ALV Todos Lyrics – Dharius

ALV Todos Lyrics by Dharius is a latest Spanish song in the voice of Dharius. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Alv Todos song lyrics are also written by Dharius. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. ALV Todos de Dharius es una tiradera llena de agresividad y confianza, donde el rapero deja claro que no tiene miedo de confrontar a sus rivales. Con un estilo crudo y directo, expone la falsedad de otros raperos, señalando su falta de autenticidad y credibilidad en la escena. Habla de lealtad, respeto en el hip-hop mexicano y la calle, dejando en claro que su trayectoria y experiencia lo respaldan. Es un tema lleno de barras afiladas y actitud desafiante, mostrando su dominio en el género y dejando en jaque a sus detractores.

ALV Todos Lyrics

[Letra de “ALV Todos”]

[Verso 1]
En el dedo te dio un calambre, como de costumbre
Ya te habías tardado puños en sacar el cobre
Que se prenda la lumbre, pa’ mí eres puro alarde
Sacarla y no jalarle solo lo hacen los cobardes
Ladre, ládrele, sobrino
Nomás que cuando ladre, recuerde de dónde vino
“Padrino, padrino, enséñeme el camino
Rapeo por sus canciones”, dijiste en el camerino
Pinche meco cristalino, te perdiste en la loquera
Con un verso te elimino, y de paso, a tu clica entera
Y que le salte el que quiera, el que quiera agarrar fama

Porque en una tiradera, al Tirano nadie le gana
Seguro la tuerca mama, comprobado, el cerdo mama
Y el venado ya mamó, pero ni pedo, otra vez mama
Los otros ni los conozco, puro rapero balín
Dele vuelta hasta el consorcio, resultaste chapulín

Si se va a pren-
-der la vela, que se prenda de una vez, man
Les voy a coser la boca con el culo como El ciempiés humano
Lo siento, pero hoy no es tu day, güey
¿Y dónde están
Los que me andaban buscando? Creo que no vendrán
Digan dónde y cuándo y les ahorro la vuelta
Que se arme la revuelta, ya saben que traigo la cadena suelta
Se crecen de más
Pendejos con complejo de superioridad
Como bachas los apago con facilidad
No me duran ni un round, no sé si reír o llorar
Espero me hallen
Y si la sacan, será mejor que no fallen
Porque los códigos que traigo son de calle
De la pura calle, es mejor que se callen o les puede ir muy mal

[Verso 2]

Al final siempre sale a flote la mierda
El barrio no olvida, todo lo recuerda
Hagas lo que hagas, tu carrera ya está muerta
No existe honor en un soldado que deserta
Mejor despierta de tu fantasía pendeja, carnal
Si no, esto va a terminar tras las rejas o en funeral
Tantos años que han pasado y no aceptas que estás mal
Pura actuación, no hay humildad, son los efectos del cristal
Pinche chaval, tú sabes que yo soy tranquilo
Pero cruzaste la línea y hoy te aniquilo
Quesque carga cuchillo, pero ya no traen filo
Compa, no, no, no, no, no, no me dan el kilo
Si todos son mis pupilos, quieren copiarse mi estilo
Se alínean, no los alineo, con este flow los fusilo
Con mi clica los mutilo, en la troca los apilo
Y aunque duermas con tus papis, no estarás tranquilo
Ya no estarás tranquilo
No estarás tranquilo, ya no estarás tranquilo
Muy verguita con el Gera, y cuando me topaste a mí
Te quedaste congelado, parecías un maniquí
Que eres el nuevo pupilo del que me dejó morir
Ojalá que te haga el parón, que le tengas que escribir

Cuando camines por la jungla de concreto
Ponte bien trucha, abre los ojos muy bien
Yo ya he durado 31 años en esto
Y aquí seguimos, compa, pilas y al cien
Desde morrillo pa’ las que sea me la fleto
Y lo doy todo por mi clica también
Sigo prendido, pero no estoy tan pendejo
Dile a tu raza que nomás no culeen
Que nomás no culeen

