Colorful Days Lyrics – Aぇ group

Colorful Days Lyrics by Aぇ group is a latest Japanese song in the voice of Aぇ group. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Colorful Days song lyrics are also written by Aぇ group. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Colorful Days by Aぇ! group is a feel-good, upbeat song about the joy of love and the excitement of being with someone special. The lyrics paint a bright, sunny picture of a perfect day, symbolizing the happiness that love brings. The singer is eager to meet their special someone, planning the perfect date and even preparing a heartfelt gift. Every moment together feels vibrant and full of life, turning ordinary days into something extraordinary. It’s a sweet, energetic tune about love, devotion, and making every day colorful with that special person.

Colorful Days Lyrics

[“Colorful Days” 歌詞]

天気予報は 久しぶりの快晴
ドアを開ければ 太陽が君みたいだ
会えない時が 絆を強めて
今日という日は まるで極彩色
眩しい笑顔 この目に焼き付けたい
Oh Lady 君のためのダンス
求愛の ステップ踏ませてよ

デートプランならもう 何万通り
Oh Lady エスコートさせて
100% 満足させよう! きっとね
彩られてく 二人のカレンダー
Oh Lady 君がいるから
どんな願いも 叶えて行こう
Oh Lady エスコートさせて

100% 満足させよう! ずっとね
浮足立たせて 会いに行くよ今
Colorful Days

Aぇ group Songs

Colorful Days Lyrics Meaning

The song starts with a bright and cheerful mood, comparing the sunny weather to the warmth of a loved one. The singer is excited to meet their special person, even putting on new sneakers for the occasion. Everyday moments feel fresh and exciting because love makes them special. Being apart only strengthens their bond, making today feel even more colorful.

As the song continues, the singer expresses their enthusiasm for spending time together. They want to plan the perfect date, thinking of endless possibilities. There’s a romantic and playful vibe as they promise to make their loved one happy, stepping into the role of the perfect escort, eager to impress and bring joy.

A heartfelt moment comes when they mention giving a gift for the first time, feeling both nervous and excited. Their shared memories are like a calendar filled with color, and they want to continue creating beautiful moments together. Love has transformed their life, making every second vibrant and meaningful.

Towards the end, the song conveys deep devotion, saying that with their special person, anything feels possible. No matter what challenges come, they believe they can overcome them together. The promise to always make their loved one happy is strong, as they rush to meet them with excitement, ready to create more “colorful days.”


Q. Who has sung Colorful Days song?
A. Colorful Days song is sung by Aぇ group.

Q. Who wrote Colorful Days lyrics?
A. Colorful Days lyrics are penned by Aぇ group.

Q. Who has given the music of Colorful Days song?
A. Colorful Days music is composed and produced by Aぇ group.

“This concludes the lyrics of Colorful Days” by Aぇ group. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.