Espelho Lyrics by Teto is a latest Portuguese song in the voice of Teto. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Espelho song lyrics are also written by Teto. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a song about resilience and triumph over adversity. The artist reflects on how people doubted him and told him to give up, but he pushed through, driven by his belief in himself. He talks about facing challenges, staying true to his path, and rising above the negativity and envy around him. Teto celebrates his success, not just for the material wealth, but for the personal growth and respect he’s earned. The song emphasizes staying focused, remembering those who helped him, and staying true to his roots while achieving greatness.
Espelho Lyrics
Yeah, oh
Me disseram p’ra eu parar, que eu não conseguiria chegar
Que aqui não era um bom lugar, que meu sorriso não ia brilhar
Por isso eu coloquei minha alma, fiz o que eu pude p’ra poder virar
Então lava a boca se for criticar, Nordeste não não é o brinca
Muita vivência, só quero flor eu não quero prensa
Eu venci minha dor pela minha crença
Fiz olho gordo me enriquecer, eu fui um guerreiro no meio dessa selva
Se eu fosse eu de espelho, melhor mudar as regras
Por isso eu não vou parar, sua inveja não vai me atrasar
Graças a Deus, eu tenho do, de falha cifrão de falha milhão
Deixei inimigos putos com minha vitória
Eles virão a fama mas não viro a trajetória
Nunca forgei a minha caminhada, subi cada degrau dessa escada
Minha mãe disse que eu não ligo p’a nada
Claro que eu ligo se não não importava
Usando Fendi, Christian Dior, fazendo grana sem vender pó
No meu braço direito minha avó
Minha lembrança, eu não esqueci da senhora
Calma, ooh, huh, tô com os de verdade dentro da van, ooh, huh
Pela manhã dopado de codein com a minha gun
Nunca me esqueço de quem me ajudou, obrigado, meu senhor
Por me tornar quem eu sou, por tirar do caminho a pedra e a dor (B!tch)
Então calma, ooh (Huh) pela manhã dopando (??), ooh (Huh), ooh (Huh)
Se tu vacilar é só tudo do (??)
Fecha a cortina que a bunda dela empina, mergulho nessa piscina
E se o mundo não passar, sempre vou ter dinheiro a fazer
Tô focado sempre em vencer, sua maior riqueza é você
Teto Songs
Espelho Lyrics Meaning
The intro is energetic and sets the tone for the song. It’s just a series of sounds and expressions that help create a vibe, getting listeners pumped up for the rest of the track.
Teto starts by mentioning how people doubted him and told him to give up. They said he couldn’t succeed, that his smile wouldn’t shine in this place, and that his dreams were unrealistic. But instead of listening to them, he decided to pour his heart and soul into his goals. He did whatever it took to change his situation, even when people doubted him. He confidently tells anyone who criticizes him to stay quiet, especially when it comes to people from the Northeast, where he’s from. He points out that his life experiences have been tough but valuable. Teto’s not looking for drama or stress, just peace and success. He overcame his pain with strong belief in himself. He also mentions how he’s grown richer, using his own struggles as motivation, like a warrior fighting in a tough world. He adds that if he had the chance to change anything, he’d make his own rules and wouldn’t let anyone hold him back. Despite the envy and negative energy people throw at him, he refuses to stop his journey. He’s grateful to God for his blessings, thankful for the money he’s earned, and proud that he’s made it without taking shortcuts. He even hints at leaving his enemies upset with his success. Teto says he never cheated his way to the top; he earned every step by working hard. He respects the people who helped him along the way, especially his mother, who taught him not to care about what others say. However, Teto admits that he does care—because if he didn’t, nothing would matter. He talks about his success, wearing expensive brands like Fendi and Christian Dior, but he doesn’t forget where he came from, especially honoring his grandmother with a tattoo. He reflects on his lifestyle, admitting to moments of indulgence but never forgetting who helped him reach where he is. He thanks God for giving him strength and removing obstacles from his path. Finally, Teto emphasizes that he’s always focused on winning, and that his real wealth is the strength to keep going and stay true to himself.
Q. Who has sung Espelho song?
A. Espelho song is sung by Teto.
Q. Who wrote Espelho lyrics?
A. Espelho lyrics are penned by Teto.
Q. Who has given the music of Espelho song?
A. Espelho music is composed and produced by Teto.
“This concludes the lyrics of Espelho” by Teto. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.