’, ne diyorum? Anladığını düşünme
Sen hiç uykuya daldın mı, lan, hastanenin önünde? (Ha)
Canımdan bi’ parçayı yatırdılar sedyeye
Bu kahpe dünya en başından meyilli yok etmeye
Bu rap değil bi’ uyarı, bi’ gün sabahın beşinde (He)
Sen hiç uykuya daldın mı, lan, hastanenin içinde?

Dayan, gözüm, dayan, gördüklerin hiçbi’ şey
Bu yaş büyür, sabır büyür, bu ne kadar garip bi’ şey
Çek paparazi, benim mesajım geçmişe
Ergenlikten tek aklımda kalan yarım pet şişe
Dayan, gözüm, dayan, gördüklerin hiçbi’ şey
Bu yaş büyür, sabır büyür, bu ne kadar garip bi’ şey
Çek paparazi, benim mesajım geçmişe
Ergenlikten tek aklımda kalan yarım pet şişe

[Verse 2]
Düzelmesi gerek, uyku düzenimden önce duygu düzenimin
Yine çöktüm dizlerimin üstüne

Bugün göğü giydim üstüme, yarın kim kime küstüyse küser
Ben hiç taviz vermem dünküye
Sen hiç uykuya daldın mı, lan, hastanenin önünde?
Ya da içinde, dizin karnının içinde
Sanki vurulmuşum elli farklı biçimde, lan
Canımın parçası kaldı hastanenin içinde
Yaşıyo’m sarayda bi’ fare deliğinden sonra
Şansıma güvenirim ama çalıştıktan sonra
Silah tutmuyorum gerçek çatıştıktan sonra
Hastaneden korkmuyorum, alışmışken iyice sona

(Ergenlikten tek aklımda kalan yarım pet şişe)
(Sen hiç uykuya daldın mı, lan, hastanenin önünde?)
Hastanenin önünde (Hastanenin önünde, hastanenin önünde)
(Ondan nefret ediyorum, ondan nefret ediyorum)
Sen hiç uykuya daldın mı, lan, hastanenin içinde?

UZI Songs


In the intro, Uzi expresses a sense of frustration and disillusionment with life. He highlights how everyone has their own struggles, but his experience feels more intense and bitter. The reference to “bread being stale” and “breakfast poisoning” reflects the difficulty of even simple pleasures. The line about “seven days under suspicion” suggests a feeling of constant tension and unease. It sets a tone of defiance and inner turmoil, where Uzi doesn’t care much about others’ opinions, emphasizing his hardened outlook on life.

[Verse 1]
In this verse, Uzi talks about feeling restless and disconnected from the world. He describes jumping out of bed in the middle of the night, questioning the promises of better days that seem to never come. He doesn’t want anyone to interfere with his thoughts, reflecting a deep sense of loneliness and emotional exhaustion. The hospital reference here symbolizes the deep personal pain he’s experiencing, possibly related to loss or emotional trauma. The line about hating his phone shows his detachment from communication and technology, reinforcing his feelings of isolation. He also shares a raw moment of loss, with a part of him being “laid on a stretcher” – an image that indicates both physical and emotional injury.

In the chorus, Uzi talks about enduring pain and the growing resilience that comes with age. Despite the hardships he’s faced, he urges himself to stay strong, emphasizing that what he’s witnessing is just temporary. He reflects on how time and experiences shape one’s ability to endure, while memories from his younger years, like a half-empty plastic bottle, remain etched in his mind. The paparazzi mention might suggest that his past, or even his pain, is being captured and turned into something public, adding to his frustration.

[Verse 2]
In this verse, Uzi highlights the need to first address his emotional turmoil before even thinking about his physical well-being. He shares a moment of vulnerability, describing himself falling to his knees, struggling with his emotions. He expresses that he’s hardened over time, wearing “the sky” as a shield, and is no longer affected by superficial matters or petty grudges. The hospital and injury references continue, showing how deeply personal pain has shaped his outlook. He speaks about surviving despite difficult circumstances and how, after real-life challenges, the fear of the hospital or death doesn’t scare him anymore. It’s a testament to his endurance and ability to adapt to the harshness of life.

In the outro, Uzi circles back to the image of the hospital, underscoring the lasting effect it has on him. His mind constantly recalls a moment of youth with a half-filled plastic bottle, which could symbolize both innocence lost and the harshness of growing up. The repetition of the hospital imagery, combined with his hatred for it, reflects a deep emotional scar that continues to haunt him. This part feels like a reminder of his past struggles, showing that despite moving forward, the pain from those moments stays with him.


Q. Who has sung HASTANENİN ÖNÜNDE song?
A. HASTANENİN ÖNÜNDE song is sung by UZI.

Q. Who wrote HASTANENİN ÖNÜNDE lyrics?
A. HASTANENİN ÖNÜNDE lyrics are penned by UZI.

Q. Who has given the music of HASTANENİN ÖNÜNDE song?
A. HASTANENİN ÖNÜNDE music is composed and produced by UZI.

“This concludes the lyrics of HASTANENİN ÖNÜNDE” by UZI. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.