Ey, el DHA, es El Clan Records
Esto va de parte del consorcio, perros
En freestyle, en freestyle, pa’ que sepan cómo es
El hip-hop mexa es de respeto
El hip-hop mexa es de respeto, cabrones
El DHA, El Clan Records, yo, yo

Esto va a terminar mal, esto va a terminar muy muy mal
Ya te quedaste idiota, el miedo se te nota y no lo puedes ocultar
Esto va a terminar mal, esto va a terminar muy muy mal
Esta es la vida real, y pase lo que pase, en mi casa no van a llorar

Ahí los guacho en sus pesadillas, perro
A ver si se la rifan, que no creo
Aquí andamos, pa’ los que sean

Dharius Songs

ALV Todos Lyrics Meaning

[Verso 1]
In this verse, Dharius calls out a rival who has been taking too long to act, calling them out for being all talk and no action. He emphasizes that pulling out a weapon without using it is a coward’s move. He mocks the rival’s attempt to gain fame through copying others and warns them not to forget their origins. He states that he can easily eliminate them and their group with just a verse. He also points out that some rappers are trying too hard to prove themselves but are weak and easily defeated. Dharius declares himself the true leader, someone who’s untouchable in a rap battle, making it clear that no one can beat him in this game.

The chorus reveals Dharius’ bold and defiant attitude. He challenges anyone who wants to confront him, saying if they want to make noise, they should do it now. He compares his ability to silence his enemies to an intense metaphor, hinting that he can shut them up effortlessly. Dharius then calls out those who once sought him but are now missing when it’s time to face him. He mocks their arrogance, saying he can easily extinguish their confidence like putting out a cigarette. He advises them to be cautious because his street knowledge and reputation are serious, and if they make the wrong move, it could end badly for them.

[Verso 2]
In the second verse, Dharius reflects on how the truth always comes out in the end. He points out that the neighborhood never forgets the wrongdoings of others, and once you lose respect, your career is over. He warns the rival to wake up from their delusions, as continuing down this path will lead to either prison or death. Dharius accuses his opponent of faking their persona and losing their humility due to the destructive influence of drügs. He emphasizes that while he’s usually calm, crossing him has serious consequences, as he can end careers with a single verse. He makes it clear that even though his rival tries to intimidate him, they have no real power and are just copying his style. In the end, Dharius shows no mercy, promising to make them pay for their actions, even reminding them of a time when they froze up in front of him.

Here, Dharius emphasizes his long-standing presence in the rap game, warning anyone who tries to challenge him to be prepared. He’s been doing this for over 30 years and still remains sharp. He makes it clear that he’s not easily fooled or intimidated and that he’s loyal to his crew. Dharius advises others not to back down or act scared if they want to be taken seriously in the streets.

In this short interlude, Dharius makes a statement of singerity, asserting that he represents El Clan Records and the real Mexican hip-hop scene. He emphasizes respect for the genre and positions himself as a leader in the movement. The message is clear: Dharius is at the forefront of the culture, and anyone stepping into this space must show respect.

The repeated chorus again reflects the inevitability of things going wrong for those who oppose Dharius. He senses their fear and recognizes that they can’t hide it anymore. The song takes on a more serious tone as he reminds them that no matter what happens, his family will not cry for him because he’s prepared for whatever comes. Dharius is confident that he’ll come out on top, regardless of how the situation unfolds.

In the outro, Dharius casually states that he’s always watching and ready for any challenge. He doubts the courage of his rivals and suggests they’re all talk. The line hints at his unbothered attitude—he’s ready for whatever comes his way, but he doesn’t believe anyone will actually challenge him.


Q. Who has sung ALV Todos song?
A. ALV Todos song is sung by Dharius.

Q. Who wrote ALV Todos lyrics?
A. ALV Todos lyrics are penned by Dharius.

Q. Who has given the music of ALV Todos song?
A. ALV Todos music is composed and produced by Dharius.

“This concludes the lyrics of ALV Todos” by Dharius. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.