繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) Lyrics – 星街すいせい Hoshimachi Suisei

繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) Lyrics by 星街すいせい Hoshimachi Suisei is a latest Japanese song in the voice of 星街すいせい Hoshimachi Suisei. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new 繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) song lyrics are also written by 星街すいせい Hoshimachi Suisei. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. 繭と心 (Cocoon and Heart) by Hoshimachi Suisei is an empowering song about breaking free from self-imposed limitations and embracing one’s true voice. The lyrics express a sense of inner struggle, as the singer awakens from the comfort of a false sense of security, symbolized by the cocoon. There’s a yearning to escape the fear of failure and push forward, despite obstacles and pain. The song emphasizes the courage to face uncertainty, challenge despair, and rise above, using one’s voice and passion as a means to transform and find freedom.

繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) Lyrics

[“繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart)” 歌詞]

[Verse 1]
何時の間にだろう あぁ ストップモーション
安住の地 柔い毛布にそう包まれては


傷を作りながら 最前線の空へ

一瞬の先ひたと見据え fly
(No fear of falling)
伝えたい何かを 胸灯して fly
(Fly my voice)
羽ばたいて 飛び越えて全てを


[Verse 2]
逃避した world 痛むとこ無いけど
透明で甘美 腐ってる


Why not, この足何故

さあ 永遠めいてる日々破って
本当の声呼び覚まして dream
(No fear of failing)
ねぇ あと一秒 足掻くように
澄んだ視界の向こう側へ dream
(Fly my dream)
踏み出して飛び込んで ありのまま


Hm, never die feelings, never die in my voice


一瞬の先ひたと見据え fly
(No fear of falling)
土砂降りさえ 舞い上がれ
伝えたい何かを 胸灯して fly
(Fly my voice)
羽ばたいて 飛び越えて全て

Ah, 今日を変えて 鮮明な方へ
Ah, 声でありたい 限界を壊すための
繰り返し飛び込んで 明日へ
挑んで butterfly

繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) Lyrics Meaning

[Verse 1]
The singer reflects on how they unknowingly fell into a state of comfort, like being wrapped in a soft blanket, mistaking it for an ideal place, while closing their eyes to reality.

Despite feeling comfortable, an inner heartbeat won’t quiet down, urging them to run forward, to face challenges without fear, even if it leads to pain.

The singer breaks free from despair, flying toward the future, determined to express their feelings loudly and fearlessly, regardless of the storms they face.

Singing is a vital expression of life, representing strength and identity.

[Verse 2]
The world feels like an escape, without pain but also devoid of true color, where everything becomes numb, and there’s a fear of becoming tainted over time.

Looking at the half moon in the sky, the singer questions why they feel grounded, unable to move freely, even as the moon silently passes through the night.

The singer wants to shatter the eternal cycle and awaken their true voice, embracing any challenge that comes their way, moving toward a clearer and more vibrant future, staying true to themselves.

They feel that it’s easier to numb their emotions and stay still, avoiding any pain, but deep down, they know this would keep them from truly living.

The singer expresses that their feelings and voice will never die, no matter what happens, signifying strength and resilience.

The singer pushes forward, with their heartbeat resonating as they search for a lost future, ready to break free from despair and transform like a butterfly, flying into the unknown.

The singer rises above despair and darkness, pushing through storms with their voice, determined to share what they feel and overcome every obstacle.

The singer wants to change today, embracing pain while breaking their limits, diving into the future with confidence, learning from past mistakes, and soaring forward like a butterfly.


Q. Who has sung 繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) song?
A. 繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) song is sung by 星街すいせい Hoshimachi Suisei.

Q. Who wrote 繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) lyrics?
A. 繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) lyrics are penned by 星街すいせい Hoshimachi Suisei.

Q. Who has given the music of 繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) song?
A. 繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart) music is composed and produced by 星街すいせい Hoshimachi Suisei.

“This concludes the lyrics of 繭と心 (Cocoon And Heart)” by 星街すいせい Hoshimachi Suisei. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.