Zloèin i kazna Lyrics by dvadevet is a latest Croatian song in the voice of dvadevet. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Zloèin I Kazna song lyrics are also written by dvadevet. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song Zloèin i Kazna by Dvadevet captures a tumultuous, intense relationship filled with contradictions and desire. The lyrics describe a chaotic love affair, where the singer is drawn to a woman who is both alluring and dangerous, leading him into a whirlwind of luxury, fast cars, and reckless behavior. There’s a sense of addiction to the highs and lows of the relationship, where passion and consequences collide. Despite the chaos, the singer feels conflicted—he recognizes the destructive pattern but can’t resist the allure of the thrill, seeing himself as both the crime and the punishment in this toxic dynamic.
Zloèin i kazna Lyrics
[Tekst pesme “Zloèin i kazna”]
(Get Low Music)
(Leksa, you killed this again)
[Strofa 1]
Dođi, pokaži mi to telo vreteno
I ne postavljaj granice, dugo nisam preterô
S tobom kao vremeplov, kô da je doba ledeno
Ti me podižeš I spuštaš kao da si NLO
Miriše na Kenzo, mala, ti si jebeno zlo
Slike za Playboy kači, ona gotivi to
Kontraverzno, ponaša se bezobrazno
Kaže neće, al’ bi htela da se provozamo
Da te provozam krajem dok jurim novim Cayennom
A posle hotel, plaža, privatan pogled s bazenom
Idemo negde preko, Sicilija, Palermo
Crno vino u čaši, a tebi je svejedno
U glavi haos, al’ fali mi malo
Sa tobom da odem do neba I nazad
Al’ nisi znao to, nisko si pao
Zbog mene jer s tobom sam zločin I kazna
U glavi haos, al’ fali mi malo
Sa tobom da odem do neba I nazad
Al’ nisam znao to, nisko sam pao
Zbog tebe jer sa mnom si zločin I kazna
U glavi haos, al’ fali mi malo
Sa tobom da odem do neba I nazad
Al’ nisi znao to, nisko si pao
Zbog mene jer s tobom sam zločin I kazna
[Strofa 2]
Ti znaš broj napamet, ja znam tvoje namere
I mora da pada kad ugasim svetla I upalim kamere
Zbog tebe traže me, sa tobom staje sve
Padaju maske, prazne se flaše, troše novčanice
Samo kaži šta bi htela, da te vozim, da te leram
Prekomerna doza svega, belog praha, THC-a
Samo kaži šta bi htela, svaki sekund do WC-a
Ma ne može da nema preko ‘fona crta bela
U glavi haos, al’ fali mi malo
Sa tobom da odem do neba I nazad
Al’ nisi znao to, nisko si pao
Zbog mene jer s tobom sam zločin I kazna
U glavi haos, al’ fali mi malo
Sa tobom da odem do neba I nazad
Al’ nisam znao to, nisko sam pao
Zbog tebe jer sa mnom si zločin I kazna
U glavi haos, al’ fali mi malo
Sa tobom da odem do neba I nazad
Al’ nisi znao to, nisko si pao
Zbog mene jer s tobom sam zločin I kazna
Zloèin i kazna Lyrics Meaning
The intro introduces the song’s vibe with a beat drop and a mention of the artist’s name, setting the tone for the rest of the track.
[Strofa 1]
In this verse, the singer is inviting a woman to be bold and show off her body without any boundaries. He describes a thrilling, almost out-of-this-world experience with her, comparing their connection to a time-traveling journey, where she raises and lowers his emotions like an alien. She’s dressed provocatively, and her controversial behavior excites him. Despite her saying she doesn’t want to, she secretly desires adventure, and he imagines taking her on a luxurious trip to places like Sicily, with all the indulgence and carefree vibes.
The singer’s mind is in chaos, yet he yearns for a little more of the intense connection. He feels like their bond could take him to new heights, but he didn’t realize how deep he was falling. Being with her means experiencing both the thrill and the consequences, like being both the criminal and the punishment.
In the chorus, the singer repeatedly describes the internal chaos he feels from this relationship. Although he is aware that being with her means facing negative outcomes, he still craves the rush she brings. He admits he didn’t realize how deep he had fallen, feeling torn between the highs of the relationship and its inevitable consequences. The relationship is depicted as both a crime and a punishment, a dangerous but addictive cycle.
[Strofa 2]
Here, the singer speaks of how well he knows the woman’s intentions and how their wild behavior often happens in secret, with the lights off and cameras on. There’s a sense of danger in their actions, and the pressure is on as he’s being pursued, likely by the law or someone else. The mask of normality drops, revealing the emptiness of their lifestyle—excessive drinking, spending, and indulgence. He is offering to fulfill her desires, even the dangerous ones, hinting at an environment filled with drügs and reckless behavior.
This pre-chorus echoes the earlier sentiment of internal conflict and craving. The singer again feels chaos in his head and longs for the thrill of the relationship, acknowledging the downward spiral that he didn’t realize he was part of. The relationship is still framed as a dual experience of crime and punishment.
The chorus repeats, emphasizing the ongoing internal conflict and emotional chaos. Despite the singer recognizing that this relationship is destructive and bound to lead to consequences, he continues to feel drawn to it. The idea of “crime and punishment” is reinforced, as he feels both the allure and the fallout of being involved with her. This repetition underlines the addictive and contradictory nature of their connection, showing how trapped they both are in this toxic, but exhilarating, relationship.
Q. Who has sung Zloèin i kazna song?
A. Zloèin i kazna song is sung by dvadevet.
Q. Who wrote Zloèin i kazna lyrics?
A. Zloèin i kazna lyrics are penned by dvadevet.
Q. Who has given the music of Zloèin i kazna song?
A. Zloèin i kazna music is composed and produced by dvadevet.
“This concludes the lyrics of Zloèin i kazna” by dvadevet. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.