Alan Kojayi Lyrics – Hiphopologist

Alan Kojayi Lyrics by Hiphopologist is a latest Persian song in the voice of Hiphopologist. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Alan Kojayi song lyrics are also written by Hiphopologist. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. *Alan Kojayi* by Hiphopologist is a raw, emotional track about heartbreak, regret, and the struggle of moving on. The lyrics paint a picture of someone feeling lost and abandoned, desperately searching for the person who once meant everything. The repeated question *”Alan kojayi?”* (Where are you now?) highlights the pain of being left alone when they needed support the most. The song dives into themes of betrayal, self-destruction, and dealing with emotional wounds through unhealthy coping mechanisms. It’s a melancholic yet relatable anthem for anyone who’s ever felt broken by love.

Alan Kojayi Lyrics

الان کجایی؟
وقتی نیاز داشتم باهام باشی
گم کردم خودمو
میشه بیای پیدام کنی؟
گفتم نداره فرق ولی نه
تو بگام دادی
بگام دادی
بگام دادی
الان کجایی؟
وقتی نیاز داشتم باهام باشی
گم کردم خودمو

میشه بیای پیدام کنی؟
گفتم نداره فرق ولی نه
تو بگام دادی
بگام دادی
بگام دادی

[قسمت ۱ : سیناتزا]
خیلی دپ بودم کلی چشم رو من
کسی حالمو بپرسه خوبم
زدم آتیشش سوختم
تهش خودمم تو چشام دود رفت
اصلا این چی بود چشامو کور کرد
هرچی میرفتم سمتش شد دورتر
کجایی؟ وایستا
قلبم انقدر تند نرو وایستا
انقدر قول نده وایستا
پاش بودم فاکداپ
مغزم نمی‌کرد کار
نمیدونستم اسمت کارماست
نمیدونستم میمونه باهام
این دردا این زخما تو سلولم
Young Thug لاکدآپ مثل


الان کجایی؟
وقتی نیاز داشتم باهام باشی
گم کردم خودمو
میشه بیای پیدام کنی؟
گفتم نداره فرق ولی نه
تو بگام دادی
بگام دادی
بگام دادی
الان کجایی؟
وقتی نیاز داشتم باهام باشی
گم کردم خودمو
میشه بیای پیدام کنی؟
گفتم نداره فرق ولی نه
تو بگام دادی
بگام دادی
بگام دادی

[قسمت ۲ : هیپهاپولوژیست]
الان کجایی؟
نداری، ندارمت
کصخل شدم تنها راه فراره
وقتی نیومدی سر اون قراره
میرما، ولی میفتم دنبالت
انداختم بالا هرچی قرص تو اتاقه
کم میخوابم بیداریم بگایی
فقط یکی بهم بگه این کجائه؟
بود حرفات دروغ
بیا بردار برو قلبمو
چون میبینم هربار تورو
میندازم بالا میکشم سر آبجو رو
هاB!tch میگن بهم رد دادی بد
میکنن این بچه‌ها Flex روت
دروغ میگفتی معلوم بود از چشات
من که بد بودم پیگیری پس چرا؟
سرت میخوابیدم شبا کم
ولی باز واسه چشمات هلاکم
ببینتم میفهمه هر آدم
برام مهمی بیشتر از موادم
زنگ زدم بابات میگه سفری
پس کی تموم میشه سفرت؟
اگه من نباشم تو بغلت
یه روز کارما میزنه کمرت
نیمه گمشدم نصفم تویی
انقدر نخور اکس الکلی
که دوریمو حس نکنی
یه روز بچه‌ام بودی الان اکسم شدی
الان کجایی؟
اگه بیایم باهات باشم
دیگه نیستم اون آدم
به خودم قول دادم نمونه یادم
(خوابم) برو اصلا نیا دیگه به

الان کجایی؟
وقتی نیاز داشتم باهام باشی
گم کردم خودمو
میشه بیای پیدام کنی؟
گفتم نداره فرق ولی نه
تو بگام دادی
بگام دادی
بگام دادی

Hiphopologist Songs

Alan Kojayi Lyrics Meaning

[هم‌خوان (Chorus) –]
This part of the song is filled with desperation and heartbreak. The singer repeatedly asks where their loved one is, emphasizing how much they needed them during tough times. There’s a strong sense of feeling lost, almost like they’ve lost themselves in the pain. Despite trying to convince themselves that it doesn’t matter, deep down, they know it does. The repetition of the phrase about being let down shows the depth of betrayal and emotional damage they feel.

[قسمت ۱ : سیناتزا (Verse 1: Sinatza) –]
The verse starts with a deep sense of depression and being watched by many, yet pretending everything is fine. The imagery of setting fire and burning symbolizes self-destruction and emotional turmoil. The person they were chasing after kept moving further away, making them feel even more lost. They beg for things to stop—like their fast-beating heart and false promises—but nothing does. The realization that the person’s name might as well be “karma” hints at regret, as if they’re paying for their past mistakes. The verse ends with the pain feeling like it’s locked inside them, comparing it to a prison, much like how Young Thug was locked up.

[هم‌خوان (Chorus) –]
Once again, the chorus brings back the same feelings of longing, regret, and emotional abandonment. The repetition strengthens the feeling of hopelessness, like the singer is stuck in a cycle of pain, still looking for answers and closure.

[قسمت ۲ : هیپهاپولوژیست (Verse 2: Hiphopologist) –]
This verse takes the emotions even deeper, showing how the heartbreak has pushed the singer into self-destructive habits. They feel completely empty, cursing their situation and admitting that running away seems like the only escape. Even though they try to move on, they keep falling back into the past. The mention of taking pills and sleepless nights suggests that they’re struggling to cope. The betrayal stings even more because the person lied, yet they still hold onto memories. Alcohol becomes another way to numb the pain. They reflect on how people around them see them differently now, as if they’ve been ruined by love. There’s frustration in the fact that the other person moved on so easily while they’re still suffering. The line about karma hitting back suggests that one day, the other person will feel the same pain. The verse ends with a mix of realization and bitterness—acknowledging that they were once close, but now they’re just exes. There’s a final attempt to convince themselves that they’ve changed and won’t go back, but the lingering pain suggests otherwise.

[هم‌خوان (Chorus) –]
This time, the chorus feels more like closure. The same words are repeated, but there’s less of a plea and more of an acceptance that things won’t change. It’s as if the singer is finally trying to let go, even though the pain is still there.


Q. Who has sung Alan Kojayi song?
A. Alan Kojayi song is sung by Hiphopologist.

Q. Who wrote Alan Kojayi lyrics?
A. Alan Kojayi lyrics are penned by Hiphopologist.

Q. Who has given the music of Alan Kojayi song?
A. Alan Kojayi music is composed and produced by Hiphopologist.

“This concludes the lyrics of Alan Kojayi” by Hiphopologist. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.