Apago Tudo Lyrics by b0mbazine is a latest Portuguese song in the voice of bombazine. b0mbazine has created its tune while brand new Apago Tudo song lyrics are written by b0mbazine. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Apago Tudo by B0mbazine is a reflective song about grappling with life’s uncertainties, choices, and the weight of time. The singer looks back on struggles, moments of joy, and missed opportunities, all while trying to make sense of the present. There’s a feeling of being stuck, tempted by change, and yet held back by doubt. They erase everything, hoping for luck to turn, but acknowledge the push-and-pull of modern life and personal promises. Ultimately, it’s a poignant dive into self-discovery and accepting unfinished endings.
Apago Tudo Lyrics
[Verso 1]
Recordei o prazer num mau bocado
E sorri como um recado para encarar o futuro
E se há lugar onde a culpa arrefece
Aqui há quem tropece a mostrar a compostura
Às escuras ninguém perde a razão
E já me custa fazer das tripas canção
Sem armas p’ra cantar agora
Quando o tempo cobra sem deixar que haja um final
Se algum dia fiz a escolha certa
Ainda não a vejo em mim
Gastei a tinta toda p’ra ter lugar à sombra aqui
Apago tudo à espero que a sorte mude
Mas o impasse tão depressa me deixou tentado
A ver tudo ao contrário
São traços da modernidade
Atraso tudo a fazer com que isto dure
Mas não disfarço a promessa de ir a qualquer lado
Ela é que me desfaz a mim
[Verso 2]
Quantas folhas é que aterram no chão?
E tantas outras que se fizeram carvão
P’ra ver o que acontece agora
Quando o tempo cobra sem deixar que haja um final
Cheguei tarde onde a cantiga espera
E fiquei a vê-la ali
A um passo do que importa
Um bom filho a casa torna enfim
Apago tudo à espero que a sorte mude
Mas o impasse tão depressa me deixou tentado
A ver tudo ao contrário
São traços da modernidade
Atraso tudo a fazer com que isto dure
Mas não disfaço a promessa de ir a qualquer lado
Ela é que me disfaz a mim
Fugi p’ra perto do fim
P’ra novos tempos, não prometo ter a cura
E se o desfecho que eu revejo está aqui ao lado
Melhor é acabar assim
Apago Tudo Lyrics Meaning
[Verso 1]
This verse reflects on finding moments of joy even during tough times, serving as a reminder to face the future with courage. It highlights the struggle of maintaining composure in challenging situations where guilt and uncertainty linger. The imagery of darkness suggests confusion, where reason feels elusive, and creativity has become difficult. The lines also express a sense of exhaustion, as time demands resolution but refuses to offer closure.
Here, the singer questions whether they’ve made the right decisions in life, feeling disconnected from their past choices. They’ve poured all their efforts into finding a sense of comfort or belonging, yet it still feels out of reach.
In the chorus, the singer chooses to erase everything and hope for a change of luck. Yet, they’re caught in a limbo, tempted by the idea of seeing life differently. This indecision and delay feel like symptoms of modern life, where promises of moving forward often unravel. Despite their efforts to prolong things or find meaning, they acknowledge being undone by their struggles and circumstances.
[Verso 2]
This verse uses imagery of fallen leaves and ashes to symbolize missed opportunities and efforts lost to time. The singer reflects on the inevitability of time taking its toll without offering resolution. Arriving late to where the “song” waits suggests regret over missed chances, yet they recognize being close to something meaningful, like a returning child finding home.
The repeated chorus emphasizes the singer’s hope for a change in fortune, even as they wrestle with indecision and the modern world’s paradoxes. Their attempts to hold on and push forward are undermined by the same internal and external struggles, leaving them vulnerable and undone.
The outro reveals an acceptance of impermanence and the singer’s escape toward an uncertain end. They don’t claim to have solutions or a clear path but recognize the inevitability of endings, choosing to embrace them rather than fight against the flow of time.
Q. Who has sung Apago Tudo song?
A. Apago Tudo song is sung by bombazine.
Q. Who wrote Apago Tudo lyrics?
A. Apago Tudo lyrics are penned by bombazine.
Q. Who has given the music of Apago Tudo song?
A. Apago Tudo music is composed and produced by bombazine.
“This concludes the lyrics of Apago Tudo” by bombazine. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.