Habebna – حبيبنا Lyrics – Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد

Habebna – حبيبنا Lyrics by Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Habebna – حبيبنا song lyrics are also written by Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Habebna by Ahmed Saad is a catchy, upbeat song that talks about someone deeply infatuated with their lover. The singer describes how his heart races every time he sees this person, who seems to have a special way of making him fall even more in love. The lyrics express the overwhelming emotions, from the joy of being with them to the pain when they’re apart. The repeated refrain of “Habebna” (our love) emphasizes how this person means everything to him, and the song conveys a playful, passionate love that’s both exciting and consuming.

Habebna – حبيبنا Lyrics

حبيبنا حبيبنا حبيبنا يا عيني عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا الله يعينا عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا حبيبنا يا عيني عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا الله يعينا عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا حبيبنا يا عيني عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا الله يعينا عليه

حركاته اللي عملها فيا لو اجيله بيتقل عليا
هوايته يطلع عينيا بعدين يا قلبي معاه
اه يا ويلي من الضحكة ديا
ده ناويلي ومش اي نيه
لو بعد عن العين شويه روحي بتمشي وراه

حبيبنا حبيبنا حبيبنا يا عيني عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا اه والله يعينا عليه

سيدى سيدى على الحلو لما ملا عيني من وسط لمه
دي حياتي انا بقيت مهمه من يوم ما قلبي لقاه
له طريقه بتخطفلى قلبي دي حقيقه ولو يبقى جنبي
بصراحه مابقدرش اخبي حاجه فى كلامي معاه

حبيبنا حبيبنا حبيبنا يا عيني عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا الله يعينا عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا حبيبنا يا عيني عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا الله يعينا عليه

حبيبنا حبيبنا حبيبنا يا عيني عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا الله يعينا عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا حبيبنا يا عيني عليه
حبيبنا حبيبنا الله يعينا عليه

Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد Songs

Habebna – حبيبنا Lyrics Meaning

In the first part of the song, the singer repeats the phrase “Habebna” (our love) multiple times, expressing deep affection for someone special. The repetition highlights how this person means everything to him, and he is almost mesmerized by their presence.

In the next verse, the singer describes the playful and captivating actions of his lover. The lover has a way of teasing and charming him, and he’s completely affected by it. His heart races when they are together, and even when they’re apart, he feels restless, constantly thinking about them.

The following verse talks about the overwhelming emotions this person stirs in him. The singer can’t help but feel that life has become more meaningful since meeting them. The way this person speaks and behaves is so charming that he can’t hide his feelings, completely revealing his heart whenever they talk.

The song ends by again repeating the loving, playful tone, emphasizing how much the person means to him.


Q. Who has sung Habebna – حبيبنا song?
A. Habebna – حبيبنا song is sung by Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد.

Q. Who wrote Habebna – حبيبنا lyrics?
A. Habebna – حبيبنا lyrics are penned by Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد.

Q. Who has given the music of Habebna – حبيبنا song?
A. Habebna – حبيبنا music is composed and produced by Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد.

“This concludes the lyrics of Habebna – حبيبنا” by Ahmed Saad – أحمد سعد. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.