Deslocado Lyrics – NAPA PRT

Deslocado Lyrics by NAPA PRT is a latest Portuguese song in the voice of NAPA PRT. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Deslocado song lyrics are also written by NAPA PRT. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song expresses the feeling of longing and disconnection from the city, as the singer reflects on their journey back home. Despite the crowded, busy city and its urban life, it doesn’t feel like home to them. The lyrics highlight the emotional weight of leaving and the deep connection they have to their island, Madeira. The singer’s heart remains tied to the ocean and the peaceful, familiar life there, carrying a sense of solitude and longing for a place where they truly belong.

Deslocado Lyrics

[Verso 1]
Conto os dias para mim com a mala arrumada
Já quase não cabia a saudade acumulada
Do azul vejo o jardim, mesmo por trás da asa
Mãe, olha à janela que eu ‘tou a chegar a casa
Que eu ‘tou a chegar a casa
Que eu ‘tou a chegar a casa
Que eu ‘tou a chegar a casa

Por mais que possa parecer
Eu nunca vou pertencer àquela cidade

O mar de gente, o sol diferente
O monte de betão não me provoca nada
Não me convoca casa

[Verso 2]
Porque eu vim de longe, eu vim do meio do mar
No coração do oceano eu tenho a vida inteira
O meu caminho eu faço a pensar em regressar
À minha casa, ilha, paz, Madeira
Se eu te explicar palavra a palavra
Nunca vais entender a dor que me cala
A solidão que assombra a hora da partida
Carrego o sossego de poder voltar
Mãe, olha à janela que eu ‘tou a chegar

Por mais que possa parecer
Eu nunca vou pertencer àquela cidade
O mar de gente, o sol diferente
O monte de betão não me provoca nada
Não me convo—
O mar de gente, o sol diferente
O monte de betão não me provoca nada
Não me convoca casa

Deslocado Lyrics Meaning

[Verso 1]
In the first verse, the singer talks about counting the days as they prepare to return home, feeling overwhelmed by the accumulated longing for their island. They mention seeing the garden from the airplane window, even though it’s partly blocked by the wing. The repeated phrase “I’m coming home” expresses the deep anticipation and relief they feel as they approach the place that truly feels like home.

In the chorus, the singer explains that, no matter how it might appear to others, they will never truly belong to the city. Despite its busy, crowded streets and the different sun, the urban environment doesn’t stir any emotions in them. The concrete buildings don’t call to them like their true home does.

[Verso 2]
In the second verse, the singer reflects on coming from far away, from the middle of the ocean, and how their life is intertwined with the sea. They feel that their entire life is connected to this oceanic path, always thinking about returning home to Madeira. They express that no one will fully understand the pain and solitude they feel when leaving, and the fear of departure. Yet, there’s a calm knowing they can always return, with a sense of peace in that thought, addressing their mother as they approach home.

The chorus repeats the singer’s deep sense of not belonging in the city. They mention again how the crowds, the different sun, and the overwhelming concrete structures don’t evoke any sense of home or belonging. The city just doesn’t call to them in the same way their island, their true home, does.


Q. Who has sung Deslocado song?
A. Deslocado song is sung by NAPA PRT.

Q. Who wrote Deslocado lyrics?
A. Deslocado lyrics are penned by NAPA PRT.

Q. Who has given the music of Deslocado song?
A. Deslocado music is composed and produced by NAPA PRT.

“This concludes the lyrics of Deslocado” by NAPA PRT. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.