A Solas Con La Botella Lyrics by Christian Nodal is a latest Spanish song in the voice of Christian Nodal. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new A Solas Con La Botella song lyrics are also written by Christian Nodal. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In A Solas Con La Botella, Christian Nodal sings about the emotional struggle of dealing with heartbreak and loneliness. He reflects on the emptiness left by a lost love, wondering who will ever fill the void. While pretending to be fine, he’s actually overwhelmed with pain. He talks to himself while drunk, questioning why he still holds a place for someone who doesn’t care about him. Despite trying to move on, the pain leads him to consider reaching out, but deep down, he knows he would regret it when sober. The song captures feelings of vulnerability, confusion, and inner conflict.
A Solas Con La Botella Lyrics
[Letra de “A Solas Con La Botella”]
¿Quién recorrerá mi piel y de besos llenará
Los vacíos que dejaste? ¿Amarme, quién se atreverá?
Si preguntan, yo estoy bien, pero es por aparentar
La sonrisa que hoy me cargo es de tristeza y soledad
No sé si se lo deje al tiempo
Ya no confío ni en mi sombra
Solo pocos me entenderán
Si hasta la mente me traiciona
Cuando por fin el cora
Se siente cerca de olvidar
Y hablando a solas
Con la botella, he llegado a pensar
Por qué te sigo guardando un lugar
Si estás tan lejos de quererme cerquita
Y hablando a solas
Con la botella, he llegado a pensar
Si pierdo mi orgullo y te voy a buscar
Borracho y lloro
Porque sé bien que sobrio
No me lo voy a perdonar
[Solo de Piano]
No sé si se lo deje al tiempo
Ya no confío ni en mi sombra
Solo pocos me entenderán
Si hasta la mente me traiciona
Cuando por fin el cora
Se siente cerca de olvidar
Y hablando a solas
Con la botella, he llegado a pensar
Por qué te sigo guardando un lugar
Si estás tan lejos de quererme cerquita
Y hablando a solas
Con la botella, he llegado a pensar
Si pierdo mi orgullo y te voy a buscar
Borracho y lloro
Porque sé bien que sobrio
No me lo voy a perdonar
Christian Nodal Songs
- Llórame Un Río (English Translation)
- Llórame Un Río
- Contigo al Cielo (English Translation)
- Contigo al Cielo
- A Solas Con La Botella (English Translation)
A Solas Con La Botella Lyrics Meaning
The singer is reflecting on the emptiness left by someone who was once very important. They wonder who will ever love them the way that person did, and if anyone will be brave enough to fill the emotional gap. Although they say they’re okay to others, inside they’re struggling with loneliness and sadness, hiding their true emotions behind a forced smile.
In this part, the singer is feeling lost and unsure about what to do. They question whether they should let time heal their wounds, but they’re struggling to trust anything, even their own thoughts. They feel like only a few people might understand what they’re going through, as their mind keeps betraying them, and they can almost forget the pain, but it still lingers.
Here, the singer talks to themselves while drinking, trying to make sense of their emotions. They question why they’re still holding on to someone who doesn’t seem to care about them anymore. Despite being emotionally hurt, they consider going after this person, even if it means losing their pride. They cry while drunk because they know that if they were sober, they would regret reaching out and making that emotional mistake.
[Pre-Coro (Repeat)]
The feelings in this pre-chorus are similar to the first one. The singer still doesn’t know whether to let time heal their heart. Their lack of trust in themselves and their emotions makes it even harder to figure out what’s best. Their mind is playing tricks on them, and they feel like they’re on the verge of finally moving on, but it’s still so difficult.
[Coro (Repeat)]
The chorus repeats the internal struggle the singer is going through. They wonder why they keep a place in their heart for someone who doesn’t seem to want them close. In their drunken state, they think about reaching out, but they know deep down that doing so while drunk will only lead to more pain. When they’re sober, they’ll regret losing their pride and putting themselves through the emotional turmoil again.
Q. Who has sung A Solas Con La Botella song?
A. A Solas Con La Botella song is sung by Christian Nodal.
Q. Who wrote A Solas Con La Botella lyrics?
A. A Solas Con La Botella lyrics are penned by Christian Nodal.
Q. Who has given the music of A Solas Con La Botella song?
A. A Solas Con La Botella music is composed and produced by Christian Nodal.
“This concludes the lyrics of A Solas Con La Botella” by Christian Nodal. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.